Classification: Blog

Blog industry related information

 Some videos of Opera 3

Some videos of Opera

Yesterday, I finally got the Opera USB flash drive sent by Opera Chinese Community. This gift should have been received years ago, but it has been delayed today because of the mistake of express delivery. A few interesting Opera pieces are saved in the USB flash drive
 Before using the software, I want to get... nineteen

Before using the software, I want to get...

The small crowd launched a discussion on October 21: What information do you want to get before you use the software? After statistics, I got the information most needed by users as follows, in order of demand. Want to be useful to the software author (multiple choices, free content for readers): screenshot (preview the software interface
 Several software

Several software

Last time, a small number of people tried to publish a list style article, and generally felt good. This time, continue. Collect the name by the way. X - Naga: Shellex, the online photo album upload and download tool, sent a Firefox extension made by himself, which can make it convenient for you
 Maikr – Blog Companion

Maikr – Blog Companion

S5s5 He once said that he would invite me to dinner, but he never had a chance. The developer of Maikr left a message saying that a new version of Maikr Blogmate had been released. After a try, you can back up my blog in Opera
 Let the blog snow for two days

Let the blog snow for two days

There is no snow in Shenyang so far. One reason is that there is leap July this year, so it is only October in the lunar calendar. It is not cold yet, so it is not strange not to snow. But why is it snowing in my family? Today, I passed the CET-4 exam and felt dizzy. There is no toss template. Let the blog snow for two days, tomorrow
 FlashGet 1.80 beta2 is coming [Update]

FlashGet 1.80 beta2 is coming [Update]

As a firm (good or bad, typo ah) supporter of FlashGet, it is disappointing to use Thunderbolt. After all, speed is always the king in the download world. The 1.80 beta1 update yesterday added the BT file download function, which is said to improve the download speed (to be verified),
 Fried Egg – Digg Selection

Fried Egg – Digg Selection

I like fried eggs. They are either eggs or duck eggs. They are also Digg Digest. Our editors carefully select some raw materials and briefly translate them on Digg every day, sharing the latest and most interesting news with you. Extract the essence from digg, interesting, interesting.
 Ai Shu Blog Backup

Ai Shu Blog Backup

He can back up my WP in html form, and then he can directly browse it locally, and leave a message on the server's blog. I wonder if this is a bug of WP? Note: This version is a beta version, and the official version is likely to be linked for a fee | official | update: IDU
 WordPress Comment Notifier

WordPress Comment Notifier

WordPress Comment Notifier0.1beta The test of the local wordpress message reminder tool is successful, similar to Gmail Notifier, and the effect is good... Although the schematic diagram is not understood, I feel the effect
 Maikr – blog backup tool

Maikr – blog backup tool

Every blog has been working hard for years, regardless of wind and rain, not afraid of lightning and thunder, and has written a lot of logs. However, what if the data is damaged or lost for various reasons? The ancients said, "Be prepared for danger in times of peace. If you think, you will be prepared for danger." It can be seen that how important backup is!
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