Hefei actively builds public opinion policing——

Focusing on public opinion and improving police efficiency

2024-05-27 09:25 Source: Anhui Daily Font size: large in Small Print

"This is the Public Opinion Center of Hefei Public Security Bureau. What question would you like to reflect?" "We saw that you replied 'dissatisfied' with the handling result of the last matter by text message, and what is the reason?" The reporter came to the Public Opinion Center of Hefei Public Security Bureau recently, and saw that the police on duty here were answering the hotline and conducting telephone return visits.

"The people have their voices, and the police have their answers. In order to further open the channels for people to reflect their demands, Hefei Public Security Bureau has actively built a 'public opinion based policing' in recent years, and established a public opinion center in 2021, whose main responsibilities are to collect police related demands, carry out police review, promote problem solving, and improve police efficiency." said the person in charge of the public opinion center of Hefei Public Security Bureau.

The public opinion center has collected 110 complaints, 12345 mayor hotline, 12389 supervisor complaints, the Internet and other appeal channels, and opened the public opinion hotline 66110110, which is integrated, one-stop processing, one-stop feedback, and 24/7 acceptance of public reports, complaints or suggestions, changing the past public security supervision channels, multi heads responsible for, multi departments handling cross issues.

"On average, I make more than 20 return calls every day." Ke Yuhui, a police officer who has just finished talking with the masses, told reporters that after her telephone return visit and follow-up handling, two days ago, two people who had disputes over trivial matters finally realized their mistakes and shook hands and made peace.

"To solve the problems of the masses, we should consider the problems from the perspective of the masses and really solve their problems," said Ke Yuhui.

In the past three years, the Public Opinion Center has sent 7.98 million short messages to comment on the police, visited more than 131000 people, answered 19000 people's calls, conducted 283000 telephone surveys, and collected and solved 187000 people's appeals. The overall public opinion satisfaction has steadily increased for three consecutive years.

"In addition to the establishment of public opinion centers at the municipal bureau level, we have also established 20 public opinion sub centers in each sub bureau and police type, and public opinion offices or posts are set up in each grass-roots team, so as to build a three-level public opinion operation system of 'municipal bureau branch bureau and police type team' and collect public opinion stereoscopically." The relevant person in charge of Hefei Public Security Bureau told reporters.

"We have set up a case steward WeChat group, inviting every case party to join the group, answering their questions and keeping abreast of the progress of the case." Chen Zhitu, instructor of Lianhua Police Station of Hefei Public Security Bureau Economic Development Branch, introduced that Lianhua Police Station innovatively set up a case steward WeChat group for many cases where the parties did not know who the police were and how the case was progressing, Promise that every mass who enters the crowd "will have an answer as long as there is an inquiry", and further build a bridge between the masses and the police.

Focus on the "key small things" of the masses, from "solving one thing" to "solving one kind of thing". Since the establishment of the Public Opinion Center, it has sorted out a number of key issues related to the vital interests of the masses, carried out consultation, research and judgment, data modeling, early warning and prevention, and took precautions. In terms of the areas where the masses have more complaints, we sorted out various problems involving comprehensive social management, traffic management, people's livelihood services, and promoted the special treatment of square dance noise disturbing people, uncivilized dog breeding, and so on for 78 times. In terms of service enterprises, we regularly carried out special surveys on enterprise assistance and relief, and collected and handled more than 800 enterprise appeals through telephone return visits, text messages and field visits.

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