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NEW Amazon News

 TikTok USA Station has 2000 "open earphones" with sunrise, and earphones may become the hottest dark horse in the digital track | Dida Dog
TikTok USA Station has 2000 "open earphones" with sunrise, and earphones may become the hottest dark horse in the digital track | Dida Dog
After the epidemic, people's attention to health has gradually increased. The change of lifestyle has made the use of earphones more diversified, which has also made open earphones more and more popular in recent years. Data shows that the sales of open headphones have increased by more than 90% year on year since 2023. At present, among the top ten open earphone brands ranked by Amazon in the United States, domestic brands occupy seven seats, accounting for 53% of the overall market share. In addition, the market concentration of TOP 10 brands has gradually increased to about 70% in the past 12 months, and the influence of domestic earphones on the US market cannot be underestimated. 01TikTok Sho
 TikTok USA Station has 2000 "open earphones" with sunrise, and earphones may become the hottest dark horse in the digital track | Dida Dog
Tick dog data
 Attention should also be paid to the details of "two-step verification"
Attention should also be paid to the details of "two-step verification"
Previously, there was an article stating that Make in China must be posted when delivering products. As for the "Made in China" label, it is mainly about the identification of the origin of the product. According to the regulations of the U.S. FTC, if the product is made in China, it is necessary to clearly mark "Made in China" on the product when entering the U.S. market for sales. This is mainly to let consumers know the origin of the product, so that they can make a decision whether to buy or not. Without this tag, you may be punished. In addition to the label "Made in China", there is also a
 Attention should also be paid to the details of "two-step verification"
Brother Bisheng's three plank axe
 Free your hands and improve efficiency - comment analysis and sales data analysis help Amazon sellers succeed
Free your hands and improve efficiency - comment analysis and sales data analysis help Amazon sellers succeed
As an Amazon seller, do you often have a headache about how to efficiently analyze reviews and sales data? Manual analysis is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also prone to errors, which makes it impossible to fully and accurately understand market dynamics and customer needs. Fortunately, the comment analysis and sales data analysis functions of the seller wizard plug-in can help you easily solve these problems. Compared with the well-known Jungle Scout plug-in in the market, the seller wizard is particularly prominent in these two aspects. The disadvantages of manual analysis are time-consuming and labor-intensive: manual analysis requires a lot of time and energy, especially when you have multiple products and a large number of comments
 Free your hands and improve efficiency - comment analysis and sales data analysis help Amazon sellers succeed
Cross border video cici
 Prime Day, July 16! Seller: forced to accompany
Prime Day, July 16! Seller: forced to accompany
Another Charity Membership Day? Seller: Lose money and earn money
 Prime Day, July 16! Seller: forced to accompany
AMZ123 cross-border e-commerce
 What are the mainstream e-commerce platforms in India?
What are the mainstream e-commerce platforms in India?
As a country with a large population, India's e-commerce market has shown explosive growth in recent years. In India, there are several local e-commerce platforms and international e-commerce giants. Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal and Paytm Mall together constitute the rich diversity of India's e-commerce market.
 What are the mainstream e-commerce platforms in India?
Cross border science popularization talents
 The idea of sellers' dry goods to write product descriptions that attract buyers!
The idea of sellers' dry goods to write product descriptions that attract buyers!
For Amazon sellers, product descriptions are crucial in improving sales. The elaborately written product description can let buyers imagine the wonderful experience after owning the product. Today, we will explain to sellers how to edit product descriptions to attract buyers' attention! Content of product description The product description shall include basic information, product parameters, product characteristics, function introduction, etc. Basic information includes: product name, brand, model, introduction, etc; Product parameters include: weight, size, material, voltage, color, etc; Product features include: whether wireless, whether external speakers can be connected, whether external devices can be connected, etc; Function description includes
 The idea of sellers' dry goods to write product descriptions that attract buyers!
Promotion outside the call sheet cat station
 What are the mainstream e-commerce platforms in Canada?
What are the mainstream e-commerce platforms in Canada?
The Canadian e-commerce market is prosperous and diverse, and the local and international platforms dance together. This article will introduce Canada's 4-5 mainstream e-commerce platforms and their websites to help you gain insight into business opportunities and broaden your vision of the international market.
 What are the mainstream e-commerce platforms in Canada?
Cross border celebrities
 PrimeDay member day has been booked, and these risks need you to investigate~
PrimeDay member day has been booked, and these risks need you to investigate~
Amazon announced today that the 10th Amazon Prime Member Day will be held globally from July 16 to 17. This Prime Membership Day will cover Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and the United Kingdom. India's Prime Membership Day will be held later this summer 1 - Member exclusive discount report 1. Coupon setting suggestions - seller platform> Advertising&g
 PrimeDay member day has been booked, and these risks need you to investigate~
Outside Snowball Station
 What are the common e-commerce platforms in Egypt?
What are the common e-commerce platforms in Egypt?
The e-commerce market in Egypt has experienced significant growth in recent years, thanks to the improvement of Internet penetration and the change of consumers' shopping habits. Egyptian consumers often use Amazon, Jumia and Talabat to shop online and enjoy the shopping experience of not going out
 What are the common e-commerce platforms in Egypt?
Cross border science popularization talents
How can clothing sellers break the TRO curse and make their business even better!
The friends who make clothes are most afraid of meeting tro. Today there is another hidden copyright case! The plaintiff Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. once initiated rights protection in March this year: 24-CV-02536 (click on the blue word to review the case). At present, the case is in the TRO stage. The plaintiff filed a motion to extend the TRO to the court on June 24, and it is expected that there will be new progress within a week. Case information: Prosecution time: June 13, 2024 Case No.: 24-cv-04935 Agency: Sidley Austin Plaintiff: Roadget
Qingfeng Legal Affairs
Summary of Amazon's new policies in the first half of 2024!
In 2024, Amazon has released a series of relevant policies, some of which are purely cutting sellers' leeks, but some of them are also good for sellers. Today, we sorted out the relevant important policies released by Amazon in the first half of this year, and checked and filled the gaps, Take a look at the important policies missed by the sellers~Logistics and warehousing policies 01 Automatic closing time adjustment of shipments: U.S. address: shortened from 90 days to 45 days Non U.S. address: shortened from 90 days to 75 days 02 Warehousing defect fee: for shipments that are wrongly delivered to the warehouse or not delivered on time, warehousing defect fee will be charged for cancelling some shipments in the delivery plan
Outside the gas station
Are you waiting for me to talk about: financial associations
Are you waiting for me to talk about: the topic of financial connection with Amazon's collection account has become crazy recently, and several sellers have contacted me. Today, let's talk about my opinion on this issue. Origin: A seller's store was associated with his other stores, and he was very confused, so he had a physical examination of the store. The physical examination of the store showed that the cause of the association was financial and phone. The translation of financial means financial, so many sellers believe that the association was caused by the collection account. Because these stores use the same collection account, but the binding is
Brother Bisheng's three plank axe
one two three four five
three hundred and twenty-eight
news flash
Wal Mart will hold the largest promotion of Walmart Deals in July
2024-06-25 11:41
one hundred and twenty-four
The Asia Pacific e-commerce payment mode has changed, and India's non cash payment mode has grown fastest
2024-06-25 11:40
59% of French consumers do not plan to participate in the summer promotion, and the buyer's budget decreases by 15%
2024-06-25 11:40
In May, Temu Australia's customer volume increased significantly
2024-06-25 11:39
one hundred and one
Target and Shopify jointly expand the third-party seller market
2024-06-25 11:38
Social shopping platform Poshmark launches the latest live shopping application
2024-06-24 16:00
The Brazilian government severely cracked down on illegal mobile phone sales, Amazon and Maxtor may face fines
2024-06-24 16:00
one hundred and sixteen
CPSC urgently recalled 50000 hairdressers
2024-06-24 15:59
Flipkart will launch Flipkart Minutes to re-enter the field of fast commerce
2024-06-24 15:58
Shopee satisfaction ranked first, becoming the preferred recommendation of 62% Indonesian consumers
2024-06-24 15:58
one hundred and thirty
Effective in August! Otto announced a significant increase in platform seller fees
2024-06-21 11:09
one hundred and ninety-eight
New trend of Korean e-commerce platform: Generation X becomes the main consumer group
2024-06-21 11:08
one hundred and eighty-four
Vietnam plans to consider levying value-added tax on imported goods on cross-border e-commerce platforms
2024-06-21 11:07
one hundred and fifty-four
From January to May, the number of sellers on the Russian e-commerce platform slowed down
2024-06-21 11:05
one hundred and fifty-six
Indonesian e-commerce market size will exceed 53 billion US dollars in 2025
2024-06-21 11:03
one hundred and forty-six
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