Li Qiang chaired the executive meeting of the State Council to study the measures of coordinating the construction of financing credit service platform and improving the financing convenience level of SMEs

2024-03-23 08:09 Source: Xinhua News Agency Font size: large in Small Print

Li Qiang Chairs the Executive Meeting of the State Council
Study the measures to improve the financing convenience of small and medium-sized enterprises by coordinating the construction of financing credit service platform
Listen to the report on optimizing the real estate policy and promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market
Deliberation and adoption of Provisions on International Cruise Line Replenishment at Ports of the People's Republic of China (Draft)

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 22 Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council, presided over a State Council executive meeting on March 22 to study measures to coordinate the construction of financing credit service platforms, improve the financing convenience of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, and listen to reports on optimizing real estate policies and promoting the steady, healthy and healthy development of the real estate market, The Draft Provisions on the Replenishment of International Cruise Lines at Ports of the People's Republic of China was reviewed and adopted.

The meeting pointed out that the construction of financing credit service platform is an important basic work to improve the financing convenience level of small and medium-sized micro enterprises, and is of great significance to the development of science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance. Based on the positioning of important financial infrastructure, we should strengthen the unified planning, optimization, integration and information sharing of the financing credit service platform, and make a good connection with the existing credit reporting system. We should take the opportunity of promoting platform construction to speed up the improvement of basic systems such as data ownership, security and transaction, and consolidate the institutional foundation for data development, opening up and circulation.

The meeting pointed out that the real estate industry has a long chain and covers a wide range of areas, which is related to the vital interests of the people and the overall situation of economic and social development. Since last year, various localities have taken measures to optimize real estate regulation, implement a series of measures such as ensuring the delivery of buildings and reducing the interest rate of housing loans, to keep the bottom line of no systemic risk. We need to further optimize the real estate policy, continue to do a good job in ensuring the delivery of buildings, people's livelihood and stability, further promote the implementation of the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism, systematically plan relevant support policies, effectively stimulate potential demand, increase the supply of high-quality housing, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. We should adapt to the development trend of new urbanization and the changes in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market, accelerate the improvement of the "market+security" housing supply system, reform the basic system related to commercial housing, and focus on building a new model of real estate development.

The meeting deliberated and adopted the Provisions on International Cruise Line Replenishment at Ports of the People's Republic of China (Draft). The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to give full play to China's advantages such as large market space and strong manufacturing strength, actively develop new growth points such as the cruise economy, optimize and improve the supporting system and service system in a timely manner, effectively promote the development and growth of new industries, new models and new drivers, and provide support for promoting sustained economic growth.

Other matters were also studied.

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