Our province issued a package of policies to strengthen the administrative protection of intellectual property rights

2024-05-27 09:22 Source: Anhui Daily Font size: large in Small Print

Recently, the Provincial Market Supervision Administration issued the 2024 Implementation Plan for Intellectual Property Administrative Protection, deploying 51 specific measures to strengthen intellectual property administrative protection, helping to create a market-oriented, legal and international business environment, and promoting high-quality development.

According to the plan, our province will strengthen the administrative protection of intellectual property from four aspects. Including: improving the level of legalization of administrative protection, implementing new (revised) laws and regulations, and promoting local legislation on intellectual property rights; Strengthen the administrative protection and management of intellectual property rights, carry out special actions for the administrative protection of patents, trademarks and geographical indications, crack down on infringement, counterfeiting, malicious registration applications and other illegal acts, and further standardize patent applications, trademark registration applications, and applications for the use of special geographical indications; Strengthen the administrative protection of intellectual property rights in key areas and key links, do a good job of law enforcement protection in key areas such as public interests and the vital interests of the people, establish a collection and processing mechanism for enterprise demands, and strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of strategic emerging industries and various business entities; We will improve the diversified resolution and rights protection assistance system for intellectual property disputes, improve our ability to respond to overseas disputes, implement the "one thing" integrated service reform for intellectual property protection, and improve the digital level of intellectual property protection and governance.

At the same time, our province will improve the professional guidance of intellectual property law enforcement and improve the quality and level of handling intellectual property cases; Strengthen cooperation and cooperation, deepen the collaborative protection of intellectual property rights under the mechanism of "government hospital linkage" and "government procuratorate joint transport", do a good job in connection with execution, litigation mediation, judicial confirmation and other work, and expand the areas and fields of intellectual property protection cooperation.

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