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US electronic cigarette enterprises file a 337 investigation application to the US International Trade Commission
2024-06-14 10:09
one hundred
Hanes Brands sold its famous fashion brand Champion for US $1.2 billion
2024-06-12 14:07
one hundred and ninety-nine
Shein's revenue in 23 years was 32.2 billion US dollars
2024-06-12 13:35
two hundred and thirty-nine
EBay launched the official website of eBay, a multi site publishing tool
2024-06-12 11:26
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Shopee Live became the preferred live broadcast platform for 82% of Indonesian sellers
2024-06-12 11:03
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German eyewear giant Fielmann acquires Shopko Optical
2024-06-12 10:03
one hundred and forty-two
Shein and Temu's purchase tax in South Africa will be significantly increased
2024-06-12 09:36
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EMAG's revenue exceeded 2 billion euros in FY24
2024-06-12 09:30
one hundred and fifty-six
DHL invested 57.5 million dollars to build a new distribution center
2024-06-12 09:27
one hundred and eighty-five
Maersk began to collect additional fees in June
2024-06-12 09:27
one hundred and forty-four
Amazon India Station Launches Creator Plan
2024-06-12 09:20
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72% of German consumers prefer to collect product information from retailers' websites
2024-06-12 09:14
one hundred and ninety
Electric bicycle brand Fly E-Bike officially launched
2024-06-12 09:10
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45% Polish online consumers shop through social media platform
2024-06-12 09:00
one hundred and forty-seven
CPSC urgently recalled more than 100000 pet care products
2024-06-11 11:43
two hundred and nine
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