Significant achievements were made in expanding effective investment and promoting the construction of key projects in the first quarter
Anqing City and Yingjiang District won the provincial investment "horse racing" incentive

Release date: 09:19, June 20, 2024 Source: Newspaper read: Font size: [ large [ in [ Small I want to correct my mistakes

On June 7, the General Office of the Provincial People's Government issued the Notice on the Incentive Regions for the Provincial Investment in "Horse Racing" in the First Quarter of 2024, and 16 counties (districts) including Anqing City and Yingjiang District were notified of incentives.

The provincial investment "horse racing" incentive mechanism mainly focuses on the expansion of investment scale, optimization of investment structure and implementation of key projects for comprehensive evaluation. In addition to focusing on the growth rate of fixed asset investment, more emphasis is placed on the evaluation of optimization indicators such as the growth rate of manufacturing investment, private investment and high-tech industry investment. At the same time, additional points can be given to individual manufacturing investment projects with a total planned investment of more than 1 billion yuan that are newly started in the current quarter and put into storage in Nato. According to the comprehensive evaluation, 5 cities including Anqing, Hefei, Chizhou, Suzhou and Fuyang, and 16 counties (districts) including Feixi County, Duji District of Huaibei City, Mengcheng County and Yingjiang District of Anqing City were encouraged by the provincial government to invest in "horse racing".

In the first quarter, the investment in fixed assets in Anqing grew strongly, and the growth in key areas was obvious. The fixed asset investment of the whole city increased by 11.9%, 5.6 percentage points higher than that of the whole province, ranking fourth in the whole province. Manufacturing investment grew by 72.3%, industrial investment by 56.3%, technological transformation investment by 47.6%, and private investment by 12.8%, all of which ranked first in the province. The investment in 950 projects with a total value of 50 million yuan or more in the city increased by 26.9%. Fully implement the project commencement mobilization system and the "5+1+N" project promotion mechanism, organize 33 projects with a total investment of 24.55 billion yuan to participate in the province's first quarter major project commencement mobilization meeting, and mobilize 30 projects to start, with an operation rate of 91%. 149 investment promotion projects were included in the "5+1+N" project management platform, including 18 projects with a total investment of 41.64 billion yuan.

In the first quarter, the investment in fixed assets in Yingjiang District increased by 21.6%, ranking the first in the city. Five of the first batch of projects were started in a centralized manner, with an investment of 400 million yuan. The operating rate was the second in the city, and the rate of acceptance was the third in the city. Three special bond projects are planned and two special bond projects are planned to be issued, with a total investment of 1.245 billion yuan.

The Incentive Mechanism for Investment in "Horse Racing" in Anhui Province (Revised in 2024) specifies that the investment in "horse racing" will be included in the comments on the quarterly work meetings of cities under the jurisdiction of the province and the performance assessment of the provincial government's management by objectives. The encouraged cities and counties (cities and districts) will be rewarded with 300 mu and 150 mu of construction land respectively, and priority will be given to issuing special bonds of local governments. (All media reporter Yu Yongsheng)