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Cable lead number: 00298627-2/202404-00013 Information classification: Provincial government documents
Issued by: People's Government of Anhui Province Date Generated: 2024/04/26
Name: Notice of the People's Government of Anhui Province on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan of Anhui Province for Deepening the Reform of Scientific and Technological System and Mechanism and Constructing a Scientific and Technological Innovation System with Enterprises as the Main Body
Document No.: WZ [2024] No. 22 key word:
Cable lead number: 00298627-2/202404-00013 Information classification: Provincial government documents
Subject classification: Science, technology and education Written date: 2024/04/20
Issued by: People's Government of Anhui Province Date of issue: 2024/04/26
Title: Notice of the People's Government of Anhui Province on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan of Anhui Province for Deepening the Reform of Scientific and Technological System and Mechanism and Constructing a Scientific and Technological Innovation System with Enterprises as the Main Body
Document No.: WZ [2024] No. 22 shut key Words:

The People's Government of Anhui Province
Deepen the reform of science and technology system and mechanism, and build an enterprise oriented
Notice on implementation plan of scientific and technological innovation system

Source: General Office of Anhui Provincial People's Government Font size: large in Small Print

People's governments of all cities and counties, all departments of provincial governments, and all directly affiliated institutions:

The Implementation Plan of Anhui Province on Deepening the Reform of Scientific and Technological System and Mechanism and Building a Scientific and Technological Innovation System with Enterprises as the Main Body is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please implement it carefully.




People's Government of Anhui Province

two thousand and twenty-four year four month twenty day



Anhui Province Deepens the Reform of Science and Technology System and Mechanism to Build Enterprises

Implementation plan of science and technology innovation system


In order to thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on scientific and technological innovation and the important directive spirit of the important speech on Anhui work, implement the requirements of the Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the Eleventh Provincial Party Committee, accelerate the construction of a scientific and technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, and combine the actual situation of our province, this implementation plan is formulated.

1、 General requirements

Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, actively serve and integrate into the construction of a new development pattern, strive to promote high-quality development, deepen the reform of scientific and technological systems and mechanisms, and change the innovation concept, work priorities, resource allocation and working mechanism, We should break the persistent disease that restricts scientific and technological innovation of enterprises, drive innovation elements to gather in enterprises, strengthen the dominant position of scientific and technological innovation of enterprises, promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, provide strong support for accelerating the construction of a strong province of science and technology that is self reliant and self strengthening, and add strong momentum for building a modern and beautiful Anhui in an all-round way, To contribute Anhui's strength to the country's self-reliance in high-level science and technology.

——Highlight the main body of enterprises. Give full play to the advantages of enterprises' strong innovation motivation and entrepreneurs' grasp of the direction of technological development, promote the inclination of all kinds of innovation resources to enterprises, and promote enterprises to truly become the main body of technological innovation decision-making, R&D investment, scientific research organization, and achievements transformation.

——Strengthen industrial innovation. Adhere to focusing on industry and innovation, lead the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, practically solve the "sticking points" and "blocking points" of technology in industrial development, and promote the integration of science, technology and industry.

——Adhere to the guidance of reform. Adhere to the system concept and follow the market logic, reform the system and mechanism of scientific research project approval, organization and implementation, evaluation and scientific and technological awards, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, universities, research institutes and other innovation subjects, and create an innovation ecology with strong power and vitality.

——Deepen collaborative innovation. Give full play to the advantages of various innovation subjects, and promote the formation of an innovation system with enterprises as the main body and universities, scientific research institutes, user units, financial and professional service institutions working together efficiently. Support enterprises to strengthen innovation cooperation with foreign countries, actively integrate into the global innovation network, and promote various innovation resources to gather in Anhui.

reach two thousand and twenty-seven In, the scientific and technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body was basically formed, and the enterprise innovation ecology was in the forefront of the country. A number of national famous scientific and technological enterprises and innovative products emerged, forming a vivid situation of enterprises in the province competing for innovation and innovation resources outside the province competing for entry into Anhui.

——The team of scientific and technological enterprises is growing. The echelon cultivation system of "technology-based SMEs - high-tech enterprises - listed high-tech enterprises - science and technology leading enterprises" has been improved, and the technology leading enterprises, listed high-tech enterprises, high-tech enterprises, and technology-based SMEs have reached fifty Home one hundred and eighty Home thirty thousand Home fifty thousand Home, the number ranks first in the country.

——The technological innovation capability of enterprises has been significantly improved. R&D investment 85% Left and right come from enterprises and R&D personnel 85% The left and right are concentrated in enterprises and R&D institutions 85% Left and right located in enterprises, invention patents 85% The left and right come from enterprises. The key core technical problems of enterprises have been effectively solved, and the contribution rate of the added value of high-tech industries above scale to the added value of industries above scale has reached 80% above.

——The scientific and technological innovation system is coordinated and efficient. The structure and layout of scientific and technological forces are more reasonable, enterprises and universities, scientific research institutes and other collaborative innovation are closer, collaborative innovation of large, medium, small and micro enterprises, effective connection between upstream, midstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and deep integration of production, learning, research and use are basically formed, and the overall efficiency of the enterprise oriented scientific and technological innovation system is significantly enhanced.

2、 Key tasks

(1) We will expand the ranks of science and technology enterprises.

one Implement the cultivation and construction of science and technology leading enterprises. Cultivate and attract a number of technology leading enterprises with outstanding core technology, strong industrial chain driving ability and global competitiveness. Support science and technology leading enterprises to undertake major scientific research tasks, strive to create national innovation platforms such as national key laboratories and national technology innovation centers, achieve dynamic "full coverage" of provincial industrial innovation research institutes, and establish systematic, task oriented innovation consortiums and industrial technology innovation strategic alliances. Support science and technology leading enterprises to increase investment in basic research, participate in the construction of major science and technology infrastructure, and apply for provincial natural science funds. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology)

two Implement the cultivation and construction action of listing of scientific and technological enterprises. Select and support a group of technology enterprises with strong innovation ability, rapid growth, great development potential and strong willingness to go public, carry out precise services, and enhance the scientific innovation attributes of enterprises. We will implement fiscal, tax, and financial policies, promote standardized share reform of enterprises, and expand and strengthen capital markets such as the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Strengthen listing guidance, promote enterprises to settle in the Anhui service base of the Shanghai Shenzhen North Stock Exchange, incorporate them into the scope of key guidance of the Exchange, and formulate listing guidance scheme "one enterprise, one policy". We will comprehensively implement the reform of replacing the certificate of no violation of laws and regulations with enterprise public credit reports. (Responsible unit: Provincial Party Committee Finance Office, cooperating units: Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Finance Department, People's Bank of China Anhui Branch, State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration Anhui Supervision Bureau)

three Implement the Unicorn Enterprise Cultivation Action. Focusing on new fields and new tracks, we will increase the exploration of unicorn (potential) enterprises with "unique skills" and "hard core technology", establish a training base for unicorn (potential) enterprises, coordinate innovative resources such as projects, funds, talents, platforms and scenes, and provide "one enterprise, one policy" precise services. Encourage domestic and foreign investment institutions, consulting institutions, incubators, social organizations and other professional institutions to actively explore and cultivate unicorn (potential) enterprises, and give support according to the role and effectiveness of the institutions. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Finance Office)

four Implement the action of "double growth" of high-tech enterprises and technology-based SMEs. We will fully implement policies such as additional deductions for research and development expenses and tax incentives for high-tech enterprises, and implement the policy of "free application and enjoy" and "free application and enjoy". (Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau, cooperating unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department) Establish a mutual recognition mechanism for high-tech enterprises, and simplify the procedures for the overall relocation of high-tech enterprises from other places to Anhui. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Finance Department, Provincial Taxation Bureau) Refine objectives and tasks, and establish a regular reporting mechanism. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Finance Department, Provincial Taxation Bureau)

(2) Improve the technological innovation capability of enterprises.

five Build a strong scientific and technological talent team. For overseas high-level talents and urgently needed talents introduced by enterprises, the title review and talent level identification can be conducted through the "green channel". Support enterprises to accurately attract "high, sophisticated" industrial talents and excellent skilled talents. We will implement programs such as "Young Talents", "Ten Thousand Postdoctoral Fellows Gather in Jianghuai" and "Elite Students", and increase the support of provincial talent projects and provincial natural science funds for enterprise scientific and technological talents. (Responsible unit: Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology) Support enterprises to adopt "full time introduction" + Flexible cooperation + Share and share ", promote" Sunday engineers "and other models, and introduce excellent engineers at home and abroad. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, cooperating units: Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology) Support enterprises to cooperate with academicians at home and abroad to set up provincial academician workstations. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Finance Department) Support enterprises to build "R&D enclave", and full-time talents employed by wholly funded R&D institutions outside the province (overseas) and offshore innovation and entrepreneurship bases registered and recognized at the provincial level will enjoy relevant policies for talents in Anhui. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, cooperating units: Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Provincial Department of Commerce)

six Support enterprises to build high-energy innovation platforms. Strengthen the construction of enterprise led provincial industrial innovation research institute (technology innovation center, industrial innovation center, manufacturing innovation center), provincial key laboratory, provincial enterprise research and development center (engineering research center, enterprise technology center), and actively strive to create a national innovation platform. In principle, the newly approved provincial industrial innovation platform 80% The above is set up by the enterprise, and the province will give financial awards, subsidies, scientific research projects and other support as a whole according to the regulations. Support leading enterprises to take the lead and jointly build the Provincial Industrial Innovation Institute with upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain, colleges and universities, investment and financing institutions, etc. to serve the innovative development of the industry. Support qualified enterprises to unite with relevant advantageous universities and institutes inside and outside the province to jointly build provincial key laboratories and other innovation platforms, and improve the source innovation capability of enterprises. We will improve the mechanism of "laying eggs along the way" for scientific and technological research and development, build a cutting-edge technology concept verification center, and support enterprises to build a pilot (cultivation) base for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance)

seven Implement the "two zeroing" action for key manufacturing enterprises without R&D institutions and R&D activities. Continuous promotion of annual main business income five No R&D institutions above 100 million yuan one The key manufacturing enterprises above designated size that have no R&D activities of more than 100 million yuan will be cleared, and support will be given to the cleared enterprises with scientific and technological innovation vouchers. Prepare guidelines for the construction and evaluation of enterprise R&D institutions. We will improve the mechanism for provincial, municipal, and county science and technology departments to jointly serve enterprises, and accelerate the system of clearing the "double no enterprise list". (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, cooperating unit: Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Bureau of Statistics)

eight Promote the opening and sharing of instruments and equipment to enterprises. More efforts will be made to open scientific instruments and equipment, major scientific and technological infrastructure, basic patent information resources, scientific data, engineering experimental data, etc. of colleges and universities to enterprises. Explore the sharing and sharing mechanism of large-scale scientific instruments and equipment "purchased by enterprises and used by society". Promote the interconnection between the provincial large-scale scientific instrument and equipment sharing service platform and the Yangtze River Delta large-scale scientific instrument and equipment sharing service platform. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Department of Finance)

nine Promote colleges and universities to fully support the integration of enterprise innovation. Promote universities and colleges to serve the high-quality development of the province, face the main battlefield of economic and social development, strengthen industrial innovation, serve enterprise innovation, and form an innovation system with deep integration of industry, university, research and application. Colleges and universities, especially science and engineering colleges, departments and teams should focus on collaborative innovation around the industry, tap technology needs from enterprises, refine research topics, and jointly carry out scientific research with enterprises, jointly build innovation platforms and jointly cultivate talents. Focusing on the development needs of major strategies and key industries, optimize and adjust the setting of discipline colleges and majors in provincial universities. The technology transfer institutions of provincial universities should strengthen the function of technology demand management, take the initiative to meet the technological needs of enterprises and help solve technical problems. Explore and establish a pair innovation mechanism between science and engineering provincial universities and cities, counties (cities, districts, development zones), and connect each university one two Counties (cities, districts and development zones) serve the development of local emerging industries. We will improve the standards for evaluating the professional titles of science and engineering professors, and take serving the practice and effectiveness of enterprises as an important condition. Strengthen the quarterly innovation "horse racing" work in colleges and universities, and the relevant results will serve as an important basis for supporting scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Education, cooperating units: Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security)

(3) Accelerate the construction of an open and innovative ecosystem with global competitiveness.

ten Improve the level of openness and innovation of enterprises. Support enterprises to set up R&D centers outside the province (overseas), deepen the construction of the Yangtze River Delta scientific and technological innovation community, encourage and support qualified enterprises to implement international scientific and technological cooperation projects and undertake the tasks of the "Belt and Road" scientific and technological innovation action plan. Optimize the policy of provincial high-level scientific and technological talent team, and attract domestic and foreign first-class scientific and technological talent team to Anhui for innovation and entrepreneurship. Support domestic and foreign colleges and universities and talent teams to set up high-level new research and development institutions in Anhui. In principle, enterprises invested from other provinces in Anhui should establish R&D institutions and carry out R&D activities according to the requirements of "two clearing", support qualified enterprises through "targeted entrustment" science and technology projects, and guide them to set up R&D headquarters (centers) in Anhui. To promote the brand of "double foreign exchange earning" in Anhui, enhance the influence of China (Anhui) Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Transformation Fair, build and make good use of Anhui science and technology market, and promote the docking of supply and demand of innovation resources. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Commerce)

eleven Create a "pilot field" for the reform of the scientific and technological system and mechanism of "University of Science and Technology Silicon Valley". Focus on building a "global alumni organization" + Innovation Center + Innovation Unit ". Improve the market-oriented operation mechanism of "University of Science and Technology Silicon Valley", improve the professional operation level of operators, and continue to expand the global alumni resources. "Incubation in other places" + The "local registration" recruitment mode is used to establish innovation centers at home and abroad. With "Team + fund + The "carrier" mode is used to build an innovation unit and an innovation consortium and building industry chain. According to "Platform Company + Innovation Unit + Service partner + The "four in one" innovation service system of territorial government will build a companion growth model for key start-ups. (Responsible unit: Hefei Municipal People's Government, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China)

twelve . Use industrial Internet to couple innovation resources. Give full play to the role of Antelope and other industrial Internet integrated service platforms, and promote the platform for scientific and technological achievements, expert think tanks, and small and medium-sized enterprises. Explore public data authorization operation, accelerate data collection, and improve platform innovation resource coupling capability. We will promote enterprises to "go to the cloud" to build virtual research and development institutions, carry out online technological innovation and research, online docking, and online transformation, and promote the deep integration of industry, education, research, and use. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, cooperating unit: Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Bureau of Data Resources)

thirteen Build a world-class technology business school. Build a high standard science and technology business school of the University of Science and Technology of China, optimize the discipline system of science and technology industry organization, scientifically and accurately design a new teaching and training model with distinctive practical orientation, a new cross-border integration curriculum system, implement the "1000 Talents Special Training Camp" science and innovation talent training plan focused on enterprises, and cultivate "know science and technology, know industry, know capital, know market, know management" Talents of compound science and technology industry organization. (Responsible unit: University of Science and Technology of China, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Hefei Municipal People's Government)

fourteen Give play to the collaborative innovation role of industry associations and chambers of commerce. Give play to the role of provincial high-tech enterprise association as a bridge in enterprise scientific and technological innovation. Encourage entrepreneurs from other provinces to set up non local chambers of commerce in Anhui and undertake global or national activities in Anhui. We will support the establishment of non local chambers of commerce in Anhui to become leading chambers of commerce in the Yangtze River Delta and even in China. Support the establishment of Anhui entrepreneurs' chambers of commerce in different places, and encourage Anhui entrepreneurs' chambers of commerce across the country to actively participate in "double recruitment and double introduction". Explore the introduction of scientific and technological international social organizations and register them in Anhui to help industrial technological innovation. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Civil Affairs)

fifteen Strengthen the protection and application of scientific and technological innovation achievements of enterprises. Establish a "green channel" for intellectual property review of key industries to shorten the review cycle. We will promote enterprises to take the lead in establishing patent pools, conducting patent navigation, and strengthening the distribution of intellectual property rights. Promote diversified intellectual property financial support and explore intellectual property securitization. Promote the construction of provincial intellectual property trading venues and improve the trading mechanism. Support the establishment of intellectual property rights protection assistance workstations in parks and enterprises. Carry out early-warning work on overseas intellectual property risk of enterprises, and improve risk prevention ability. (Responsible unit: Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, cooperating unit: Provincial Party Committee Finance Office, People's Bank of China Anhui Branch, State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration Anhui Supervision Bureau) If an enterprise breaks through technical barriers to form products and encounters a sharp short-term price reduction of imported similar products, the enterprise shall file an application for anti-dumping investigation, and the relevant departments can start anti-dumping investigation in a timely manner according to law. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Commerce, cooperating unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau, Hefei Customs) Support state-owned enterprises to adopt the evaluation separation system in bidding procurement projects, and give priority to the procurement of "three first" and other products. By reserving procurement shares and price evaluation preferences, government procurement will increase support for technology-based SMEs. (Responsible unit: Provincial Finance Department, cooperating unit: Provincial SASAC)

3、 Innovative system and mechanism

(1) Reform the project establishment mechanism of scientific research projects. Focusing on the key "sticking points" of the industry and the commanding heights of future development, we will establish a "top-down" and "bottom-up" refining mechanism for scientific research project topic selection, sort out the problems of "sticking points" and "blocking points", form a list of major research tasks, and implement inventory and closed-loop management. Explore the project evaluation mode of "competition instead of evaluation". Establish the Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Advisory Committee to attract entrepreneurs to participate in the research and formulation of plans, plans, policies, etc. Establish expert advisory committees in different industries, with experts from enterprises accounting for no less than 50% The number of technology demand from enterprises for industrial innovation science and technology projects is not less than 80% Establish a mechanism for establishing long-term major scientific research projects, and provide continuous and stable support to those who are evaluated excellent in the stage. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

(2) Reform the organization and implementation mechanism of scientific research projects. Support enterprises to take the lead in undertaking scientific research projects. In principle, enterprises should take the lead in undertaking science and technology projects related to industrial innovation. Give the leading power of the project to enterprises, and build a collaborative tackling mechanism led by leading enterprises to integrate colleges and universities, upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain. Reform the project management mode and strengthen the "military order" and responsibility letter system. Give the enterprise the right to formulate technical routes, break down key tasks, and determine the decisions of participating units. Reform the management system of project funds and explore the implementation of the "lump sum system" of project funds + Negative list "system. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

(3) Reform the evaluation mechanism of scientific research projects. Establish a project classification evaluation index system that highlights the orientation of "quality, performance and contribution". Industrial innovation science and technology plan projects are evaluated by enterprises, and the evaluation results serve as an important basis for project adjustment and follow-up support. According to the principle of "downstream assessment of upstream, whole machine assessment of components, application assessment technology, and market assessment products", application enterprises are given the "veto power" for project "milestone" assessment, performance evaluation, and final acceptance. Establish the provincial science and technology plan project achievement post evaluation system three During the year, the application of achievements will be evaluated irregularly. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance)

(4) Reform the evaluation and incentive mechanism for scientific and technological personnel. In science and technology enterprises with conditions and needs, we will explore and carry out the pilot project of "Double 10000 Project" (10000 personnel and 10000 senior positions) to ensure the establishment of high-level talents. (Responsible unit: Provincial Committee Organization Department, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department, Provincial Science and Technology Department) Decentralize the decision-making power of enterprise talent evaluation, carry out "talent determination according to salary", and take salary, treatment, etc. as the main basis for enterprise talent level identification. Authorize industrial alliances, leading enterprises and chain owners to independently carry out the evaluation of corresponding professional titles and high-level talent identification of engineering technology series. (Responsible unit: Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department) Explore the new mode of "school recruitment and enterprise employment" for urgently needed talents in industry, improve the "two-way communication" mechanism between scientific research personnel of colleges and universities and enterprises, select a group of "industry professors" to teach in colleges and universities, and select a group of science and engineering teachers from colleges and universities to serve in enterprises. (Responsible unit: Provincial Education Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department) Carry out the service action of "double chain integration commissioner" and the selection of "vice president of science and technology", and open the "green channel" for scientific and technological personnel from colleges and universities to enterprises. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Education Department, Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department) Support universities and enterprises to jointly cultivate outstanding engineers, and qualified engineering master and doctoral talents can participate in the evaluation of engineer and senior engineer titles. (Responsible unit: Provincial Education Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department)

(5) Reform and innovation platform construction management mechanism. Focusing on the innovation chain of the industrial chain, reshape and build the enterprise innovation platform system with original innovation, technological innovation, industrial innovation and other echelon layout. Reform the construction mode, explore the establishment of a full cycle cultivation mechanism for enterprise innovation platforms, and support enterprises to take the lead in building major innovation platforms by means of "unveiling" and "competitive horse racing". We will reform support methods, establish diversified investment mechanisms such as financial funds, social capital, and special funds, strengthen classified and stable support for enterprise innovation platforms, and explore the integrated allocation of resources such as projects, funds, and talents to major innovation platforms. Reform the evaluation mechanism, strengthen the demand orientation and performance orientation, and establish the evaluation mechanism of the "whole process, long cycle, node" enterprise innovation platform. The performance evaluation results serve as an important basis for financial support. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Finance Office)

(6) We will reform the mechanism for investing in science and technology. Strengthen the overall planning of financial science and technology funds and strive for the provincial financial science and technology funds 80% Left and right investment to enterprises. (Responsible unit: Provincial Finance Department) Guide enterprises to increase investment in research and development. In principle, enterprises should take the lead in undertaking provincial-level science and technology planning projects, and the proportion of investment should not be less than 60% Build and operate the provincial angel fund group at a high level, increase equity investment in technology-based SMEs, and the investment loss tolerance rate can reach the highest 80% (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Finance Department, Provincial Committee Finance Office) Build a national leading scientific and technological innovation financial reform pilot zone, deeply implement the "common growth plan" of financial support for scientific and technological innovation enterprises, promote the business expansion increment of "loan investment batch linkage", and launch and implement the credit financing support plan for high growth enterprises. Promote "technology flow", "sci-tech innovation scorecard" and other evaluation credit models. (Responsible unit: Provincial Party Committee Finance Office, cooperating unit: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Finance, People's Bank of China Anhui Branch) We will improve the risk compensation mechanism for provincial science and technology loans, and encourage financial institutions to increase credit to science and technology enterprises. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Finance Department, Provincial Committee Finance Office) We will improve the science and technology insurance product system and provide enterprises with full life cycle insurance services. (Responsible unit: Anhui Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, and cooperating units: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Finance Office) Establish provincial and municipal linkage technology insurance subsidy mechanism. Explore and implement the innovative credit system for enterprises, and support financial institutions to carry out credit support and equity investment based on credit points. (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department, cooperating unit: Provincial Party Committee Finance Office, Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology)

(7) Reform the science and technology reward mechanism. We will build a science and technology incentive mechanism for enterprises to participate widely, and give play to the incentive role of enterprises to strive for excellence in innovation. Revise the Measures of Anhui Province for Science and Technology Awards, gradually increase the incentives for industrial innovation achievements, explore the establishment of industrial innovation awards in the Anhui Province Science and Technology Awards as required, and praise and encourage units and individuals who have made significant contributions to industrial innovation. Optimize the structure of science and technology award evaluation experts, and the proportion of enterprise experts among the evaluation experts of industrial innovation achievements shall not be less than 50% (Responsible unit: Provincial Science and Technology Department)

(8) Reform the incentive mechanism for scientific and technological innovation of state-owned enterprises. Establish the system of innovation mission responsibility statement of legal representatives of provincial key industrial enterprises, and strengthen the innovation responsibility of state-owned enterprises. Establish a mechanism for sustained growth of R&D investment of provincial state-owned enterprises, support the establishment of an independent accounting and R&D reserve system exempt from value-added assessment, and arrange annual state-owned capital operation budget 20% About the funds are used to support scientific and technological innovation, and R&D investment can be added back as profit. Provincial state-owned enterprises undertaking the task of original technology sourcing, according to the national regulations, implement cash incentives for their scientific research personnel, which are actually included in the payroll for separate management, and are not used as the payroll budget base. We will improve the medium - and long-term incentive mechanisms for state-owned scientific and technological and innovative enterprises, and implement more flexible equity and dividend incentives. (Responsible unit: SASAC of Sichuan Province, cooperating units: Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security)

4、 Safeguard measures

The Science and Technology Committee of the Provincial Party Committee takes the construction of a scientific and technological innovation system with enterprises as the main task. The Office of the Science and Technology Committee of the Provincial Party Committee strengthens overall coordination, supervises and guides the work of various units around the country, and timely promotes rectification when problems are found. We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, entrepreneurs and craftsmen, and strengthen the popularization of science and technology. All relevant units shall carefully sort out the relevant policies and systems of scientific research projects, platforms, talents, funds, rewards, evaluations, assessments, etc. according to the requirements of this implementation plan, and timely revise those that do not meet the requirements. Regularly hold the provincial science and technology award conference or science and technology innovation conference to encourage enterprises, colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, cities, counties (cities, districts, development zones) and parks with outstanding science and technology innovation work according to regulations.


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