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Platform information
 Ozon and Wildberry are among the top 10 global e-commerce platforms for the first time!
Ozon and Wildberry are among the top 10 global e-commerce platforms for the first time!
AMZ123 learned that recently, according to foreign media reports, by the end of 2023, the Russian e-commerce platforms Ozon and Wildberry had entered the top 10 global e-commerce platforms for the first time. It is understood that Data Insight has studied the data of major e-commerce platforms around the world. The data shows that the average monthly visits of Wildberry users are 343 million, ranking 9th. The average monthly visit of Ozon users is 316 million, ranking 10th. Amazon leads the world in data, with 4.7 billion monthly visits. Data Insig
 Russian e-commerce information
Russian e-commerce information 2024-05-07
 Half the commission! OZON's net loss in the first quarter was RUB 13.2 billion
Half the commission! OZON's net loss in the first quarter was RUB 13.2 billion
Up to now, OZON cross-border stores have not settled for four consecutive account periods, and the outside world has also been rumored that OZON is going to roll up money this time? Recently, OZON announced its main financial and operating results for the first quarter of 2024. According to the report, the sales volume of goods and services (GMV) of OZON online store increased 88% year on year, reaching 570.2 billion rubles. The sales revenue of platform sellers increased by 24% to 112.6 billion rubles, and the number of orders increased by 70% and the number of active buyers increased by 32% during this period. OZON pointed out that the number of active buyers
 Today's cross-border e-commerce
Today's cross-border e-commerce 2024-05-03
 Complaints keep coming! Ozon faces antitrust warning
Complaints keep coming! Ozon faces antitrust warning
AMZ123 learned that, according to foreign media reports, the Russian Federal Anti monopoly Bureau (FAS) issued a warning to the Russian e-commerce giant Ozon, saying that its market behavior violated the anti-monopoly law. It is understood that from 2023 to the first quarter of 2024, FAS received a large number of complaints from people and enterprises about Ozon's market behavior. It mainly includes forcing the seller to participate in the "point discount" service, limiting the seller to release contact information, and the uncertainty of contract termination conditions. In addition, Ozon also refused to sign the contract without reason, which led to the rejection of potential sellers without explanation. For this, FA
 Russian e-commerce information
Russian e-commerce information 2024-04-30
 The yen has fallen into shit, and cross-border sellers in Japan Station have run away with buckets
The yen has fallen into shit, and cross-border sellers in Japan Station have run away with buckets
It is true that the United States has not been soft hearted in cutting several countries with close ties. In April, it started a new bloodthirsty harvest. It is not unexpected that our son Japan was cut down. The seller in Japan also suffered. How far has the yen fallen recently? 1 RMB is about 21.516 yen, which has almost been converted into waste paper. One yuan may not buy 21 A4 papers, but it can be converted to 21 yen. Then look at the overall trend. Since the beginning of this year, the yen has dropped by more than 8.9% against the RMB. That is to say, if in February, the money of the seller of Amazon Japan has shrunk by nearly 9% without mentioning anything, what are the sellers of Amazon Japan doing now? Not for sale
 Cross border factory guy
Cross border factory guy 2024-04-29
 Ozon's Q1 turnover exceeded 6.2 billion US dollars in 24 years, with a growth rate of 88%!
Ozon's Q1 turnover exceeded 6.2 billion US dollars in 24 years, with a growth rate of 88%!
AMZ123 learned that recently, according to foreign media reports, the Russian e-commerce platform Ozon announced its financial performance report for the first quarter of 2024. The report shows that Ozon's turnover in the first quarter reached 570.2 billion rubles (about 6.212 billion US dollars), up 88% year on year. It is understood that Ozon's profit in the first quarter was 10.7 billion rubles, while its loss was 13 billion rubles. Due to the increase in sales and marketing expenses, Ozon's operating expenses increased by 1.5 times to 23.9 billion rubles in this quarter. The report shows that the number of active buyers of Ozon increased by 32% to 49 million, and the number of orders
 Russian e-commerce information
Russian e-commerce information 2024-04-28
 Wildberry is soaring at the right time, and is poised to occupy the Russian e-commerce platform NO1
Wildberry is soaring at the right time, and is poised to occupy the Russian e-commerce platform NO1
Since Wildberry entered China, it has quietly laid out the whole market. Its strategy is slightly similar to that of OZON, but it is more stable and strategic. In the early stage, a higher threshold was set for the entry of the platform, and priority was given to the entry of barley in all major categories. Only sellers with an annual GMV of more than 50 million yuan and rich experience in the operation of cross-border e-commerce third-party platforms or self built stations were recruited. This practice really made many small and medium-sized Chinese sellers complain, but there was nothing they could do about it. Since they came here, they were not fully open, but from another perspective, Let a few more powerful sellers lead
 Today's cross-border e-commerce
Today's cross-border e-commerce 2024-04-15
Platform Introduction

Ozon is a Russian online retailer. Founded in 1998, it has always occupied the first place in the B2C field in Russia since its launch. Its main business is online sales of books, electronic products, music and movies, and is often called "Russian Amazon".

The Ozon platform has the most complete logistics facilities in the Russian e-commerce industry, and provides Russian customers with door-to-door distribution services across eleven time zones. Based on the perfect infrastructure and business team, Ozon's sales in the first quarter of 2021 will grow by 135% year on year, and Ozon will maintain rapid development in the next few years.

Data performance of Ozon in 2022

Ozon is a Russian online retailer. Founded in 1998, it has always occupied the first place in the B2C field in Russia since its launch. Its main business is online sales of books, electronic products, music and movies, and is often called "Russian Amazon".

The Ozon platform has the most complete logistics facilities in the Russian e-commerce industry, and provides Russian customers with door-to-door distribution services across eleven time zones. Based on the perfect infrastructure and business team, Ozon's sales in the first quarter of 2021 will grow by 135% year on year, and Ozon will maintain rapid development in the next few years.

Data performance of Ozon in 2022

Store Guide

Step 1: Register and activate your account

For sellers outside the Commonwealth of Independent States: legal entities can register on the platform. If you are self-employed, please start a company first. The self-employed (except the self-employed in Turkey) cannot register on our platform.


When filling in the field, use only Latin or Cyrillic letters.

1. Go to the login page and click the Registration button.

Companies from countries on the sanctions list cannot be registered: Congo, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Palestine, Sudan, Venezuela, Syria, Zimbabwe, Yemen.

2. Set your Ozon ID or login (if you already have an Ozon ID): delete the Russian international mobile phone code (+7) and start from the code of your country. When entering the mobile phone number, the "+" number will be automatically added. Click Login.

3. Enter your email address and click Get Code. You will receive the verification code sent to the mailbox. Copy and paste it into the appropriate field.

Please do not use email addresses with *. co or *. su as suffixes, otherwise we cannot register them in the system.

4. You will receive another verification code (via SMS or phone) sent to your previously specified mobile phone number. Enter it and click Register.

If you use China Mobile, please ensure that you can receive messages and calls from abroad. Please contact China Mobile to apply for enabling this function for your SIM card. After that, you can request the verification code again.

5. In the "Complete Registration" window, select the country where you want to sell your products.

6. China - Enter your unified social credit code (the total number of symbols must be equal to 18).

Hong Kong - Certificate of registration number (the total number of symbols must be equal to 7).

7. Please use Latin letters to provide your company's legal name (reflecting the content in your document).

8. Enter the store name that the customer can see. You can change the store name later in Personal Center Settings.

9. Make sure that the email field contains the email address you want to use to communicate with Ozon. Click Submit.

Activate Account

Fill in the fields with warning signs in Personal Center Settings. If you do not have a parent name, please use a dash "-" instead.

Company Information

Please fill in the following fields in the company information section:

1. The full name of the company is the name indicated in the company registration document. Please fill in this column in English.

2. In the address column, only the street, house building need to be filled, and the information of country, province, region and city need not be marked. Please fill in this column in English. The maximum number of characters is 50.

3. The information in your company registration document should be filled in the column of country and city. You can select your country and city from the drop-down list. If your country and city are not in the drop-down list, you can fill in this column manually.

To change the country after saving the settings, please re register.

Company ID

This is essential. You need to upload a file in the category in the company file column, otherwise you will not be able to submit the review application.

In the company file section, upload the national registration certificate in PDF, JPEG or PNG format.

Details of documents required by sellers in different countries:

If your country is not on the list, please get general advice.

The size of each file must not exceed 32MB.

Please submit the original document.

Payment method

You need to fill in the main fields in the payment method section:

Wallet – Select the system you want to receive payment through.

Currency – the mutual settlement currency determined in the OZON commission agreement.

Depending on your country, the currency of mutual settlement may be different:

Belarus – BYN/RUB;

Kazakhstan – KZT/RUB;

Kyrgyzstan – KGS;

Armenia – RUB;

China – USD/CNY;

Turkey – USD/RUB;

Europe – EUR/RUB;

Other countries – USD/RUB

Click Bind Wallet. In the open window, authorize or register on the connected payment platform. When registering, please bind your company's corporate wallet to Ozon. Then, go to the Seller Personal Center.

If your wallet cannot be bound, your personal center will be disabled. Please contact LianLian Pay customer service to understand the cause of the error. If the problem can be solved, please register a new seller's personal center at Ozon and bind the wallet to the new personal center.

Please complete all fields and click "Send for Review".

Common problems and solutions

Account activation email not received

Please check your junk e-mail folder. The activated message may be mistaken as junk e-mail. If no activation message is found in the junk mail folder, please contact us through the link or click the personal center message icon at the bottom of the screen, then select "Create a request", and then select "Setting up a personal account" → "Registration and activation".

Received Reject Message

If you enter incorrect information when you register, you will receive an email of rejection. Please send an email stating the information to be changed, and attach the relevant documents. If your account has been blocked and you do not know why, please write marketplace.crossborder@ozon.ru

Restore personal center access

If you cannot log in to your personal center, for example, you forget your password or cannot access your email, you can restore access to it. Please follow the steps below:

1. Passed marketplace.crossborder@ozon.ru Contact the service center. Please indicate the company name and company form in the letter. If your company has several personal centers, you should indicate the email you need to change and the email you will receive to restore the link.

We suggest that email be registered with your name, and email access can be restored by phone number. Do not use emails ending in. co or. su, because similar emails cannot be registered in the Ozon system.

Please attach the following documents:

Copy of power of attorney (if you act according to the power of attorney);

Copy of passport;

Hold a copy of your passport in your hand. Please make sure your face and passport details are clearly shown on the photo.

By sending a letter, you accept the personal data processing policy.

After the review is completed, we will send a link to restore access to the Personal Center to the email address you specified in the letter.

2. Check your email. View the link to restore your personal center access.

3. Contact the service center to link your personal center to the new mail and log in with the new mail.

Step 2: Read and accept the contract proposal

The contract proposal is the agreement between your company and Ozon. Without the contract proposal, we will not be able to sell your products and pay you.

After activating the account, please read and accept the contract proposal. To do this:

1. Enter the personal center to open the panel of the contract proposal.

2. Study the contract proposal. Click the Далее (Next) button to move to the next section.

3. Click Принятжоферту (accept the contract proposal).


Step 3: Upload products or services

What you need to know before uploading products

Before adding products, please read our policies and regulations - there are some items that cannot be sold at all, some items can be sold after what documents, and some items have restrictions on the individual sales mode.

How to upload goods

When selecting an upload method, we recommend that you determine your classification:

In personal accounts - if there are not many items, you can create cards one by one from scratch or copy cards from any items sold on the website.

Through XLS template - we create product cards for each category so that you can add many products at once.

Through API - if you want to upload products automatically.

How to perform commodity approval

After the product card is created, all items will be sent for approval. At this stage, the auditor will check whether the product description and image meet the requirements. You cannot specify the quantity of goods in the warehouse until they are approved.

The inspection takes one to three working days. If the product does not appear on the Ready to Sell tab during this period, go to the following page Product and Price → Product List → Error - In the status column, it will display "Not Created" or "Not Approved". For more information, hover over the status of the desired item - a comment will open with the cause of the error and suggestions for correction.

Step 4: How to set up express delivery and start selling?

1. Please create and set the warehouse. In the Personal Center, go to the Logistics → Warehouse and Methods section and click Add Warehouse. Please indicate the product preparation, work schedule and assembly time.

2. Set the delivery method. Please specify who will deliver the goods: Ozon partner logistics or integrated logistics services.

Sellers from China can choose to join Ozon partner logistics. In this case, we are responsible for signing agreements with logistics services, controlling service quality and selecting preferential prices. In the case of integrated logistics services, the seller and the third-party carrier sign an agreement independently.

3. Please indicate the goods in stock and the quantity. You can manually add, upload XLS files or transfer data through API in the Personal Center.

4. Receive the goods and deliver them in the way you select in warehouse settings.

Ozon official store opening channel
contact information
 QR code of Ozon official WeChat official account
Ozon official WeChat official account

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contact information
 QR code of Ozon official WeChat official account
Ozon official WeChat official account

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Official customer service

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