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What should be done to promote outside the station to make the natural position of the station grow? How to coordinate the process inside and outside the station, and how to arrange the time and rhythm of each operation?

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two hundred and thirty-two
2024-02-26 14:08
2024-02-26 14:08
two hundred and thirty-two
The scientific world of cross-border e-commerce people, true knowledge, insight, joy or pleasure of a gentleman's struggle. See wisdom, see temperament.
7.19 Shenzhen Lehui, Japan and South Korea head platforms gather, and the exclusive policy is accessible in one stop. Click one button to enter
7.19 Shenzhen Lehui, Japan and South Korea head platforms gather, and the exclusive policy is accessible in one stop. Click one button to enter

Mr. Salt


My C-bit

 What should be done to promote outside the station to make the natural position of the station grow? How to coordinate the process inside and outside the station, and how to arrange the time and rhythm of each operation?

Many sellers in this category follow this curve trend. This one is quite obvious and seems to be a mature way of playing
Link: B0BYTZ9Q6D
My own 50% coupon outside the station can attract a lot of orders. At the same time, the advertisements inside the station also increase their efforts to rush the position under the subject, but the natural position is not good at all.

Why do people sell their products better after they stop off the site? Once I stop off the site, the products will be returned to their original form?

I want to ask you, what should we do to promote outside the station so that the natural position of the station can grow?

What I can think of for the time being is that during the off-site promotion process, we can get the internal logo (such as new release) to obtain the internal traffic and improve the natural position, but there are too many doubts. How should we cooperate with each other inside and outside the station, and how should we arrange the time and rhythm of each operation?

"Excellent Replies"

Anonymous user

Approval from: Mr. Salt

The most obvious effect of improving ranking is BD+simultaneous promotion of advertisements on the site , because the click through rate and conversion rate of ads during BD are higher than usual (but this should be combined with the comparison of competitive products), data will quickly increase your keyword weight. During this period, if your ACOS can afford it, you'd better increase the budget. If your budget is too low, it is still not helpful for ranking, because you think that if only 1-2 deals are made every day under a certain keyword, there will be a fart help, at least 8-10 deals may be able to move the ranking. So if your budget is not enough, you'd better focus on 1-2 groups of words instead of putting them too scattered.

Outside the station, it is usually done in combination with your sprint period. For example, your efficiency during BD+keyword period is good, and during this period, you can add fuel to the fire by putting it outside the station. The effect is more obvious. Just doing outside the station is only to increase the weight of baby sales, and the weight of keywords is very small.

Before making traffic, you need to confirm whether your conversion rate is up to the standard through the ads on the site, and compare it with the competitive products and the industry average. If the conversion rate does not reach the standard, you will not be able to receive the traffic.

The ranking of push keywords is mainly based on advertising, and it is suggested that the title owner should use advertising to vigorously promote his own keyword ranking.

Push keyword ranking

Method 1: (The speed of the front page is fast) Big words: In order to promote the natural ranking of big words, we directly use high bidding and high budget to fight this big word. Fixed bidding (the promotion costs are high, ACOS and advertising costs need to be temporarily ignored, and the big words are pushed to the front page regardless of the cost). Pay attention to the need to monitor and record the natural position and advertising position of the word every day. Also, if the keyword has been playing for a week and the advertising cost has also been spent, it still cannot be pushed to the home page, so you need to change the keyword to promote it.

Method 2: (The speed of the front page is slower, and the success rate is higher) Collect accurate long tailed words in the Phrase matching model of competing products according to the big words you want to promote
(It is equivalent to that we have pushed a series of AB phrase matching long tail words such as CAB, ABC, CABD, etc., and the big word AB will naturally go up. The advantage of our approach is that the overall cost of pushing big word AB is huge and difficult, and the effect may not be guaranteed; But the Phrase matching long tail words in AB will be much better in terms of success rate and cost.)

It is also easy to seal the number for warning outside the station. For example, if the traffic is too large in the short term, it is easy to review the links and accounts, plus the exemption from reviews, VPs, and collections.

Gugujiji R  -  Post 90s women operation

Approval from: Mr. Salt

Can do outside the station but not just outside the station.
Like them, the first thing to do is to offer large discounts outside the station. These flows are not outside the station. When you don't do the natural flow outside the station, they will fall down. However, the large flow outside the station and the rising keyword ranking can also bring some traffic inside the station.

After the stop outside the station, the traffic outside the station is rarely coming in. At this time, if you want to maintain the single volume and traffic, you must do the means inside the station to stabilize the keyword ranking. If you just do a few days outside the station without action, the effect is basically not good, and the keyword ranking will fall down quickly. Outside the station, you can combine with the online second kill. The discount should be as large as possible, or the original discount or conpon of the online promotion. Advertising can not always reduce the budget, at least let the online traffic run up and then adjust.

Should be A less serious man

Approval from: Mr. Salt

Under the algorithm of this year, the traffic and conversion times of the off site single volume link can indeed improve the search ranking of the link to a certain extent, but it is not a direct effect. The promotion of a link can not be separated from the operation of advertising and other on site means.

Off site promotion is more of a function of supplementing orders and traffic. On the one hand, it stimulates the growth of links (category ranking and sales), and on the other hand, it increases the sales data accumulation of links. Sales and historical data accumulation also have an indirect impact on keyword ranking.

In this process, the link's search conversion rate, search click rate, market activity during the promotion period, and the comprehensive performance of the product on the site are also necessary conditions for the link's continuous growth. Off site is one of the means, and the process needs to clear up the other party's traffic structure. You can see that the pace of the deal of this link has increased significantly since October, and the ranking has increased significantly after several seconds of killing. Obviously, there is also a lot of traffic inflow in the station.

The promotion cooperation inside and outside the station is usually: deal and coupon are combined with the drainage label to put them outside the station, so as to avoid deliberately lowering the conversion rate inside the station when doing so, and then try to choose channels with small audience deviation to put them in, so as to avoid introducing too much invalid traffic and pulling the link comprehensive conversion rate too low.

Anonymous user

Approval from: Bow arched eagle

In the last two years, we also played with swipe, self maintenance number, small card and other operations, but after a wave of attacks, we are now operating in white hat, and offsite is a very important part of our promotion. Now many people complain that the off-site effect is not good. In fact, the off-site effect is not as good as before, but they think that in our real case tests, we used the off-site method to promote products in the early stage.

Continuing to do off site will promote keyword ranking. As long as the order is issued, it will play a role in keyword ranking, but the role is relatively not to click on keyword order. The effect outside the station also depends on the competitive environment of the market category. The more competitive the category, the worse the effect outside the station.
It needs to be done continuously outside the station for 2-3 weeks. The discount is in the form of code+coupon. For example, if you want to do 50% offsite, you can do 20% code+30% coupon. The purpose of doing coupon is to ensure that there is transformation within the site, so that you can better cooperate with advertising and other promotional activities.

Pay attention to sustainability outside the station+take over after the end of the station, need to do a large amount of coupon, as well as advertising to stabilize, do not let the single volume fluctuate quickly. After you have accumulated a certain ranking and keyword weight (you can enter the first three pages with keywords), the effect of advertising words will be much better than that of direct words. Then, from point to surface, gradually expand to other keywords.

Jkkj054 Cross border chicken  -  ...

Approval from: Mr. Salt

Generally, the core factors that affect keyword ranking are order and conversion. The reason why your ranking is not stable is that it is difficult to stabilize the keyword ranking because orders only increase for one day. Basically, it will fall back in a single day. This has been tested before, and the whole keyword ranking will be relatively stable only after being stable for at least 7 days. Amazon website advertising should always be done (see your description), but the listing optimization of products should also be done all the time. You can plan promotions such as instant killing in the website, and subsequent product sales will surely stabilize!!

In fact, to do Amazon is to do a good job in details. The off-site promotion is to attract traffic, promote sales, and ultimately maintain the ranking by optimizing the listing on the site. Then, plan when to do off-site promotion to further stabilize the transformation and sales. At the same time, the station continues to accumulate reviews and feedbacks, and this virtuous cycle continues, Is the real way and means to maintain Amazon's ranking.

Anonymous user

1. After looking at the following categories, competitive products first upgraded their products, and the styles have certain advantages
The natural position of traffic in the station should be stable, and the click conversion must be better than the average value

The blogger can go to the business opportunity detector to check the weekly traffic of the competing products, and judge the conversion of the competing products by predicting the sales volume
Compare the traffic of bloggers and convert. It depends on whether your traffic has not reached or your conversion is lower than that of competing products

In addition, the word position of the blogger's advertising words has not risen, whether your words are not as good as the competing products, so the words are not rising as fast as the competing products
2. Rhythm outside the station
I do relatively little off site work, but when the page can take over, such as when there are comments, the page conversion is ok, and the site is put off, I will work with high discounts to stabilize the conversion, and during this period, I will rush some precise words and words. At the same time, make a good job of re inventory, the change of single quantity brought by outside the station and the change range of sales volume through discount one week later. If the effect is good, you can play it again. Pull up the order quantity as soon as possible to obtain the qualification of deal promotion

Xiaoai 957

Off site is mainly to improve the ranking of single category, and the weight of keywords has been improved, but not much. In addition, the discount outside the station is basically 40% or 50%. If you want to make the price outside the station, the price inside the station should be falsely marked. The advertising conversion of the falsely marked price inside the station must be very poor.

The best thing is to increase the discount price outside the station first. It is better to take the crossed price for discount reduction. Generally, there will be natural category traffic at this time. The keywords have a part of the weight, and the advertising auction will be correspondingly lower. The pressure of promotion will be less. There will be more orders outside the station, and there will be room for evaluation, This is easy to push if there are resources

There's a sky in my pocket

1. Being out of the station itself cannot play a key role in the key ranking, but can only play a role in the comprehensive ranking. If you stop out of the station, your conversion rate will fall.

2. Generally, new and clear goods are more suitable for offsite, otherwise your product is like a roller coaster, which is not conducive to stable search ranking.

3. If you want to get natural traffic, you need to make your ad placement order on the search homepage or other search locations.

Anonymous user

Approval from: Mr. Salt

This company has no advertisements outside the site, but basically no advertisements are arranged inside the site. The advantage is that the natural location conversion rate is good. The disadvantage is that if there is a new product impact, the pure natural traffic can't hold the position. His family has opened a little video advertising, or you can try it.

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