was founded in 2009, and its sponsor is Shenzhen Rongxing Information Technology Co., Ltd. It is a website dedicated to providing services for Chinese websites. It mainly provides webmasters with webmaster tool queries. At present, the website has more than one million visitors and 3 million registered members.

Introduction to Aizhan was founded in 2009, and its sponsor is Shenzhen Rongxing Information Technology Co., Ltd. It is a website dedicated to providing services for Chinese websites. It mainly provides webmasters with webmaster tool queries. The number of website visits has exceeded one million, and the number of registered members has reached 3 million. Serve the majority of webmasters. The design team provides continuous creativity, design and post support for various projects. The execution team ensures the design direction; The project manager provides process and schedule control; The design team is configured with visual designers, interaction designers, dynamic designers and design execution teams to ensure the integration and output of creative design. The operation team also provides network marketing solutions, and the SEO team lays out e-commerce platforms for enterprises, while providing after-sales customer service.

service content

In addition to providing webmasters with common tools such as IP backcheck domain name, Whois query, PING detection, website backlink query, friendship link detection, etc., Aizhan also developed a unique weight query function to provide webmasters with website weight value query.

Website advantages

1 The website has excellent team and management, which can guarantee to provide professional services and guidance to customers.

2 The excellent design team can provide continuous and strong creativity, design and post support for various projects.

3 The core executive team ensures the correctness of the design direction of the website.

4 The team can achieve accurate process and schedule control by adopting the design project manager system.

5 The configuration of design team with visual designers, interaction designers, dynamic designers and design execution teams can ensure the integration and output of high-quality creative design.

The whole station is static, more stable and responds faster.

Personalized domain name is easier to remember.

development history

In March 2009, Aizhan was officially launched.

In May 2010, the registered members of Aizhan exceeded 200000 and the daily browsing volume exceeded 500000.

In March 2011, Aizhan Alexa ranked within 10000 in the world, and its daily browsing volume exceeded 800000.

In December 2011, the number of visitors to Aizhan has exceeded one million, with 800000 registered members.

In March 2012, Aizhan was revised to add keyword mining function.

In December 2012, Aizhan settled in Shenzhen Internet Industrial Park

In January 2013, Aizhan website was significantly revised and anti chain query tools were added.

In April 2013, Aizhan was jointly invested by Cai Wensheng, a famous angel investor, and Li Xingping, the founder of Hao123.

In July 2013, the first commercial project of Aizhan was launched for SEO training.

In August 2013, Aizhan added the website PK function.