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NEW Amazon News

 Massive keywords are on the home page, breaking through the proportion of natural orders and stabilizing profit growth
Massive keywords are on the home page, breaking through the proportion of natural orders and stabilizing profit growth
Amazon is different now. As the platform gradually moves towards compliance development, the platform dividend period is disappearing. The cost of obtaining traffic in the station is getting higher and higher, and the competition for advertising is becoming fiercer. Some big sellers are throwing away advertising expenses regardless of profits, which directly leads to the rise of advertising expenses in the station CPC. The traffic and click cost of the entire advertising pool have risen several times compared with the previous ones. According to the Amazon Advertising Report 2023 released by Jungle Scout, Amazon's advertising revenue in 2022 will be up to 37.7 billion dollars, second only to Google and Meta, with an increase of nearly 10 times in five years. In the third quarter of this year
 Massive keywords are on the home page, breaking through the proportion of natural orders and stabilizing profit growth
Cross border E-commerce Excellence School
 Amazon's new round of number scanning! A large number of European local accounts were suddenly reviewed
Amazon's new round of number scanning! A large number of European local accounts were suddenly reviewed
As the year approaches, Amazon is scanning more and more, and new accounts and local accounts have become the platform sniper points. Recently, some sellers reported to Xiaoma that since the middle of January, they have received fraud video verification emails from multiple American accounts. At the same time, the platform will also disable relevant accounts on January 27. It is reported that the local accounts of the European station will be more thoroughly scanned, and some insiders have learned that the platform will carry out large-scale raids on European local stores of non EU legal persons in Q1 and Q2 of 2024. Now, the sales of local stores in Europe with sellers have just exceeded 100W euros and are subject to tax review,
 Amazon's new round of number scanning! A large number of European local accounts were suddenly reviewed
PostPony Postman Pony
 Amazon officially launched multi-channel distribution function; The US technology industry announced 23670 layoffs in January | Chuhai Daily
Amazon officially launched multi-channel distribution function; The US technology industry announced 23670 layoffs in January | Chuhai Daily
Sorting out | Lee1 Global Company reported that Reddit had its IPO in March at the earliest, and its target valuation might exceed $5 billion. It was reported that Reddit, an online social networking platform in the United States, might have its initial public offering (IPO) in March at the earliest, and potential investors encouraged the company to set its valuation at more than $5 billion in the upcoming IPO. The current private equity market valuation of Reddit is estimated to be less than $5 billion, but at the end of 2021, when the company began to prepare for IPO for the first time, people hoped that it could reach $15 billion. H&M plans to close a quarter in Spain
 Amazon officially launched multi-channel distribution function; The US technology industry announced 23670 layoffs in January | Chuhai Daily
 Reasonably arrange your Amazon store delivery for the New Year
Reasonably arrange your Amazon store delivery for the New Year
The upcoming Chinese New Year has brought happy family reunions, but for Amazon's sellers and operators, it is vital to minimize the disruption to stores. The "Amazon Store Monitoring Alert" can help you track the operation status of the store in real time. In this article, we will explore three ways to cope with the holiday season and share expert advice for Amazon sellers. Amazon seller's Spring Festival guide 1. Unconstrained rest option 1: temporarily close the store If you plan to take a holiday during the Lunar New Year, please set the status to "Inactive" in the "Holiday Settings" on the seller's dashboard to shelve all self delivered products. yield
 Reasonably arrange your Amazon store delivery for the New Year
Laiyi visual marketing
 One week briefing | National cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse on-site meeting held
One week briefing | National cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse on-site meeting held
01 The national cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse on-site meeting was held on January 26, and the cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse on-site meeting was held in Shenzhen a few days ago. Wang Shouwen, the international trade negotiator and vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting summarized the development of cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouses in 2023, analyzed the current challenges and existing problems, and studied and deployed the next step. The meeting pointed out that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of new foreign trade formats such as overseas warehouses. In 2023, cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouses will continue to develop, playing a positive role in promoting balanced trade development, promoting facility connectivity and smooth trade. At present, China
 One week briefing | National cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse on-site meeting held
Ningbo Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone
 How Amazon sellers use brand customization promotion to improve conversion rate
How Amazon sellers use brand customization promotion to improve conversion rate
Among Amazon's many functions, brand customization promotion may be ignored by many sellers. However, this function has a significant effect on improving the conversion rate. This article will deeply discuss the principle, setting steps and precautions of brand customization promotion, so as to help sellers better use this tool to improve their business. 1、 Brand Tailored Promotion (BTP) is a function specially designed for brand sellers. By providing customized discounts and concessions for purchased products and potential Amazon buyers, this function can
 How Amazon sellers use brand customization promotion to improve conversion rate
Cross border business news
 Amazon UK Station launched "UPS SCS – AVASK" logistics service; Britain plans to ban electronic cigarettes
Amazon UK Station launched "UPS SCS – AVASK" logistics service; Britain plans to ban electronic cigarettes
Amazon UK Station launched "UPS SCS – AVASK" logistics service Amazon UK Station announced that it has launched a new cross-border transportation solution "UPS SCS – AVASK" for sellers. Amazon said in its announcement that now, in addition to the cross-border solution for small parcels, sellers can also use the "UPS SCS – AVASK" cross-border transportation solution, which allows sellers to send more inventory in a single shipment, thus reducing transportation costs. According to Amazon, Amazon customs clearance and transportation services (formerly known as Amazon small package cross-border solution) are transported by Amazon
 Amazon UK Station launched "UPS SCS – AVASK" logistics service; Britain plans to ban electronic cigarettes
Flying Bird International
 How Amazon sellers can easily deal with common infringement problems!
How Amazon sellers can easily deal with common infringement problems!
The end of the year is approaching. In order to have a good new year, the seller friends must check whether the store touches the red line again! Among them, infringement is an untouchable red line of Amazon platform. Once touched, stores, pages, inventory, account balance and other assets will suffer losses. There are several common types of infringement on Amazon. What should sellers do if they encounter them? How can sellers avoid these risks? The common types of infringement on Amazon's platform are: 1. Trademark infringement: refers to the unauthorized use of others' registered trademarks, which belong to trademark infringement. 2. Copyright infringement: usually refers to the infringement of the author's copyright, including the sale of unauthorized
 How Amazon sellers can easily deal with common infringement problems!
Meiou cross-border information
 Introduction to brand flagship store! This article makes it easy for you to master the usage of brand flagship store!
Introduction to brand flagship store! This article makes it easy for you to master the usage of brand flagship store!
If you don't add a star mark, remember to set Singularity [as a star mark] Oh, wonderful! My goods are of good quality and reasonable price, but why is there no popularity on Amazon, and the sales volume is poor? My brand has a unique story and value. How should I show it on Amazon so that consumers can understand and recognize my brand? There are many kinds and series of my goods, but there is no suitable classification method on Amazon, which leads to consumers can not find the goods they want. Is there any way? These problems may be solved by the brand flagship store!!! What is a brand flagship store? Who can open the brand
 Introduction to brand flagship store! This article makes it easy for you to master the usage of brand flagship store!
Singularity going to sea
Another new rule of Amazon listing appears! Seller: I'm not afraid
Produced by: Home of Sellers Author/Editor: Bysand Amazon has become increasingly competitive. Recently, Amazon issued a new announcement that multiple pictures of the same product will be displayed on the product page, and sellers have been talking about it for a while. 01 The same product intensifies competition Amazon said that since January 31, the product details page may display pictures of the same product from multiple sellers to help customers make a wise purchase decision. Each product detail page should contain at least three necessary images: one showing the product on a white background, one showing the product in the environment, and one with size and size
Seller's home
Temu launched "semi trusteeship"; Meta's market value returned to trillion yuan; CEO of Lazada and Acting CEO of Daraz | Cross border E-commerce Weekly
Sorting out | Wang Haoran, these things happened in the cross-border e-commerce field in the past week: # Platform Trends # [Amazon] 1 Amazon released 49 groups of listing error code comparison table. To help sellers better solve the error reporting problems encountered in the listing operation, Amazon released 49 groups of listing common error code comparison table, which will "error code - error reason - solution" One by one correspondence helps sellers to conduct self inspection quickly and solve problems efficiently. 2 Amazon multi-channel distribution function can be launched to manage omni channel supply through one inventory pool
Export E-commerce
Amazon orders plummet! TikTok is the seller's lifeline?
The bell of the Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer. In addition to looking forward to a better future, we also need to make a strategic plan for cross-border e-commerce in the new year. Policy research, product development, advertising strategy Everything is a top priority. Equally important is our sellers' choice of overseas e-commerce platforms. In this era, Amazon is not the only choice for sellers. Temu、 As mentioned in our previous articles, the TikTok Shop in the US has also set off an upsurge. Would you choose to join the semi hosting platform like AliExpress? Note: Want to get《
Talking about cross-border affairs
two hundred and fifty-nine two hundred and sixty two hundred and sixty-one two hundred and sixty-two two hundred and sixty-three
three hundred and thirty-seven
news flash
Flipkart users spend more than 2 million hours on video shopping
2024-06-28 15:28
Shopee will strengthen the sales of Korean goods to expand its influence
2024-06-28 15:28
Dutch consumers are keen to buy Chinese goods, and their consumption in the first quarter reached 102 million euros
2024-06-28 15:27
Effective from July 5, Thailand will levy 7% VAT on low price imports
2024-06-28 15:26
Amazon again faces class action lawsuit, with more than 200000 British sellers claiming US $3.4 billion
2024-06-28 15:26
Suspected of data security issues, a US state sued Temu
2024-06-27 11:23
one hundred and sixty
It is prohibited to have more than one store in one company, and Lazada announced a major adjustment
2024-06-27 11:23
one hundred and seventeen
FedEx's Q4 revenue in FY24 was $22.1 billion
2024-06-27 11:22
Chewy and Amazon are expected to occupy 70% of the US pet market
2024-06-27 11:21
one hundred and thirty-one
Shopify expands multiple AI functions to help businesses improve sales
2024-06-26 16:45
one hundred and fifty-three
Target will launch a large-scale promotion in July
2024-06-26 16:43
one hundred and fifty-eight
Amazon develops AI chat robot Metis
2024-06-26 16:43
one hundred and sixty-three
TikTok Shop Launches the SOA Together Program
2024-06-26 16:43
one hundred and fifty-two
Ozon Global imposes sales restrictions on three categories including electronic products
2024-06-26 16:41
one hundred and thirty-two
Wal Mart will hold the largest promotion of Walmart Deals in July
2024-06-25 11:41
three hundred and five
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