Important policies of the provincial government this week (May 11, 2024)

2024-05-11 16:31 Source: Anhui Provincial People's Government Online Government WeChat Font size: large in Small Print

Policy overview

Anhui promotes the exchange of old for new consumer goods

Anhui accelerates to create an international first-class business environment

Anhui implements lifelong responsibility system for construction quality of domestic sewage pipe network

Anhui promotes the healthy and orderly development of second-hand car export

Anhui launched the "spring breeze action for tax convenience"

Anhui launched the activity of "Anhui US Rural Rule of Law"

01 Anhui promotes the exchange of old for new consumer goods

Recently, with the consent of the provincial government, 16 departments, including the Provincial Department of Commerce, issued the Implementation Plan of Anhui Province for Promoting the Action of Trade in Consumer Goods, implemented the action of trade in consumer goods, promoted the trade in of consumer goods throughout the chain, promoted the trade in of cars for "energy", household appliances for "intelligence", and household appliances for "rejuvenation", and continued to stimulate potential consumption, Efforts should be made to form the endogenous power and scale effect of renewal, promote the quality and expansion of the province's consumer market, better meet the people's needs for a better life, effectively promote the cultivation of new quality productivity, and constantly enhance the fundamental role of consumption in economic development.

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Anhui promotes the exchange of old consumer goods for new, what? How? Read the figure →

02 Anhui accelerates to create an international first-class business environment

Our province will focus on trade development, attracting foreign capital, platform support and other aspects to create an international first-class business environment with greater efforts and higher standards. Our province will continue to deepen the "Anhui Moves the World" sea going action, carry out the "global layout" action of overseas warehouses, and carry out the special cultivation action of "cross-border e-commerce+industrial belt". Strictly implement the negative list of foreign investment access, continue to clean up the unreasonable differential treatment of domestic and foreign investment, and ensure that domestic and foreign enterprises enjoy the same rights and opportunities in market competition. It will also carry out major economic and trade activities at a high level, continue to carry out publicity and promotion of Anhui's investment environment, and hold more than 50 various foreign investment promotion activities throughout the year.

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Series of press conferences on optimizing business environment (the fifth session): accelerating the creation of an international first-class business environment

03 Anhui implements lifelong responsibility system for construction quality of domestic sewage pipe network

Our province will strengthen the construction, operation and maintenance of urban domestic sewage pipe network. By 2027, the domestic sewage direct discharge outlets and facilities blank areas in urban built-up areas will be basically eliminated, and the centralized collection rate of urban domestic sewage will reach more than 73%. Our province will also strictly control the quality and implement the lifelong responsibility system for the quality of domestic sewage pipe network construction.

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Anhui implements lifelong responsibility system for construction quality of domestic sewage pipe network

04 Anhui promotes the healthy and orderly development of second-hand car export

Recently, the Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Public Security, the Provincial Department of Transport, and Hefei Customs jointly issued a notice on matters related to second-hand car export. Our province will set up a special class for second-hand car export to promote the development of Anhui's second-hand car export business. Increase the cultivation of second-hand car export business entities. Simplify the procedures for the transfer of second-hand cars to be exported, issue temporary license plates to the second-hand cars to be exported, improve the efficiency of handling, and reduce the expenses of enterprises. Actively implement the national customs clearance integration model for second-hand car exports, accelerate the efficiency of vehicle inspection and disposal, and improve the efficiency of export customs clearance.

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Our province promotes the healthy and orderly development of second-hand car export

05 Anhui launched the "spring breeze action for tax convenience"

Recently, the Anhui Provincial Taxation Bureau launched the 2024 "spring breeze action to facilitate taxation for the people", with the theme of "continuously improving efficiency and doing practical things for the people", focused on high-frequency matters and hot appeals of tax payment, integrated and launched five categories, 14 items and 45 measures to facilitate the people, comprehensively enhanced the accessibility, balance and equity of tax services, and continued to create a market-oriented, legalized and international tax business environment, Better serve the construction of modern and beautiful Anhui.

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It's about you! Anhui launched the "spring breeze action for tax convenience"

06 Anhui launched the activity of "Anhui US Rural Rule of Law"

Recently, the Provincial Women's Federation, the Provincial Committee Cyber Information Office, the Provincial Department of Justice, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Provincial Bar Association jointly issued the Work Plan for the Thematic Activity of "Wanda US Rural Rule of Law" to strengthen the systematic training of lawyers and grass-roots legal service workers, make full use of the legal service resources of various departments around the country, and provide all-round legal protection for rural revitalization.

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Anhui launched the activity of "Anhui US Rural Rule of Law"

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