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The provincial "Two Sessions" are getting closer and closer, and the provincial "Government Work Report" is an important issue of the "Two Sessions". How to do a good job in promoting the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui, and how to do a good job of practical things that the people feel are the key contents of the report.

2023 is an important year for comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, the 14th Five Year Plan and the spirit of the 11th Provincial Party Congress, and also the first year for the new government to perform its duties. In order to draft the Provincial Government Work Report in 2023 and further ask the people about their government, needs and plans, the Provincial People's Government continued to launch the activity of "I write a few sentences for the government work report", openly soliciting opinions and suggestions from all sectors of society on the Provincial Government Work Report and government work, and pooling the wisdom of the people of the province to jointly promote the construction and development of a modern and beautiful Anhui.

Your enthusiastic participation and strong support are our continuous power source; Your ardent expectations and pertinent opinions are the focus of our efforts. Let's face the future together and create a better tomorrow for Anhui.

"I will write a few sentences for the government work report" The adoption and handling of netizens' suggestions

From November 22 to December 21, 2022, the political research office of the provincial government launched the activity of "I write a few sentences for the government work report", which attracted wide attention and positive response from netizens. During the period, 173 substantive comments were received from enthusiastic netizens, covering livelihood construction, rural revitalization, regional coordination, ecological environmental protection and other aspects. Our office combed and carefully studied each aspect one by one, and most of the suggestions were reflected in the provincial Government Work Report to varying degrees, and promoted the transformation and implementation of relevant suggestions in the work of relevant provincial departments. The main work is as follows.

First, improve the department communication and docking mechanism, and promote the refinement of various suggestions into practical measures. For the suggestions put forward by the netizens, our office, together with the relevant provincial departments, will jointly analyze and study them, and try to translate them into effective measures that are practical in Anhui. For example, Sun Zhiyong and other netizens put forward suggestions on "supporting the development of northern Anhui", and the Report put forward specific measures such as "supporting the upgrading of central cities and the construction of county towns in northern Anhui"; Yin Railway and other netizens put forward suggestions on the development of rural characteristic industries, and the Report specified measures such as "accelerating the development of the whole industrial chain of the top ten green food industries"; Li Jie, Mei Nianyan and other netizens put forward the proposal of "promoting the establishment of kindergartens" and "retaining grassroots health talents". The Report proposed measures such as "promoting the construction, reconstruction and expansion of public kindergartens, improving the coverage of inclusive kindergartens" and "promoting the construction of grassroots medical and health service capacity".

The second is to strengthen the coordination, cohesion and complementarity among reports, so that people's urgent problems can be more fully and effectively solved. In view of the limited length of the Report, it is difficult to fully display the suggestions on infrastructure and livelihood projects proposed by some netizens. We timely connected netizens' suggestions with relevant provincial departments, strengthened research and demonstration, and promoted more detailed contents and specific projects to be supplemented and reflected in the Plan Report and Budget Report.

The third is to build a face-to-face interaction platform for netizen representatives, and create conditions for better "voice" of netizen representatives. In late December 2022, Governor Wang Qingxian hosted a symposium of some provincial NPC deputies, party members and mass representatives to solicit opinions and suggestions on the Report and the work of the provincial government. Wang Xiaoqin, the representative of netizens, was invited to participate. Her proposal of "assisting the innovative development of traditional time-honored enterprises" has been highly valued by relevant provincial departments and transformed into practice.

The fourth is to sort out and submit opinions and suggestions to netizens, and promote their "golden ideas" to produce "golden fruits" as soon as possible. On the basis of sorting out one by one, we sorted out representative constructive suggestions, noted the contact information of netizens, formed a special report, submitted it to leaders of the provincial government for reading, and transferred it to relevant departments of the province for research and implementation.

The activity of "I write a few sentences for the government work report" has been carried out for seven years. We deeply feel that netizens are enthusiastic and more confident about the future development of Anhui, and their opinions and suggestions are clear and more grounded, which is of great value to the drafting of the government work report. Here, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the netizens for their active participation! The Spring Festival is coming. I wish you all a happy family and a prosperous career in the new year!

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