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Solution to this round of US trademark sanctions

Step 1: First, check whether your trademark appears in the sanctions file. If it appears, refer to the following steps.

Step 2: If your trademark has been successfully registered and obtained the "R" mark, according to experience, it is likely that the trademark will not be revoked in the short term, but it may face difficulties in the oath phase of the fifth to sixth years. If the trademark involved in the case is very important to your store, it is recommended that you re apply for the trademark of the same name with a reliable trademark agency service provider, use the same applicant and the same category, strictly screen product items, and only deal with trademark related items. At the same time, provide true evidence of use. This will ensure that you are 100% successful in registering new trademarks. After the registration is successful, the original trademark registration shall be re filed, and the original trademark registration shall be canceled in due time, and the trademark shall be replaced in parallel. If the trademark involved is not important to you, you can give it up directly and consider creating a new brand.

Step 3: According to the application status of the trademark, there are two situations: one is that the trademark has passed the examination and is in the period of announcement (or has been withdrawn after the announcement). For this situation, you can directly refer to the suggestions in the second step. Another situation is that the trademark is currently waiting for review. Since it has not yet been reviewed, even if the trademark will not explode, 100% successful registration cannot be guaranteed. In this case, the reapplication of a trademark may not be successful, because there may be problems such as similar trademarks or lack of distinctiveness of trademark names.

in summary, The most important thing is to consider the importance of trademarks to you. If the trademark is important and is currently in the period of announcement (preliminary review), we will not hesitate to reapply for the trademark of the same name, and ensure that we can obtain 100% of the registration certificate. On the contrary, the trademark shall be abandoned, and rights shall be protected or new brands shall be launched as required.

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