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Copy your title and description, click the detection button, and if there is a matching infringement word, it will be marked in red font.
Currently supported languages: English, German

For technical reasons and infringement lexicon reasons, some short keywords will be included in some long keywords. If these words are detected, it does not mean infringement. When these words appear separately instead of being included in a word, the risk of infringement is relatively high. It is recommended to check.

If Chinese is mixed with other languages, it is recommended to add spaces before and after the words of the language used

Of course, it is not detected, which does not mean that there is no infringement. This tool is for reference only.

If you have any questions and suggestions, or want to get more information, please Scan the left QR code for grouping , communicate with more high-quality sellers.

Text information

1. For technical reasons and infringement lexicon reasons, some short keywords will be included in some long keywords. If these words are detected, it does not mean infringement. When these words appear separately instead of being included in a word, the risk of infringement is relatively high. It is recommended to check.

2. If Chinese is mixed with other languages, it is recommended to add spaces before and after the words of the language used

3. Of course, it is not detected, which does not mean that there is no infringement. This tool is for reference only

4. If you have any questions and suggestions, or want to get more updates and information, please scan the QR code on the left to group and communicate with more high-quality sellers.

Copy your title and description, click the detection button, and if there is a matching infringement word, it will be marked in red font
Currently supported languages: English, German
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