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Our users

AMZ123 cross-border navigation has a concentrated target audience. Our users are a group of young and dynamic cross-border e-commerce sellers.

1. Website: 150000+visitors per day, the largest flow portal of cross-border e-commerce industry.

2. QQ group of WeChat group: more than 200 WeChat groups with more than 400 people+6 QQ groups with 2000 people, managed by specially assigned persons, to eliminate advertising.

3. WeChat official account: dry goods content is updated every day, and the number of subscribers is increasing.

Company and address:

Xiamen Character Jumping Technology Co., Ltd

Office address: Room 1101, Building 04, Zone A, Phase 3, Software Park, No. 365, Chengyi Street, Jimei District, Xiamen

Media and business cooperation:
Cooperation content: Navigation position/soft text/hard advertising, offline activities and exhibition cooperation, etc
Online business cooperation application: https://www.amz123.com/form/1dSKgk
Online business consultation: 13023928269 (WeChat same number)

*Please be sure to fill in the cooperation form truthfully, and we will contact you as soon as possible within 1-2 working days!

Platform store opening guidance and docking investment manager:

Please contact AMZ123 professional customer service

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Evaluation exposure appeal:

If you have any doubt about a post in the [Evaluation Exposure] section, you can contact us to appeal through the following ways:

(When we receive the appeal, we will contact the sender for confirmation at the first time. If the other party does not reply within 5 working days, it will be deleted by default)

Email: nmz0914@qq.com

Scan to add WeChat (please note: delete post):

Content consultation and media exchange:

If you need to submit a story, seek a report, exchange information or consult the AMZ123 content related questions, please contact the AMZ123 content owner.

Email: yixin@amz123.com

WeChat: amz123happy

Infringement related:

If you are the copyright owner of a work and/or can exercise the right of information network dissemination according to law, and you believe that the content of AMZ123 website infringes your legitimate rights and interests in such work, you must notify us in writing. Please note that you are responsible for the authenticity of the statement in the written notice.

Your notification file should contain the following contents and materials:

1. Your name (or name), contact information (telephone, e-mail) and address;

2. The exact name, screenshot and link address on this platform of the work to be deleted;

3. Preliminary proof materials that constitute infringement, including but not limited to the ownership certificate of your copyright or other rights to the work, and materials that prove the fact of infringement.

4. Your signature and/or seal.

Please mail the above materials to the following address:

Attention: Chen Hua

Tel: 18926496100

Address: 4A936, Jiuzuan Business Center, Minzhi Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen (Daxin Legal)

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