Cable lead number: 00298627-2/202403-00062 Information classification: Document of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government
Issued by: General Office of Anhui Provincial People's Government Date Generated: 2024/03/29
Name: Circular of the General Office of the People's Government of Anhui Province on Printing and Distributing Several Measures to Accelerate the Integrated Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade in Anhui Province
Document No.: WZB [2024] No. 2 key word:
Cable lead number: 00298627-2/202403-00062 Information classification: Document of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government
Subject classification: Commerce, customs, tourism Written date: 2024/03/22
Issued by: General Office of Anhui Provincial People's Government Date of issue: 2024/03/29
Title: Circular of the General Office of the People's Government of Anhui Province on Printing and Distributing Several Measures to Accelerate the Integrated Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade in Anhui Province
Document No.: WZB [2024] No. 2 shut key Words:

General Office of Anhui Provincial People's Government
Circular of Anhui Province on Several Measures to Accelerate the Integrated Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade

Source: General Office of Anhui Provincial People's Government Font size: large in Small Print

People's governments of all cities and counties, all departments of provincial governments, and all directly affiliated institutions:

With the consent of the provincial government, the Several Measures of Anhui Province to Accelerate the Integrated Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade are hereby printed and distributed to you. Please earnestly implement them.



General Office of Anhui Provincial People's Government

two thousand and twenty-four year three month twenty-two day



Some Measures to Accelerate the Integration of Domestic and Foreign Trade in Anhui Province


In order to accelerate the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, according to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing Several Measures to Accelerate the Integrated Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade (issued by the State Council Office [ two thousand and twenty-three forty-two The following measures are formulated according to the actual situation of our province.

1、 Promote the connection of domestic and foreign trade standard certification

Benchmark the international advanced level, track and transform the development of international standards for key industries such as new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles, carry out research on standards in key fields such as quantum information, energy, artificial intelligence, and support enterprises to lead and participate in the preparation and revision of international, national and industrial standards every year one hundred and twenty More than. We will promote the coordinated development of regional standardization in the Yangtze River Delta, the central region, and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Support third-party conformity assessment service agencies such as inspection, certification and accreditation to provide "one-stop" services for foreign trade enterprises two thousand and twenty-five Promote five More than inspection, testing and certification institutions have reached mutual recognition with internationally renowned testing and certification laboratories. Improve the quality inspection and certification system of agricultural products, promote mutual recognition of agricultural products with geographical indications in our province and the EU two thousand and twenty-five In, the geographical indication products of China and Europe reached ten .

2、 Promote the connection of domestic and foreign trade supervision

We will improve long-term systems and mechanisms to adapt to the national unified market and promote smooth circulation. We will strengthen the monitoring of drug shortage production in the province and medical institutions, explore and improve the emergency mechanism for drug shortage supply assurance, and implement inventory management and dynamic adjustment. Implement the relevant system for emergency use of medical devices, optimize the procurement path, allow medical institutions to record and purchase independently, and facilitate the rapid access of drugs, medical devices and other commodities to the domestic market in the event of natural disasters, public health events and other emergencies. Support imported exhibits with mature supervision methods and strong domestic demand to participate in various economic and trade fairs in our province and sell them in China.

3、 Promote the same line, same standard and same quality

The scope of application of products of the same line, same standard and same quality (hereinafter referred to as "three identical") will be extended to the field of general consumer goods and industrial products. Organize experts from testing and certification institutions to provide technical guidance such as product standard comparison and analysis, certification and testing services for "three identical" enterprises. Guide enterprises to make self declaration or entrust a third party agency to certify their products to meet the requirements of "Three Identities", promote all parties to accept the results of "Three Identities" certification, and strengthen the publicity and promotion of "Three Identities" enterprises and product information. Support supermarket enterprises and e-commerce platforms to sell "three identical" products, and promote "three identical" products to enter the domestic and foreign trade integration exhibition platform.

4、 Support foreign trade enterprises to expand domestic market

Guide local governments to independently carry out activities such as production and marketing docking of high-quality foreign trade products and centralized procurement, strengthen market docking and promotion, and expand channels for high-quality foreign trade products to enter e-commerce platforms, shopping malls and supermarkets, pedestrian streets in business circles, discount stores in factories, and commodity trading markets.

5、 Support domestic trade enterprises to expand international market

Organize provincial foreign trade policy business training and cross-border e-commerce series training, and train enterprises every year two thousand Home or above. Accelerate the development of new business types and models such as market procurement trade and cross-border e-commerce, support cities with conditions to organize regional internal and external production and marketing docking, market docking and other activities, and drive more small and micro entities to participate in foreign trade business. Vigorously develop the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement( RCEP )Emerging markets such as member countries and countries jointly building the "Belt and Road".

6、 Strengthen the construction of Anhui characteristic brand

Organize domestic and foreign trade enterprises to participate in the "1000 enterprises and 100 cities" brand value promotion action. Create a number of provincial product quality promotion demonstration areas and strive to create a national quality brand promotion demonstration area. Actively cultivate the brand of "Wanmei agricultural products" and improve the core competitiveness of export agricultural products. reach two thousand and twenty-five In, the province's green food, organic agricultural products and geographical indication agricultural products reached seven thousand . Support enterprises to increase the export proportion of self owned brand products. Support enterprises to build digital workshops and intelligent factories, and add and cultivate intelligent factories and digital workshops in two hundred More than. Establish a working mechanism for the cultivation, identification, publicity and management of "Wanmei Brand Demonstration Enterprise", reach two thousand and twenty-five In 2008, we fostered Wanmei brand demonstration enterprises in manufacturing industry seven hundred Wanmei Brand Demonstration Enterprise in Service Industry one hundred Home or above.

7、 Introduce domestic and foreign trade integrated enterprises

Focus on cold chain logistics, supply chain finance, export-oriented supply chain and other links, vigorously cultivate and introduce a number of supply chain service leading enterprises. reach two thousand and twenty-five In 2008, we fostered a dual span, industrial, regional and professional industrial Internet platform sixty Around home. Focus on agricultural product markets in key countries and regions, expand the export of agricultural products with distinctive advantages in our province two thousand and twenty-five Cultivate a high-quality development base for international agricultural trade twenty Home or above. Carry out gradient cultivation of foreign trade comprehensive service enterprises and encourage municipal cultivation and accreditation. Guide cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones and pilot cities of market procurement trade mode, increase the introduction of foreign trade comprehensive service enterprises, and promote the integrated development of new business types.

8、 Cultivate domestic and foreign trade integration and develop industrial clusters

We will promote China (Anhui) Pilot Free Trade Zone to carry out institutional integration and innovation around key industries, strengthen industrial docking in the joint innovation zone, accelerate the construction of industrial clusters such as new energy vehicles with international competitiveness, and expand the export scale of competitive products. Promote the construction of import trade promotion and innovation demonstration zones in Hefei and Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone, and promote the deep integration of import trade with industry and consumption. Promote "cross-border e-commerce" + The development of the "industrial belt" model will improve the export capacity of the provincial characteristic industrial clusters, and support the qualified characteristic industrial clusters to apply for the provincial cross-border e-commerce industrial park. Implement the project of improving quality and efficiency of foreign trade transformation and upgrading base, and strive to achieve two thousand and twenty-five The export proportion of the base reached 40%

9、 Construct efficient modern logistics system

Promote the construction of "two hubs and one center" (Wuhu Ma'anshan, Anqing Jianghai intermodal transport hub, Bengbu, Huainan Huaihe shipping hub and Hefei Jianghuai intermodal transport center), Hefei International Air Freight Hub, Wuhu professional air freight hub port, and build "Anhui" one hundred and twenty-three Express cargo logistics circle ". Accelerate the construction of rural logistics distribution system at county, township and village levels. Guide the port and shipping enterprises in our province to deepen the docking with the port and shipping enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta and improve the efficiency of multimodal transport. Guide postal express enterprises to launch all cargo flights in Anhui. Explore and carry out the pilot project of "direct loading and direct lifting", expand the scope of application scenarios of "linkage unloading", and timely carry out the pilot project of facilitation measures such as "inspection before shipment" for export LCL goods. Improve the layout of overseas warehouses to two thousand and twenty-five In, enterprises across the province built and used overseas warehouses five hundred More than.

10、 Build and make good use of trade promotion exhibition platform

Organize domestic trade enterprises with import and export potential to participate in important exhibitions such as the Import Expo, the Canton Fair, and the Trade in Services Fair, support the establishment of special exhibition and promotion zones for large-scale export enterprises in Anhui Province at the Shanghai Agricultural Trade Fair, and promote the transformation of domestic trade enterprises to expand overseas markets. Deeply implement the "Huidong Global" sea going action, and release and promote famous overseas exhibitions every year two hundred We will support a number of domestic trade enterprises to participate in overseas exhibitions to develop markets.

11、 Strengthen intellectual property protection

We will improve the mechanism for handling intellectual property disputes, strengthen the administrative adjudication of patent infringement disputes in foreign trade enterprises, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of patentees. Focusing on clothing, shoes and hats, home furnishings and household appliances, law enforcement actions against infringement and counterfeiting were carried out. We will strengthen the guidance work for responding to overseas intellectual property disputes, collect enterprises' demands for foreign-related intellectual property protection, and strengthen the prevention and control of foreign-related intellectual property risks. Guide e-commerce platforms to implement the whole process management and protection of intellectual property rights. reach two thousand and twenty-five In, strive to achieve the goal of "standard implementation" of intellectual property enterprises in the province three thousand Home.

12、 Improve domestic and foreign trade credit system

We will unblock credit information collection channels, strengthen the sharing and application of enterprise credit risk classification results, vigorously promote models such as "easy credit", and help enterprises obtain more credit support. Encourage domestic and foreign trade enterprises to use credit reporting, insurance, factoring and other credit tools to prevent market sales risks. Strengthen the cultivation of enterprise credit and law-abiding standardization, and carry out "one enterprise, one policy" AEO Certification cultivation, to two thousand and twenty-five In, strive to AEO Enterprises reach one hundred and twenty Home.

13、 Increase efforts to introduce and cultivate professional talents

Encourage colleges and universities to further optimize the professional structure, add relevant majors for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, and create a batch of core courses, high-quality textbooks and practical projects around the demand for the development of emerging industries and the integration of domestic and foreign trade in our province. We will focus on introducing and cultivating professional and technical talents who are familiar with domestic and foreign laws, trade rules and market environment, and accelerate the formation of a regional professional and technical talent sharing mechanism. Support enterprises to organize employees to carry out subsidized vocational skills training, and expand the functions of Anhui Continuing Education Network Park Vocational Education Teaching Demonstration Zone.

14、 Increase financial support

On the premise of complying with WTO rules, we will implement fiscal and tax support policies for foreign trade and trade and commercial circulation industry, make overall use of various special funds such as foreign trade development and commercial circulation industry development, and increase support for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade. Banking institutions are encouraged to provide financial products and services based on accounts receivable, inventory, warehouse receipts, orders, insurance policies, etc., and provide upstream and downstream supply chain financial services around qualified enterprises on the premise of compliance with laws and regulations. Promote pilot policies for cross-border financing facilitation. Carry out the promotion of the bank settlement account system combining local and foreign currencies. Support banks to provide foreign exchange settlement and sales and related capital collection and payment services for market entities of new trade formats such as cross-border e-commerce by virtue of electronic transaction information, and constantly expand the settlement channels of new trade formats.

15、 Better play the role of credit insurance

We will increase the underwriting of export credit insurance, optimize claims settlement services, and continue to improve the service coverage of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises in foreign trade. Insurance institutions are encouraged to expand domestic trade credit insurance and other types of insurance, strengthen insurance protection and expand the scope of protection, and improve the level of insurance services in accordance with the needs of domestic and foreign trade integration under the premise of controllable risks. For key industrial chain enterprises in our province, explore the use of trade insurance and project insurance linkage to support their upstream and downstream business underwriting needs.

All local departments should fully understand the importance of promoting the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, refine their work tasks, compact their work responsibilities, and ensure the implementation of various policies and measures. Each city should find out the base number of domestic and foreign trade integration enterprises and vigorously promote the development of domestic and foreign trade integration in the region. The Provincial Department of Commerce should work with relevant departments to strengthen situation analysis and policy evaluation, timely adjust and optimize relevant measures, increase work coordination and promote implementation, increase publicity and promotion of successful cases and advanced experience in various regions, and give full play to the important role of domestic and foreign trade integration in promoting economic development, expanding domestic demand, promoting enterprise transformation and upgrading.






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