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name Say: Text interpretation: Construction Plan of Anqing Modern Circulation Strategic Pivot City

Text interpretation: Construction Plan of Anqing Modern Circulation Strategic Pivot City

Published on: 2024-06-24 10:26 Source: Anqing Development and Reform Commission Editor in charge: Anqing Information Disclosure

1、 Preparation background

In 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration of Market Supervision, will issue the Notice on the Layout and Construction of Modern Circulation Strategic Pivot Cities. 102 cities will be selected nationwide to be included in the layout and construction of modern circulation strategic pivot cities. Anqing, as one of the four cities in the province, will be selected successfully.

2、 Significance of formulation

Building a circulation pivot city is conducive to promoting the integrated development of business flow, logistics, information flow and capital flow from the height of "big circulation", promoting the close connection between production and consumption, and accelerating the formation of a modern circulation network with smooth internal and external links.

3、 Drafting process

According to the Key Points for the Preparation of Modern Circulation Strategic Pivot City Construction Plan, our Committee, together with the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of Transport, the Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Municipal Bureau of Local Finance and other departments, drafted and prepared the Construction Plan of Anqing Modern Circulation Strategic Pivot City (first draft).

In February, Anqing Modern Circulation Strategic Fulcrum City Construction Plan (first draft) solicited opinions and suggestions from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Municipal Bureau of Transport, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other departments, and further refined the implementation path and quantified stage goals and tasks.

5. Passed the fair competition review and legality review.

6 Approved by the executive meeting of the municipal government.

4、 Construction objectives

Based on the needs of the country and the strengths of the city, serve the construction of backbone circulation corridors, modern circulation networks and modern circulation systems from point to area. Serve the needs of national development in an all-round way, expand the radiating and driving functions in an all-round way, consolidate the foundation of circulation development in an all-round way, comprehensively promote the construction of modern circulation system hardware and software, accelerate the development of modern commercial circulation system and modern logistics system, strengthen the support of transportation, finance and information, and improve the innovation creativity and core competitiveness of circulation enterprises.

5、 Main contents

The Plan for the Construction of the Strategic Pivot City of Anqing's Modern Circulation focuses on optimizing the circulation environment of commodities and resource elements, strengthening the construction of modern commercial circulation system, accelerating the development of modern logistics system, improving the carrying capacity of transportation, expanding the circulation function of modern financial services Strengthening the construction of credit system in the circulation field and other aspects have made a comprehensive plan to build a modern circulation system in our city.

(1) Overall goal of circulation fulcrum city construction. Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, comprehensively promote the construction of modern circulation system hardware and software, improve circulation network facilities, foster new circulation formats and models, and improve system specifications, standard systems and supporting policies, Cultivate and strengthen modern circulation enterprises with strong domestic competitiveness, speed up the construction of an important node of the domestic circulation and an important link of the domestic and international double circulation, and build Anqing City into a modern circulation fulcrum of agricultural products and means of agriculture in the region connecting the east and west, and connecting the north and south. By 2035, the level of circulation modernization will continue to improve, the modern circulation network will continue to improve, the modern circulation market will continue to grow, the competitiveness of enterprises will be significantly enhanced, and a modern circulation system will be built that is compatible with Anqing's urban space system and industrial layout, and coordinated with urban and rural development and ecological environment.

(2) Support the construction of backbone circulation corridors. Taking the momentum of serving the Party Central Committee's plan to accelerate the formation of a new development pattern of "taking domestic circulation as the main body and promoting domestic and international double circulation", serving the country's major strategies such as promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, jointly building the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and accelerating the rise of the central region, and in accordance with the overall requirements of the construction of a modern circulation strategic fulcrum city, We will accelerate the construction of Anqing as a strategic fulcrum city for modern circulation of agricultural products and agricultural means of production, and build a high-quality regional circulation center connecting the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta, a circulation center in Anhui Hubei Jiangxi region, and a grain circulation center in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

(3) "One market, two systems and three supports" modern circulation development framework. 1 Market: the national unified market; Two systems: commercial circulation system and modern logistics system; Three supports: transportation, financial services and social credit. It is divided into six chapters, which respectively describe the development goals and implementation paths.

Optimize the circulation environment of commodities and resource elements, improve the level of commercial services in the circulation field, and comprehensively optimize the business environment in the circulation field. Strengthen the communication and cooperation among the government, industry associations and enterprises, improve the standard awareness of enterprises and consumers, and promote the standardized development of the market.

Strengthen the construction of modern commercial circulation system and build a modern commercial circulation network with higher efficiency, lower cost and better layout. Accelerate the implementation from six aspects: building a regional consumption center city, unblocking the circulation channels of agricultural products, improving the multi-level trade network, promoting the transformation and upgrading of trade circulation business, vigorously cultivating modern circulation enterprises, and carrying out the pilot project of integration of domestic and foreign trade.

Accelerate the development of modern logistics system, build a high-quality port based national logistics hub, a demonstration city of China's express delivery, and a core hub of grain logistics, and basically build a convenient and efficient modern logistics system that serves both domestic and international circulation. Accelerate implementation from four aspects: building modern logistics infrastructure network, improving cold chain logistics capability, promoting green logistics, and building emergency logistics system.

Improve the carrying capacity of transportation circulation, build a safe, convenient, efficient, green and economic modern comprehensive transportation system, and realize the "one hour" urban transportation circle, the "two hour" provincial transportation circle, and the "three hour" national major urban transportation circle. Accelerate the implementation from three aspects: deepening the reform of the transportation system, improving the comprehensive transportation infrastructure network, and promoting the green and intelligent development of transportation.

Expand the circulation function of modern financial services and implement the coordinated development project of industrial finance. Innovate financial products and service models, and optimize the financial ecological environment. Accelerate implementation from four aspects: improving financial services in the circulation field, further improving the quality and efficiency of banks' foreign exchange derivatives services, guiding financial institutions to carry out financing services across the line relying on the platform, and guiding insurance institutions to improve circulation insurance services.

Strengthen the construction of the credit system in the circulation field, give play to the demonstration and leading effect of the national social credit system construction demonstration city, and basically build a social credit system with Anqing characteristics and covering all aspects of the economy and society. Accelerate the implementation from three aspects: establishing and improving the credit commitment system of local circulation enterprises, establishing and improving the credit grading and classification supervision system of circulation enterprises, and building the traceability system of important products.

6、 Policy advice

Trade Service Department of Municipal Development and Reform Commission: Wang Huijun, 0556-5510171.