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shut key Words: Date of issue: 2024-05-24 16:07
name Say: [Special session] Mayor Zhang Junyi chaired a special session of the municipal government to study the revitalization and utilization of state-owned assets

[Special session] Mayor Zhang Junyi chaired a special session of the municipal government to study the revitalization and utilization of state-owned assets

Published at 16:07, May 24, 2024 Source: Anqing Municipal People's Government Editor in charge: Anqing Information Disclosure

On the morning of May 23, Mayor Zhang Junyi chaired a special meeting of the municipal government to study the revitalization and utilization of state-owned assets. Vice mayors Lv Dong, Zhou Jianchun, Tang Houming, and Secretary General of the Municipal Government Liu Wenjun attended.

Zhang Junyi listened to the relevant work report in detail and gave full affirmation. He pointed out that as an old industrial city, Anqing has formed a large number of stock assets in history, which once provided important support and guarantee for economic and social development. However, with the accelerated pace of high-quality development, the problem of inefficient use of some stock assets has become increasingly prominent. Actively revitalizing the stock assets is not only a specific measure to implement the national and provincial decisions and deployment, but also an inevitable move for the high-quality development of Anqing's economy and society. All units around the country must understand the situation, grasp the trend, further enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility on the basis of consolidating the previous work results, and accelerate the revitalization and utilization of state-owned assets and resources. It is necessary to fully understand the resources of state-owned assets, focus on sorting out the infrastructure project assets with large stock scale, good current income or large growth potential, and form project lists and work lists; We should take precise measures, accelerate the formulation of revitalization plans, and strive to achieve "full revitalization" from "realizable" to "realizable" from point to area; We should strengthen our responsibilities, establish a sound working mechanism, actively strive for policy oriented development financial support, work together, comply with laws and regulations, and promote the disposal work with high quality and efficiency, and strive to realize resource realization, asset appreciation, and capital fission.