Report of the People's Government of Anhui Province on the Construction of a Rule of Law Government in 2023

2024-03-28 08:55 Source: Anhui Provincial Department of Justice Font size: large in Small Print

In 2023, the provincial government system will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the supervision and support of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, anchor the goal of "building the rule of law in the forefront of the country", firmly promote administration according to law, and build "three regions, one district" and "seven strong provinces" for our province Provide strong legal guarantee.

1、 We should follow a quasi political direction and make the Party's leadership in building a government ruled by law stronger and stronger

(1) Learn deeply and practice Xi Jinping's thought of rule of law. The provincial government carried out in-depth education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics for a new era, took it as a major political task to learn and understand Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, took the lead in setting up a propaganda group nationwide, organized nearly 11000 "face-to-face" lectures on Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, and collected more than 300 theoretical achievements of "studying, researching and practicing Xi Jinping's rule of law thought", We will promote the establishment of a regular mechanism for learning Xi Jinping's rule of law ideology, complete special training on Xi Jinping's rule of law ideology in 16 cities, and achieve full coverage at the provincial, municipal and county levels through "model learning, model propaganda, and model training".

(2) Compaction "key minority" responsibility. The main responsible comrades of the provincial government firmly implement the responsibility of the first person responsible for promoting the construction of a rule of law government. They have held several meetings of the provincial government's Party Leadership Group and the provincial government's executive meetings to study administrative legislation, administrative law enforcement, the construction of a rule of law business environment, and the selection and employment of legal advisers. Major issues in the construction of the rule of law government, such as the provincial government's rule making plan, shall be reported to the provincial party committee in a timely manner. We carried out the law telling by leading cadres in a down-to-earth manner. There were more than 1300 people at provincial, municipal and county levels, and more than 34000 people who wrote the law telling in written form. "It should be said all the time" became the norm. 92 laws and regulations were included in the list of Party regulations and laws and regulations that should be known and understood by leading cadres throughout the province, so as to promote leading cadres to take the lead in respecting laws, abiding by laws and using them.

(3) We will continue to improve the mechanism for promoting the building of a rule of law government. Actively carried out the third batch of application activities for demonstration and creation of national rule of law government construction, and recommended 8 demonstration areas (projects) on a selective basis; 44 demonstration areas (departments) and projects of the second batch of rule of law government construction in the province were named. The implementation of key tasks of rule of law construction was included in the provincial party committee's inspection, and 44 problems were fed back and promoted to be rectified; We carried out field research and supervision on the mid-term evaluation of rule of law government construction in 6 cities, and completed 1305 supervision and rectification measures for rule of law construction in cities and counties. It was the first time to hold a teleconference on the linkage of government, institutions and procuratorates across the province, establish a regular exchange and consultation mechanism, and achieve full coverage of the linkage mechanism of government, institutions and procuratorates at provincial and municipal levels.

2、 Focusing on the overall situation of development, the operation of government power is more efficient and transparent

(1) Continue to transform government functions. Efforts were made to improve the ability and level of the government to fully perform its duties in accordance with the law, and the action plan for improving the ability of the provincial government system to perform its duties in accordance with the law was issued. The construction of a rule of law government took the lead in breaking through 30 annual key tasks, and government actions were fully integrated into the rule of law track. Adhere to the idea of industrial Internet to transform the government's work process, improve the system of "one order for the whole province" for the list of rights and responsibilities, and promote the reform of one credit report instead of 40 departments to prove that there is no violation of laws and regulations. Our province's business environment evaluation indicators in such fields as business start-up and cancellation, tax service, bidding and tendering have reached or approached the national first-class benchmark level, The provincial government transparency index ranks the third in China.

(2) Create an excellent legal business environment. The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress was requested to issue the Regulations of Anhui Province on Optimizing the Business Environment, deepen the special action of public policy implementation and government performance, figure out 631 new stock problems, and cash in 1.826 billion yuan. Regularly carry out service activities for enterprises, increase tax reduction and fee reduction and tax refund and postponement of more than 86 billion yuan, and the preferential enterprise policy of "free application and enjoy" and "apply and enjoy" cashed in financial funds of 9.77 billion yuan, benefiting 23000 enterprises. The construction of Anhui (Hefei) Innovation Legal Affairs Zone was started with high standards, highlighting the golden signboard of "innovation and development" and the value orientation of "high-end service", and accelerating the convergence of high-end and high-quality legal resources at home and abroad. In the 2023 "Ten thousand private enterprises evaluate the business environment" of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the legal environment of our province continues to rank first in the country.

(3) We will deepen and improve government services. Focusing on the "efficient handling of one thing", we comprehensively promoted the appeal of "handling at one time", set up a reflection window of "handling can't be done", 213 high-frequency items "cross provincial", 152 items "all in one network" serving the Yangtze River Delta, 52 items "all in one card" serving residents, 40 types of electronic license mutual recognition applications, Four works, including the closed-loop mechanism for the implementation of preferential policies for enterprises, were selected as "typical experience cases for improving the efficiency of government services" by the General Office of the State Council. The provincial 12345 government service and convenience hotline accepted more than 350000 items, with a completion rate of 99.62% on time and a public satisfaction rate of 99.04%.

3、 Highlight good law and governance, and improve the administrative system in accordance with the law

(1) High quality promotion of legislation and regulations. Focusing on economic development, scientific and technological innovation, ecological civilization, improving people's livelihood and other important areas, nine provincial government regulations were formulated, revised and repealed, and 14 local regulations were submitted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress for deliberation. We promoted the reform of the legislative consultation mechanism, established 10 grassroots legislative contact points at the provincial level, hired 93 legislative consultants, and collected and fed back 153 suggestions from market subjects, industry experts, and other aspects.

(2) Constantly improve the level of scientific, democratic and legal decision-making. The Regulations on Major Administrative Decision Making Procedures of Anhui Province were carefully implemented, 17 items of the provincial government's 2023 major administrative decision catalogue were released, 654 items of provincial government's decisions were reviewed for legitimacy, and more than 910 review opinions were put forward. The review rate of the legitimacy of items reviewed and major decision items at the provincial government's executive meeting reached 100%. The legality review of 19846 decision-making matters of the municipal and county governments was carried out, and more than 31400 review opinions were put forward, comprehensively promoting the legality review of decision-making matters of villages and towns (streets).

(3) Strictly manage administrative normative documents. The Administrative Measures for Administrative Normative Documents of Anhui Province was formulated and issued, 21064 currently effective administrative normative documents of provincial government departments, cities, counties and townships were sorted out, 47 administrative normative documents at the provincial level that did not comply with the provisions of the upper law and did not meet the needs of economic and social development were sorted out, and 462 normative documents were filed and reviewed at the provincial level. Build a database platform for provincial regulatory documents and make it open to the public.

4、 Strengthen coordination and supervision, and make comprehensive administrative law enforcement more strict and standardized

(1) We will strengthen law enforcement in key areas. We comprehensively carried out special rectification of prominent problems in areas such as safety hazards of self built houses in urban and rural areas, food smoke and noise disturbing people, road traffic safety and transportation law enforcement, investigated and handled 3104 cases of infringement and violation of laws in the field of intellectual property rights, cracked 2846 cases of violations of laws and crimes against enterprises, such as monopoly operation, and the security index of market participants and the masses reached 98.4%.

(2) Optimize the way of administrative law enforcement. Standardize the formulation and management of the benchmark of administrative discretion, implement the reform of "comprehensive inspection once", implement the reform of "entering the door once and checking many things" for 60 industries, and increase the joint spot check rate to 92%; The list system of non administrative penalties for minor violations of the law was fully implemented, and the pilot project of "cities without certificates" was launched. The masses and market entities reduced the number of certification materials by 1.8714 million.

(3) Improve the quality and efficiency of comprehensive law enforcement. Implement the provincial three-year action plan to improve the quality of administrative law enforcement, and build the provincial execution link information system. 24000 people were organized to participate in the qualification examination for administrative law enforcement, with a passing rate of 81.56%, and more than 20000 copies of administrative law enforcement certificates were issued.

5、 Consolidate the foundation of the rule of law, and make the social governance pattern more mature and perfect

(1) We will work hard to respond to complaints after administrative reconsideration. Deepen the reform of the administrative reconsideration system, give play to the role of administrative reconsideration as the main channel for resolving administrative disputes, and promote the trial mode of "separation of complexity and simplicity". 11822 administrative reconsideration cases were accepted and 9997 were handled throughout the year. The courts throughout the province handled 9382 first instance administrative response cases. The court response rate of the heads of administrative organs remained 100%, and the court response rate of the main heads increased from 14.71% to 29.71%.

(2) Diversified solutions to social conflicts and disputes. Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, establish a platform system of "popular response" covering the province, city and county levels, gather 36200 people's concerns and solve 35000 problems; Create a "one-stop" dispute resolution system with Anhui characteristics, and build 16000 "people's reasoning points". The mediation method of "Six Steps in Six Chi Lane" was rated as the national "Maple Bridge Working Method", and the mediation methods of "One Cup of Tea" in Huaibei and "One Step Back" in Huangshan were selected as the national typical cases of grass-roots social governance.

(3) We will strengthen the supply of public legal services. The construction of the public legal service system ranks first in China, with 52000 businesses handled on the "three platforms" of entities, hotlines and networks, 122000 person times of reception and consultation, and 631000 legal consultations answered by 12348 hotlines; 512000 notarization, judicial appraisal and arbitration services; 88800 legal aid cases were handled, saving 970 million yuan of economic losses for the recipients; 1160 projects of "rule of law for the people" were implemented in provinces, cities and counties.

Although the construction of the rule of law government in our province has achieved certain results, there are still some weaknesses and weaknesses, such as the lack of foresight of administrative legislation, and the pressure of high-quality legislation for high-quality development is prominent; The reform of comprehensive administrative law enforcement still needs to be continued, and the level of strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement needs to be further improved; A few local governments and departments do not have a firm corporate consciousness and contract spirit, and the government still needs to continue to exert pressure to fulfill its commitments; The allocation of public legal service resources is uneven, and there are obvious differences between urban and rural areas and between regions; The foundation of foreign-related legal work is weak.

In 2024, we will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, unswervingly strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the construction of a rule of law government, continue to improve the ability of the government system to administer according to law, and focus on making efforts and seeking practical results in legislative enforcement, administrative decision-making, the rule of law environment, conflict resolution, power supervision, etc, Accelerate the construction of a government governance system with clear responsibilities and administration according to law, make the rule of law the bottom line of the behavior of people's governments at all levels, and provide a strong legal guarantee for writing a new chapter of Chinese modernization in Anhui.

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