It concerns production, consumption, import and export, and the authority of the three departments

2024-03-27 08:36 Source: Chinese government website Font size: large in Small Print

The Information Office of the State Council held a press conference at 3:00 p.m. on March 26, 2024. The Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology introduced recent data and policies related to production, consumption, import and export, and answered questions from journalists. Let's see——


● The consumer market continued to recover and grow steadily, presenting Three characteristics

● The first two months of this year Import and export It reached a new high in the same period of history.

● Encourage and promote Automobile and household appliances Consumer goods Trade in the old for the new

● Accelerate implementation Large scale device update And other policies.

● Construction will be moderately advanced 5G, calculation force Infrastructure.

● Accelerate push to AI enabled manufacturing industry represented by big model development.

Recent situation

Ministry of Commerce: The consumer market continues to recover and grow steadily

The characteristics can be summarized into three aspects:

● Mass consumption of automobiles, household appliances and others has stabilized and improved.

The retail sales of commodities increased by 4.6% year on year, and nearly 90% of the 16 types of commodities above the designated size achieved positive growth. Among them, the retail sales of communication equipment increased by 16.2% year on year; Auto retail sales increased by 8.7% year on year, 2.8 percentage points higher than that of last year. Household consumption also rebounded by different degrees, with the retail sales of household appliances, furniture and building materials of units above the designated size increasing by 5.7%, 4.6% and 2.1% year on year respectively.

● The consumption vitality of catering, tourism and other services increased.

Driven by the holiday economy, the potential of service consumption is further released. In the first two months, the catering revenue increased by 12.5% year on year, 3.3 percentage points higher than the same period last year, accounting for 11.7% of the total amount of social zero, and contributing 24.8% to the growth of the total amount of social zero. Retail sales of services increased by 12.3%, continuing to maintain double-digit growth.

● New types of consumption such as digital and green are booming.

Digital consumption grew rapidly. In the first two months, the national online retail sales grew by 15.3% year on year, of which the online retail sales of physical goods grew by 14.4%. Green consumption was very popular, especially for new energy vehicles. The retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles in the first two months grew by 37.2% year on year.

General Administration of Customs: In the first two months of this year, the import and export reached a record high of 6.6 trillion yuan, making foreign trade a "good start"

● The import and export scale ranked first in the same period in history. In the first two months of this year, imports and exports reached 6.61 trillion yuan, a record high in the same period of history.

● "Double growth" of export and import. Export grew by 10.3% and import grew by 6.7%. This "double growth" not only reflects the continuous recovery of China's economic development, but also provides broad market space and cooperation opportunities for enterprises from all countries.

MIIT: China's industrial economy rebounded in the first two months

It mainly presents three characteristics:

● Industrial production accelerated. In the first two months, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 7% year on year, 0.2 percentage points faster than that in December of last year.

● Investment in manufacturing industry continued to grow steadily. In the first two months, the investment in manufacturing industry increased by 9.4% year on year, private investment in manufacturing industry achieved double-digit growth, and investment in technological transformation increased by 15.1% year on year.

● Industrial export growth picked up significantly. According to the data of the General Administration of Customs, from January to February, China's total industrial foreign trade in dollars kept growing. Among them, the export of machinery, household appliances and other industries achieved double-digit growth.

Next step

Ministry of Commerce: encourage and promote the trade in of old cars, household appliances and other consumer goods

Recently, the State Council issued the Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in, which deployed the trade in of consumer goods. At present, we are paying close attention to the research and refinement of measures to promote the "energy exchange" of cars on the premise of fully respecting the wishes of consumers, Gradually increase the sales proportion of new energy vehicles and energy-saving vehicles Promote the transformation of household appliances into "wisdom", and promote the development of household appliance consumption in the direction of intelligence, green and low-carbon; We will promote the "renewal" of home furnishings, kitchens and bathrooms, and support more existing and second-hand houses to implement the renovation and partial renovation of old houses.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology:

Accelerate the development of AI enabled manufacturing industry represented by big models

This year, we will carry out the "AI+" action, promote the deep integration of AI and the real economy, and promote the new industrialization of AI empowerment. Continuously optimize the innovation platform network According to the issued Implementation Opinions on the Innovation and Development of Manufacturing Pilot Scale, we will accelerate the construction of modern pilot scale capacity, and build a number of national manufacturing innovation centers and test and verification platforms. Build a world leading science and technology park and innovation highland. In the existing 178 national high-tech zones and 45 national advanced manufacturing clusters On the basis of that, it will be launched this year Create a National New Industrialization Demonstration Zone And carry out the cultivation and upgrading of advanced manufacturing clusters.

Infrastructure such as 5G and CALI will be built in advance

Infrastructure such as 5G and CALI will be built in advance And promote the large-scale application of industrial Internet. At the same time, we will continue to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, actively build intelligent factories, implement the special action of small and medium-sized enterprises' digital empowerment, speed up the empowerment of digital technology, and promote the development of the manufacturing industry towards digitalization, networking, and intelligence.

Promote the healthy and orderly development of new generation information technology, intelligent connected vehicles, aerospace, biological manufacturing and other emerging industries

Cultivate and expand emerging industries promote New generation information technology, intelligent connected vehicle, aerospace, biological manufacturing The healthy and orderly development of emerging industries such as Beidou will accelerate the development and scale application of Beidou industry. At the same time, layout and construct future industries in advance. In January this year, our department, together with six departments, issued the Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Innovation and Development of Future Industries to strengthen the forward-looking planning and policy guidance of future industries and accelerate the development of future industries around the battlefield of manufacturing owners.

Accelerate the implementation of policies such as large-scale equipment renewal

According to the deployment of the State Council's Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in Promote new industrialization , focusing on large-scale equipment upgrading, implementing the technological transformation and upgrading project of manufacturing industry, focusing on digital transformation and green upgrading, Promote high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing industry

General Administration of Customs: "One increase, one decrease, one excellence and one strength" better serve foreign trade "quality increase and quantity stability"

According to the arrangement of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, this year the customs will continue to focus on improving the supply quality of policies and measures and the level of customs supervision service, making practical proposals and seeking practical results. Last week, we just held a deployment meeting for special actions to promote cross-border trade facilitation, and launched 33 reform and innovation measures that benefit enterprises and people.

In general, this year we will adopt“ One increase, one decrease, one excellence and one strength ”Such a policy "combination of fists" better serves the "quality improvement and quantity stability" of foreign trade.

Increase Is to increase convenience and improve the level of trade facilitation. It includes vigorously promoting the construction of smart customs, improving the efficiency of customs clearance of import and export goods in the whole chain, expanding the "single window" function of international trade, and accelerating the international mutual recognition of "certified operators" (AEO). In May, we will also host the global AEO conference, with the purpose of promoting more simplified procedures, more efficient customs clearance, and more convenient trade.

Down Is to reduce costs and help enterprises reduce burdens and fees. We will fully release policy dividends such as RCEP and other free trade agreements and active disclosure, improve the level of benefits enjoyed by enterprises, and continue to standardize import and export charges.

Excellent Is to optimize service and business environment at ports. More policies and measures of "one enterprise, one policy" and "one industry, one policy" will be introduced in due time. Through the reinforcement of policies and measures, we will spare no effort to help enterprises expand the market, grasp orders, and respond to the uncertainty of changes in foreign trade situation with the certainty of customs supervision services.

Strong Is to strengthen innovation and cultivate new driving forces for foreign trade. At present, the industrial foundation, factor endowment and innovation ability that China's foreign trade development relies on are constantly improving, and the pace of customs innovation is also accelerating. On February 9, the Overall Plan for the Construction of Shanghai Oriental Hub International Business Cooperation Zone was approved; On March 1, Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone was officially closed and put into operation; The construction of Hainan Free Trade Port is in full swing and is progressing in an orderly manner. We will continue to focus on supporting the construction of open platforms, support the development of new business types such as cross-border e-commerce and bonded maintenance, vigorously carry out the innovation of customs supervision system, stimulate new momentum of foreign trade and shape new advantages of foreign trade with the new mode of supervision services.

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