Li Qiang presided over the State Council executive meeting to study the work related to accelerating the rise of the central region in the new era

2024-04-13 09:01 Source: Xinhua News Agency Font size: large in Small Print

Li Qiang Chairs the Executive Meeting of the State Council
Study the work related to accelerating the rise of the central region in the new era
Research and improve the long-term mechanism to solve the problem of arrears of enterprise accounts
Listen to the report on energy conservation and carbon reduction
Deploy and carry out the whole chain rectification of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 12 Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council, presided over a State Council executive meeting on April 12, to study the work related to accelerating the rise of the central region in the new era, study and improve the long-term mechanism to solve the problem of arrears in corporate accounts, listen to the report on energy conservation and carbon reduction, and deploy the whole chain rectification of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era, implement major tasks and reform issues, promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, strengthen regional coordination and linkage, focus on deepening reform and opening up, and take more pragmatic and effective measures, We will support the central region to transform its regional and resource advantages into development advantages and constantly improve its overall strength and competitiveness.

It was pointed out at the meeting that the solution to the problem of arrears of enterprise accounts is related to the improvement of the business environment, the recovery of the economy and the overall situation, and the image and credibility of the government. We should not only promote the special action of clearing up debts with high quality and solve the current stock of clearing up debts, but also work hard to improve the long-term mechanism and resolutely curb the "clearing while clearing" and "clearing while clearing". We should focus on the problem of government arrears of enterprise accounts and the problem of large enterprises arrears of small and medium-sized enterprises, further increase the cost of violations of the principal part of arrears, reduce the cost of defending the rights of enterprises in arrears, pay close attention to improving relevant laws and regulations, project cost settlement, commercial bill management and other systems and regulations, so as to make the long-term mechanism operate smoothly as soon as possible.

The meeting deliberated and adopted the Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction 2024-2025 and the Work Plan for Accelerating the Construction of a Dual Control System for Carbon Emissions, emphasizing that we should focus on key areas to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, combine it with expanding effective investment, old residential reconstruction, equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, and advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon consumption mode, Give better play to the economic, social and ecological benefits of energy conservation and carbon reduction. We should base ourselves on the actual situation of the country, adhere to the principle of "standing first, then breaking down", steadily grasp the strength and pace of work, and ensure the energy demand for high-quality development.

The meeting pointed out that in recent years, the fire accidents caused by electric bicycles have increased rapidly, seriously threatening the safety of people's lives and property, and must be resolved to rectify. All regions and relevant departments should attach great importance to and work closely with each other to accelerate the resolution of stock risks and effectively contain incremental risks. We should pay attention to systematic governance, strengthen the guidance of standards, supervision and law enforcement, and comprehensively improve the safety level of the production, sales, use, parking, charging, scrapping and recycling of electric bicycles. We should focus on the combination of congestion and relief, improve supporting services and support policies, vigorously promote the construction of charging facilities, replace old batteries with new ones and other work, and strengthen safety supervision while better meeting the needs of people's lives.

Other matters were also studied.

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