Li Qiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council to study the work related to effectively reducing the logistics cost of the whole society

2024-05-11 21:45 Source: Xinhua News Agency Font size: large in Small Print

Li Qiang Chairs the Executive Meeting of the State Council
Study the work related to effectively reducing the logistics cost of the whole society
Review and approve the Action Plan for Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Industry
Deploy and fully implement the three major grain crop full cost insurance and planting income insurance policies
Deliberation and adoption of the Regulations on the Review of Fair Competition (Draft) and the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards (Draft)

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 11 Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council, presided over a State Council executive meeting on May 11 to study the work related to effectively reducing the logistics costs of the whole society, reviewed and passed the Action Plan for Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing Industry, deployed the full cost insurance and planting income insurance policies for the three major grain crops across the country, and reviewed and passed the Regulations on Fair Competition Review (Draft) And Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards (Draft).

The meeting pointed out that modern logistics links the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, production and consumption, domestic trade and foreign trade, and reducing the logistics cost of the whole society is conducive to improving the efficiency of economic operation. We should further optimize the structure of cargo transport, vigorously develop multimodal transport, deepen the reform of the comprehensive transportation system, railway freight transport, trade circulation, etc., promote the development of logistics in digital and intelligent way, green transformation, make up for the shortcomings of bulk commodity logistics, cold chain logistics, rural logistics, etc., and make unified plans to promote the substantial reduction of logistics costs.

The meeting pointed out that the digital transformation of manufacturing industry is an important measure to promote new industrialization and build a modern industrial system. According to the diversified and personalized needs of the manufacturing industry, typical scenarios should be excavated by industry and field. Accelerate the research of core technologies and the promotion and application of achievements, and do a good job in equipment networking, protocol mutual recognition, standard formulation, platform construction, etc. It is necessary to increase support for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, organically combine with the large-scale equipment updating action and the implementation of technical transformation and upgrading projects, improve the public service platform, and explore the formation of a long-term mechanism to promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The meeting pointed out that expanding the implementation scope of the three major grain crop full cost insurance and planting income insurance from major grain producing counties to the whole country is conducive to further stabilizing the income of grain farmers and improving the ability of agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief. We should strengthen departmental coordination, allocate premium subsidies in full and in time, strengthen capital supervision, and prevent arrears, withholding, and misappropriation of subsidies. We should guide underwriting agencies to optimize the design of insurance types and claim settlement services, ensure that once an accident occurs, we can quickly settle claims and make all claims payable, and effectively enhance farmers' sense of gain.

The meeting deliberated and passed the Regulations on the Review of Fair Competition (Draft), pointing out that fair competition is the basic principle of market economy and the objective requirement of building a unified national market. We should focus on the outstanding problems reflected in the current market, refine and improve the fair competition review rules, focus on breaking regional blockades and industrial monopolies, and create a good environment for all kinds of operators to participate in fair market competition. The meeting deliberated and adopted the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards (Draft).

Other matters were also studied.

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