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#Cross border insurance#

Totally 10 service providers are included

Name of service provider
Introduction to service provider
 PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd
Amazon/Wyfair commercial liability insurance, limited to 899
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Zhong'an Online Property Insurance Co., Ltd
Provide professional insurance services for Amazon to help enterprises get more orders! China's first Internet insurance company, serving 500 million users.
 Meiou Cross border Trade Services (Shenzhen) Group Co., Ltd Meiou Cross border Trade Services (Shenzhen) Group Co., Ltd
Meiou cross-border focuses on providing comprehensive services for brand overseas enterprises and cross-border e-commerce enterprises, including international intellectual property rights, tax compliance, product compliance, overseas warehousing, cross-border logistics, cross-border insurance, etc.
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Chongqing Juwo (Shapingba) Law Firm
Juwo is committed to building a boutique law firm that deeply serves a small number of high-quality customers.
 Ningbo Cross Border Technology Co., Ltd Ningbo Cross Border Technology Co., Ltd
It is committed to providing cross-border e-commerce sellers with a full range of services to help them quickly enter the overseas market and improve their sales performance.
 Beijing Tongzheng Information Technology Co., Ltd Beijing Tongzheng Information Technology Co., Ltd
Tongzheng Logistics is a professional freight insurance management platform.
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Ping An Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd
Founded in 1988, it is the first joint-stock insurance company in China.
 Hangzhou Huafuda Financial Information Service Co., Ltd Hangzhou Huafuda Financial Information Service Co., Ltd
Huafuda is an Internet financial technology company that specializes in providing personalized insurance and credit loan services for Chinese export e-commerce.
 China Land Property Insurance Co., Ltd China Land Property Insurance Co., Ltd
China Land Insurance adheres to the service concept of "customer-centric" and is committed to service innovation.
 Xiaomian Digital Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Xiaomian Digital Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
It provides cross-border e-commerce industry with multi-dimensional full category insurance protection product services such as cargo transportation and return, seller and platform responsibilities, transaction side credit guarantee, and product extension.
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