The size of "Great Huangshan"

2024-05-13 17:19 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph Font size: large in Small Print

On May 10, the "Big Huangshan" brand appeared at the 2024 World Brand Moganshan Conference. Although the difference between "Great Huangshan" and "Huangshan" is one word, it is a qualitative change. This new world-class cultural and tourism IP in Anhui, after the construction promotion conference of "Great Huangshan Mountain" in Anhui Province at the end of March, once again shows its "big" innovation at home and abroad, and why it is "big".

The curtain opened, and the construction of "Great Huangshan Mountain" moved forward. On the eve of the May Day holiday, high-speed rail connectivity in the "Great Huangshan" region entered a new stage. On April 26, Chizhou Huangshan High speed Railway was officially opened to traffic, starting from Chizhou Station, passing through Guichi District and Qingyang County of Chizhou City, Anhui Province, Huangshan District and Yixian County of Huangshan City, and connecting to Yixian East Station, connecting Jiuhua Mountain, Huangshan Mountain and other famous tourist attractions.

During the May Day holiday, 90 scenic spots above 4A level in the "Great Yellow Mountain" area received more than 2.2 million tourists, an increase of more than 5% year on year. Highlight leisure, vacation and health care, launch a series of new products and new formats, and "Great Huangshan Mountain" drives the rapid increase of tourism activity.

The world is familiar with Mount Huangshan. In 1979, Comrade Deng Xiaoping went to Mount Huangshan and proposed that "we should have a bit of ambition and get rid of the brand of Mount Huangshan". Huangshan has become one of the important origins of modern tourism in China. Today, the new "Great Huangshan" has once again entered the world with great ambition.

"Big Huangshan", what is "big"

"Big Huangshan" is not a city or a mountain, but a new big IP created by Anhui creatively. It extends from traditional tourism IP to leisure, vacation and health care IP, and from simple cultural tourism IP to new business, new economy and new industry composite IP. The construction will be comprehensively promoted from March this year, and is planned to be completed by 2033.

The "Great Huangshan Mountain" includes Huangshan City, where Huangshan Mountain is located in southern Anhui Province, and three surrounding cities: Chizhou City, where Jiuhua Mountain, a Buddhist holy land, is located, Anqing City, where Tianzhu Mountain and Tongcheng Sect culture are located, and Xuancheng City, an important birthplace of the four treasures of Chinese study. The four cities are connected by mountains and rivers and have similar humanities.

The "Big Huangshan" is so big that the "Big" has a greater opportunity to combine elements after the integration of large space resources ". The "Great Huangshan Mountain" covers an area of 44000 square kilometers, four times that of Huangshan City. In this area, there are many kinds of tourism resources with high density and taste. It is one of the eight A-level scenic spots in China and the birthplace of Anhui Studies, one of the three major regional cultural celebrities in China. These natural ecology, cultural heritage and market space will be strongly combined to form a unique huge market advantage.

"Big Huangshan" is so big that "big" has more room for industrial expansion after "big brand leading and upgrading". There are five national historical and cultural cities, more than 220 A-level scenic spots, and more than 9000 ancient folk houses and villages. In the future, we will innovate ideas, deepen the supply side structural reform of the tourism industry, promote the upgrading of traditional sightseeing tourism to modern leisure, vacation and health tourism, and promote the expansion of a single tourism industry to a cross-border integrated high-end service industry.

The "Big Huangshan" is so big that "Big" means "giving consumers and investors more choices". Whether it is a leisure vacation or a health tourism, whether it is high-end business activities, closed door meetings of enterprises, backpackers, young and old, consumers or investors can find their own orientation in the "Great Yellow Mountain". According to the construction plan, by 2033, the gross domestic product of the "Great Huangshan" region will reach 1.4 trillion yuan, twice that of 2023; The number of domestic tourists received exceeded 670 million, and the tourism revenue exceeded 790 billion yuan, 2.5 times and 2.8 times of that in 2023, respectively.

At the 2024 World Brand Moganshan Conference "Great Huangshan" brand promotion activity, the relevant responsible comrades of Anhui Provincial Government explained the size of "Great Huangshan" as above.

Relevant responsible comrades of Anhui Provincial People's Government introduced that the decision of Anhui Provincial Party Committee and People's Government to build the "Great Huangshan Mountain" is a major decision to promote the value transformation of ecological products based on the unique advantages of southern Anhui, such as beautiful landscapes, profound humanities, and excellent ecology, and focus on cultivating new momentum for high-quality development. It is an important exploration to build a modern industrial system with innovative ideas and systematic thinking.

"Misty and rainy Mount Huangshan, a place for soul rest" - this is the externalization of the internal temperament of "Mount Huangshan" and the future prospect of "Mount Huangshan". "Anhui is making great efforts to build a world-class leisure, vacation and health tourism destination in the Great Huangshan Mountain, which is a farsighted action," said Zhang Xu, president of the World Tourism Alliance.

Chen Jun, director of the Development and Reform Commission of Anhui Province, said that by 2033, when the construction is completed, the added value of the six major service industries in the "Great Huangshan Mountain" area, namely leisure, creativity, sports events, medical care, exhibition and cultural services, will increase by more than 10% annually, becoming an important support for regional economic development.

"Big Huangshan", why "big"

At the end of March 2024, Anhui Province will hold the "Promotion Meeting for the Construction of World class Leisure, Vacation and Health Care Tourism Destinations in Great Huangshan", which is regarded by the industry as "setting sail" for the construction of "Great Huangshan". The meeting made it clear that the construction of "Great Huangshan" is not about tourism, but about the characteristics of cross-border integration of industries, better amplifying the effect of "tourism+", promoting the development of modern service industry clusters, and realizing the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries.

The future "Great Huangshan" is the "Great Huangshan" of coordinated development.

Anhui Province has proposed that it will adhere to the principle of "one map, one ruler for environmental protection, one set of standards for quality, one database for projects, joint efforts for investment promotion, marketing integration, and a chess game for work" to break geographical boundaries and administrative, institutional, policy and other barriers, so as to allow the overall linkage, free flow, and optimized interaction of resource elements in the region, and finally form the agglomeration effect of industrial development.

In terms of the linkage between the four cities, a joint meeting mechanism of the main principals will be established, and the four cities will take turns to take the lead. In terms of industrial layout, infrastructure, public services and other aspects, specific and annual key tasks will be put forward, and the minutes of the meeting will be jointly signed to fix them, so as to produce synergistic effects and avoid repeated construction and homogeneous competition.

The future "Great Huangshan" is the "Great Huangshan" of cross-border integration.

Zhang Junyi, Mayor of Anqing City, believes that the construction of "Great Huangshan Mountain" needs to build a leisure vacation product system matching it, and promote the upgrading of business types and innovation of models.

Step into the terrace sofa, sit in the various cartoon doll rooms and taste the hand brewed coffee. The winding outline of Tianzhu Mountain in the distance is clearly visible... In Jingu Village, Pomu Township, Qianshan City, Anqing, there is a hidden Internet cafe called "North South Coffee".

"Let's go and have a cup of coffee!" With her photo loving granddaughter, she went to the "village cafe" to clock in, becoming a new daily routine for Wang Aiju, a 57 year old Qianshan citizen.

In the view of Hu Rui, the founder of North South Coffee, in the countryside, coffee shops can not only sink into mountains, lakes and forests, but also reach people of all ages who want to taste fresh food.

"More than 400 cups of coffee can be sold on weekends and holidays, and more and more people like me are opening coffee shops around." He said that relying on the "village coffee" created by rural beauty to create a new consumption scene is becoming a local characteristic industry.

New forms of business have emerged in the "Great Huangshan Mountain".

In Chizhou, known as the "Land of Poets for a Thousand Years", the Chizhou Marathon, founded in 2016, has been selected into the World Athletic Federation Elite Signage Competition this year, adding a world-class name card to the ancient city. Chizhou took advantage of the situation and carried out systematic transformation and upgrading along the track, so that runners from home and abroad could run in the autumn scenery of lakes and flowers in October.

Xuancheng Guangde, located in the geographical geometric center of the Yangtze River Delta, is facing the growing demand for high-quality health care in large cities and the shortage of health care resources. It is building a migratory, recuperating and pastoral health care and elderly care base for the Yangtze River Delta. At the end of February this year, the first Yangtze River Delta (Guangde) Health Care Industry Matchmaking Conference was held, which planned to promote 44 key projects and build a batch of high-quality health care villages.

Anhui Province adheres to the principle of planning before moving, elaborately prepares the guiding plan for the construction of the Great Huangshan Mountain, and formulates the action plan for the construction of the Great Huangshan Mountain. At present, the "Great Huangshan Office" in Anhui Province has been substantively operated. The six major industry promotion groups and the ten major emerging industry promotion groups in Anhui Province have been organically linked up to introduce high-quality resources for the "Great Huangshan".

In terms of financial support, a special fund of 180 million yuan for the construction of the Great Huangshan Mountain and an initial investment fund of 3 billion yuan for the Great Huangshan Mountain industry were set up; In terms of infrastructure and public service facilities, promote the construction of three-dimensional comprehensive transportation network, and focus on introducing high-quality medical, educational, cultural and other resources; In terms of scene building, 1000 scene projects have been built in 10 fields such as enterprise revitalization and talent assistance in the past ten years; In terms of environmental protection, strictly carry out the ecological environment impact assessment mechanism to ensure that the construction of major projects is coordinated with the ecological environment

"Great Huangshan", to the world

This spring, Foreign Ministry Spokespersons Wang Wenbin and Hua Chunying successively forwarded the traditional intangible cultural heritage project Zhanqi fish lantern performance and the spring scenery of Shexian flower selling fishing village in Huangshan City on the sea media platform, attracting many overseas attention.

In March this year, the "world-class" goal of "Great Huangshan" was further clarified at the construction promotion meeting: to improve the internationalization level of industrial development in a high-level opening up, to face the international market, to implement international standards and brand strategies, to improve the international marketing system, to enhance the international communication ability, and to increase the attraction of international industries.

It is understood that Anhui has established a "Great Huangshan" investment attraction key project database for domestic and foreign merchants. At present, it has sorted out 50 key projects with a total investment of 103.8 billion yuan and 100 key investment attraction projects with a total investment of 177.8 billion yuan in 2024.

Throughout the world class leisure, vacation and health tourism destinations, most of them have characteristics in natural landscape, cultural heritage, folk customs and other aspects, which constitute the core competitiveness. "Great Huangshan" learns from the pioneers and improves with world-class benchmarking.

On the east bank of Lake Geneva, a Swiss town called Montreux started from the scenery of lakes and mountains. Later, it not only developed sports programs such as winter skiing, summer parachuting and gliding, medical health programs based on high-quality private clinics, but also relied on cultural business cards such as jazz music festival and Chaplin family manor with a history of nearly 60 years, It has formed a positive interaction between diversified industries and urban development.

Anhui Province proposed that the most prominent feature of promoting the construction of "Great Huangshan Mountain" is to aim at world-class goals, adhere to international standards, promote the standardization of leisure, vacation and health care services, promote the comprehensive integration of tourism service quality with international standards, highlight the construction of service standards for tourism related enterprises, promote the high-end of tourism services with internationalization, and strive to create high-quality Leisure vacation health care brand with temperature.

In the "Great Huangshan" area, even if you are in the countryside, you can already feel the strong international style.

In Tankou Village, Xidi Town, Yixian County, Huangshan City, walk along a narrow mountain road, and soon the vision will become clear. More than 100 old houses in Huizhou are scattered among bamboo forests, mulberry fields, vegetable gardens and hot springs. A naturally growing village in Huizhou has been completely preserved in the valley.

"My heart is at ease, my hometown." This is Chen Lin's feeling when she first saw the Mandarin Duck Valley at Tankou after living overseas for many years. "Here is the soul of the countryside." Chen Lin soon chose to stay here and became the "Innkeeper of Freedom Valley".

Covering an area of more than 8000 mu, the "Freedom Valley" is a village cultural tourism complex integrating organic farms, art galleries, home stays, traditional Chinese medicine and other elements. Here, Chen Lin looks for new owners for each old house, uses it protectively, and jointly builds the future countryside imagined by the valley people.

There are digital vagrants from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, young designers looking for "heart" inspiration, as well as domestic and foreign cultural and artistic celebrities who have come to experience.

"On the cultural level, Chinese villages can have a smooth dialogue with the world, and the most Chinese is also the most international." Chen Lin said that the proximity to Huangshan has given many domestic and foreign tourists a reason to be willing to come here, but only by creating a new cultural and tourism integration project of high standard can they want to come again after coming.

Li Bai, the poet, was once intoxicated with the mountains and rivers in the "Great Huangshan Mountain" area, leaving many masterpieces in the south of the Yangtze River. More than 1300 years later, the redefined "Great Huangshan" will add more beautiful pictures of spiritual relaxation to modern people. Reporter Liu Jing, Chen Shangying, Wang Ona (participated in the gathering and writing: Ma Xinran)

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