SMS service
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Short Message Service is the preferred communication capability for enterprise customers to quickly reach mobile phone users. Call API or use group sending assistant to send verification code, notification and marketing SMS; Domestic verification of SMS second level touch, with the highest arrival rate of 99%; International/Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan short messages cover more than 200 countries and regions, which are safe and stable, and are widely used by overseas enterprises.

Product specification

New domestic SMS customers are limited to 200 messages, starting from 2 yuan
Activity Rules
Domestic SMS package
International SMS package
Digital SMS package Currently, it only supports retail e-commerce industry
Enquiry in progress
Enquiry in progress
Enquiry in progress
Enquiry in progress

Product advantages

Powerful high concurrency processing
Set multiple send queues to ensure short
The message sending request is received and processed in real time
View detail document
API high security call
Based on AliCloud account and RAM authorization
System, authenticating the sending API
Only you can call your own API
Create RAM user documentation
O&M free simple integration
5 kinds of operation and maintenance free support are provided for group sending assistant
Programming language API docking, such as Java
PHP, Python, Node.js and C#
Set Send As Document
Set threshold to control transmission volume
You can set the daily sending volume threshold to prevent intention
It consumes a lot of resources and can set up a single passenger
The threshold value of daily sending volume of users reduces disturbance
Set Alert Document

Product Functions

SMS notification The arrival rate can reach up to 99%, with carrier level operation and maintenance guarantee, real-time monitoring and automatic switching, and large capacity and high concurrency.
SMS verification code It can be reached in seconds, and the three networks are integrated into one channel, which is connected with the MIIT's number carrying network transfer platform in real time. Variable is flexible, variable can be brought in, and the content is flexible, which can adapt to and support various business scenarios.
Promotion SMS It supports the issuance of short messages with various promotional contents, such as business promotion, new product promotion, member care, etc., to help increase the exposure rate of enterprise products.
Asynchronous notification When the backend service completes the task, the callback notifies the user. This reduces a large number of unnecessary polling requests between users, Web front-end and back-end services.
data statistics You can view statistical data such as the number of requests, the number of successful sending, the number of failures, and so on; View the sending details through such dimensions as date and mobile number.

Application scenarios

Verification Code
SMS notification
Promotion SMS
Verification Code
It is used for user identity authentication to prevent malicious registration and improve business security
AliCloud domestic SMS three networks in one channel, seconds
International SMS verification code, supporting global languages
Support variables, flexible content, and can adapt to various business scenarios
Application scenarios
APP/website registration, secure login, payment authentication, identity authentication, password retrieval, account binding, etc
Recommended matching products
SMS notification
Support SMS notification sending in various business scenarios
Support international notification SMS, quickly reach global users, and help enterprises expand overseas
Application scenarios
Order notice, payment notice, logistics notice, meeting notice, government notice, life service notice, cross-border order notice, cross-border logistics notice, etc
Recommended matching products
Promotion SMS
Support the sending of promotional short messages in various scenarios around the world, enhance the influence of enterprise brands and help business development
The group sending assistant is simple and easy to use. It can support batch sending of up to 500000 numbers at a time
The domestic promotion of SMS supports reply and two-way connection, helping enterprises and customers to establish effective real-time interaction
Application scenarios
New product promotion, member care, product promotion, event invitation, cross-border marketing, etc
Recommended matching products

Video live broadcast zone

Understanding cloud communication by watching expert videos, intelligent messaging services help enterprises improve efficiency and reduce costs
How to Play AliCloud SMS Service Quickly understand the functions, advantages, application scenarios, configuration and use of SMS services, and quickly reach users without pressure
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Uncover the "black technology" of Alibaba Cloud communication technology behind the Double 11 Alibaba Cloud's communication platform has successfully shouldered the traffic peak of the Double 11 Festival. What are Alibaba Cloud's senior technical experts thinking about sharing business architecture?

Customer Stories

Product Dynamics

2016-12-01 Function optimization
Optimize the power of attorney template
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2016-12-22 New functions/specifications
Support sending SMS in batches
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2016-12-22 New functions/specifications
Asynchronous notification interface released online
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2017-03-29 Function optimization
SMS real-time data statistics function
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2017-04-13 Price adjustment
Maximum discount of 4800 yuan for price adjustment of SMS resource package
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2017-04-18 New region/new zone
SMS service supports financial cloud South China 1
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2017-05-15 New functions/specifications
Send request threshold setting function
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2017-06-22 New functions/specifications
New SMS service platform launched
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2017-07-19 New functions/specifications
SMS group sending assistant is released, and the page can import the number to send SMS
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2017-08-10 New Features/Specifications
SMS service - SMS package
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New functions/specifications on April 24, 2018
Online international/Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan news
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2018-08-21 Function optimization
Customer experience improvement project phase I requirements
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2018-12-20 Function optimization
Full toolization of group delivery assistant and optimization of billing function
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2018-12-21 Function optimization
Unified optimization of error code specification
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2018-12-31 Function optimization
Overall revision of SMS official website details page
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2019-01-18 Fix the problem
International SMS stored value card function launched
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2019-01-22 New functions/specifications
Quick learning, OPEN API and multi contact function release
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2019-02-25 Function optimization
SMS helps optimize document structure and content
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2019-03-14 Function optimization
SMS signature and group sending assistant optimization
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2019-03-29 Function optimization
Overseas IP access error code disclosure
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2019-04-18 Function optimization
SMS statistical analysis capability optimization
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New functions/specifications on April 18, 2019
Online SMS blacklist cancellation process
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2019-04-29 Fix problems
[SMS] SMS content supports emoji type emoticons
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2019-06-05 Function optimization
SMS service overview page portal optimization
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2019-07-02 New functions/specifications
SMS anti-theft brush monitoring function
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2019-08-30 New Features/Specifications
SMS signature and template API opening and standardization
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2020-01-10 New Features/Specifications
SMS log service capability release
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2021-03-15 Function optimization
SMS service promotion variable parameter limit
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2021-04-22 Function optimization
SMS service - add signature/template console optimization and revision
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2021-04-26 Function optimization
Alibaba Cloud SMS supports template withdrawal in review
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More products and services

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Number authentication service
The number authentication service integrates the authentication capabilities of the three operators' gateways, realizes user identity authentication based on mobile phone numbers in the user's non perception process, and completes the login or authentication of local phone numbers with one click; Communication authorization service, providing real-time certificate storage, query and management capabilities for user authorization data.
Number privacy protection
For Internet products based on the communication network capabilities of basic operators, enterprise customers can provide private call services for their platform users by integrating number privacy protection capabilities, and can analyze their service quality through recording to improve product security and platform price.
Number encyclopedia
The number encyclopedia is Alibaba Cloud's ability to provide users with number information services. It includes number ownership query, number status query and secondary number query.

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