Rice and duck grow together and bear fruits

Issued on: 2021-09-06 08:59 Source: Newspaper read: Font size: [ large [ in [ Small I want to correct my mistakes

"Gaga ga... Gaga ga..." On September 3, Dong Zilin, the head of Lin Family Farm in Qinglong Village, Daguan Town, Tongcheng City, checked the growth of rice in the field, and ducks hidden in the rice field found that someone was approaching, and the cries kept rising.

Dong Zilin was born in Longtou Village, Daguan Town, and worked in other places in his early years. In 2014, with deep feelings for his hometown, he returned to his hometown and founded a family farm to grow rice on a large scale. Since 2018, he has innovated planting methods, tried to raise ducks in paddy fields, and focused on creating green ecological agriculture.

Dong Zilin introduced that his family planted rice seedlings in the middle and late May. About a week later, they put duck seedlings into the rice field and let them enjoy themselves in the field and grow together with the seedlings. Because the paddy field does not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, there are more insects and tender grass than ordinary paddy fields. The ducks feed on insects, weed and duckweed in the paddy field, and drink the flowing stream water, which grows fast and has good quality; While ducks eat weeds and pests, they loosen the paddy soil, stimulate rice plants to tiller, produce muddy water and fertilize the field, and rice seedlings grow faster.

By the end of August, the rice will be heading and flowering, and the ducks will be concentrated in the duck shed for feeding. The farm rented the water surface in the mountain village, and ducks ate and splashed on the water surface to spend the fattening period. In November, after the rice harvest, the ducks returned to the fields to feed on snails, insects, grass, etc. "Because of the large amount of exercise, the ducks developed have thin skin, compact meat and high nutritional value." Dong Zilin said, "I mainly sell ducks through dithering, WeChat, and introductions from acquaintances. With quality assurance, buyers basically become repeat customers."

At present, the family farm has a total of 773 mu of farmland in Qinglong, Longtou, Qiling and Jinshan villages, of which 200 mu is organic farmland for rice duck farming. The duck variety is Zongyang medium duck, which is small in size and suitable for activities among rice plants. The meat is delicate and tastes good, while the rice is glutinous and delicious. In the process of planting and breeding, Daguan Agricultural Technology Station provides the farm with full link technical services, guiding it to do a good job in factory seedling breeding, scientific formula fertilization and pest control.

Daohuaxiang talks about the bumper year and listens to the sound of "ducks". Talking about the future, Dong Zilin plans to set up a cooperative, build factories and cold stores, extend the industrial chain, and develop with surrounding farmers to become rich together. (Correspondent Peng Xia)