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Cable lead number: 00298627-2/202403-00050 Information classification: media coverage
Issued by: General Office of Anhui Provincial People's Government Date Generated: 2024/03/20
Name: Policy interpretation of the Opinions of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Anhui Province on the Implementation of Learning and Applying the Experience of the "1000 Village Demonstration and 10000 Village Renovation" Project to Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas
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Cable lead number: 00298627-2/202403-00050 Information classification: media coverage
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Issued by: General Office of Anhui Provincial People's Government Date of issue: 2024/03/20
Title: Policy interpretation of the Opinions of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Anhui Province on the Implementation of Learning and Applying the Experience of the "1000 Village Demonstration and 10000 Village Renovation" Project to Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas
Document No.: shut key Words:

Policy interpretation of the Opinions of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Anhui Province on the Implementation of Learning and Applying the Experience of the "1000 Village Demonstration and 10000 Village Renovation" Project to Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas

Agriculture Office of the Provincial Party Committee

Source: Zhong An Online Font size: large in Small Print

The Implementation Opinions of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Anhui Province on Learning and Applying the Experience of the "1000 Village Demonstration and 10000 Village Renovation" Project to Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas (Wan Fa [2024] No. 1, hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Opinions) has been publicly released, and the relevant policies are interpreted as follows.

   1. What is the background of the Implementation Opinions?

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and is a key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th Five Year Plan. At the beginning of the year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Opinions on Learning and Applying the Experience of the "1000 Village Demonstration and 10000 Village Renovation" Project to Effectively Promote the Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas, which is the 12th Central No.1 Document guiding the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The document, with the theme of promoting the overall revitalization of the countryside and the main line of learning and applying the experience of the "Ten Million Project", makes a comprehensive deployment of the "three rural" work in 2024 and the next period. It is a programmatic document that we must follow to do a good job in the "three rural" work.

In the past 2023, Anhui has thoroughly studied and implemented the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", put the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" at the top of the list, and launched and implemented the construction of "hundreds of billions of kilograms of Jianghuai granary", the "straw to meat" and beef cattle revitalization plan, the construction of green food industry cluster in northern Anhui, and the project of "thousands of villages leading and thousands of villages upgrading", Grain output has reached a new high, rural industries have flourished, the construction of livable, employable and beautiful villages has made a strong start, farmers' income has increased rapidly, rural reform has progressed steadily, the achievements of poverty alleviation have been consolidated, rural revitalization has been comprehensively promoted, and solid steps have been taken to build a strong agricultural province.

However, it should also be noted that the most arduous and arduous task of building a modern and beautiful Anhui is still in the countryside, and there are still some outstanding weaknesses in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". At present, Anhui is in a critical period of advancing from a large agricultural province to a strong agricultural province, and is in a critical stage of promoting the overall revitalization of rural areas. We must accurately grasp the new historical orientation of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", practically integrate our thoughts and actions into the Party Central Committee's decision and deployment of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", anchor the goal of building a strong agricultural province, unremittingly consolidate the agricultural foundation, shoulder and grasp the responsibility of emphasizing agriculture, strengthening agriculture, revitalizing agriculture and enriching farmers, and on the new journey of Chinese modernization, Strive to write a new chapter of agricultural and rural modernization in Anhui. In order to fully implement the spirit of the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee of the CPC in 2024 and combine with the actual situation of our province, the provincial party committee and government issued the Implementation Opinions.

  2. What are the main contents of the Implementation Opinions?

The Implementation Opinions contains 9 major parts and 34 articles, making a comprehensive deployment for promoting rural revitalization in 2024.

   First, general requirements.

   The second is to accelerate the construction of the "Yangtze Huaihe River granary". We will ensure stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products, strictly implement the farmland protection system, strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, deepen the opening of agriculture to the outside world, and continue to deepen food conservation actions.

   Third, strengthen agricultural scientific and technological innovation. Accelerate agricultural science and technology research and application, deeply implement the seed industry revitalization action, promote agricultural machinery and equipment to make up for weaknesses, and vigorously develop smart agriculture.

   Fourth, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. We will implement the monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent poverty returning, continue to strengthen industry and employment assistance, and increase support for key areas.

   The fifth is to develop and expand rural industries to enrich people. Accelerate the building of a hundred billion level beef cattle industry, expand and strengthen the agricultural product processing industry, promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, promote the high-quality development of rural circulation, and strengthen the measures to increase farmers' income.

   Sixth, we will deepen the implementation of the project of "leading and upgrading thousands of villages". Enhance the leading effectiveness of rural planning, strengthen the construction of high-quality demonstration villages and central villages, deeply implement the improvement of rural living environment, promote the improvement of rural infrastructure, improve the rural public service system, strengthen the construction of rural ecological civilization, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas at the county level.

   Seventh, strengthen and improve rural governance. We will promote Party building to promote rural revitalization, prosper and develop rural culture, and continue to promote the transformation of customs in rural areas to build safe villages.

   Eighth, we continued to deepen rural reform. We will steadily extend the pilot program for another 30 years after the expiration of the second round of land contracting, improve the modern agricultural management system, and improve the rural property rights system.

   Ninth, strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the "three rural" work. We will improve the system and mechanism for the Party to lead rural work, improve the diversified investment mechanism for rural revitalization, and expand the rural talent team.

   3. Ensuring food security and not returning to poverty on a large scale are the two bottom lines for promoting comprehensive rural revitalization. What arrangements are made in the Implementation Opinions?

In terms of ensuring food security, Anhui, as a major agricultural and food province, has always placed stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products at the top of the "three rural" work. In 2023, our province will launch the construction of "100 billion jin Jianghuai granary", with the total grain output reaching 83.02 billion jin, a new record high, and stabilizing at more than 80 billion jin for seven consecutive years. The Implementation Opinions put forward that we should firmly shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing the main grain producing areas, focus on improving the per unit yield, stabilizing the area, reducing the loss and consumption, and diversify and grow good grain, so as to make more contributions to Anhui to ensure the national food security. First, we will ensure stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products. Strictly implement the responsibility of the party and government for farmland protection and food security, and ensure that the sown area of grain is more than 100 million mu and the output is more than 83 billion jin. We will implement the guidelines and plans for building a 100 billion kilogram grain production capacity, and promote the six major projects of good farmland, good varieties, good opportunities, good laws, good chains, and good agriculture. Establish the concept of big agriculture and big food, and build a diversified food supply system. Second, strictly implement the farmland protection system. Adhere to the "trinity" protection of the quantity, quality and ecology of cultivated land, implement the "long teeth" hard measures, and ensure that the area of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland is not less than 81.15 million mu and 71.4356 million mu respectively. Third, strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure. New and upgraded 4.2 million mu of high standard farmland, promoted the construction of large-scale irrigation areas in Huaihong New River and Gangkou Bay, and continued the modernization of seven large-scale irrigation areas, including Pishihang, and 70 medium-sized irrigation areas. Fourth, we will continue to deepen food conservation initiatives. Promote grain saving and loss reduction throughout the chain, implement measures to reduce grain yield, advocate healthy diet, and resolutely stop food waste.

In terms of ensuring no large-scale return to poverty, over the past three years, the whole province has always put the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements in a prominent position, adhered to the coordinated promotion of "keeping the bottom line, increasing power and promoting revitalization", and firmly held the bottom line of no large-scale return to poverty. The average collective economic income of poverty relief villages will increase from 338000 yuan in 2020 to 788000 yuan in 2023, and the per capita net income of poverty relief population will increase from 11659 yuan in 2020 to 17872 yuan in 2023. The Implementation Opinions put forward that the responsibility of preventing poverty return should be tightened, the endogenous development power of poverty relief areas and people should be strengthened, and the achievements of "three guarantees" and drinking water safety guarantee should be continuously consolidated and improved. First, implement the monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent poverty return. Adhere to classified management and precise policy implementation, and for farmers who are at risk of returning to poverty due to disasters, the assistance measures can be implemented in advance if they meet the policy provisions. We will explore ways to link and integrate policies to prevent poverty return and to help low-income people in rural areas. Second, continue to strengthen industry and employment assistance. We will strengthen guidance on the classification of assistance industries, and the central and provincial finance will link up to promote the proportion of rural revitalization subsidies used for industrial development to maintain overall stability. We will promote the campaign to prevent poverty alleviation and employment, and ensure that the employment scale of poverty alleviation labor force is stable at more than 1.8 million people. Third, we will increase support for key areas. We will implement the county level twinning assistance system and increase support for 20 key counties in rural revitalization. Deeply carry out special actions to consolidate the results of relocation.

   4. Improving the level of rural industry development, rural construction and rural governance are three key tasks to promote the overall revitalization of rural areas. What arrangements are made in the Implementation Opinions?

In terms of rural industry development, last year, our province strengthened "double recruitment and double introduction", vigorously developed agricultural product processing industry, launched the "straw to meat" and beef cattle revitalization plan, and the construction of green food industry cluster in northern Anhui to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. The Implementation Opinions put forward that we should adhere to the principle of "focusing on planting and breeding, food and meat, and head and tail", "focusing on livestock and meat", "focusing on agriculture and industry", implement the project of improving the quality and efficiency of rural industries, build an important "big granary, meat warehouse, and kitchen" in the Yangtze River Delta and even in the whole country, and build agriculture into a modern industry. First, accelerate the building of a hundred billion level beef cattle industry. Promote the "straw to meat" and beef cattle revitalization plan, implement 10 policies to support the development of beef cattle industry, and strive to raise 2 million beef cattle. The second is to expand and strengthen the agricultural product processing industry. Vigorously develop the green food industry, accelerate the construction of green food industrial clusters in northern Anhui, and the total output value of the top ten green food industries reached 1.3 trillion yuan. We deepened the leap forward improvement of agricultural product processing industry, and added 3 processing parks with an output value of more than 5 billion yuan and 5 leading enterprises with an output value of more than 1 billion yuan. Third, promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism. We will launch a number of "Huizhou Brand" boutique routes, create 100 boutique theme villages, 100 characteristic food villages, 100 tourist scenic lanes, and 100 "trunk" project bases, and strive to receive 450 million person times and total income of 300 billion yuan in rural tourism annually. Fourth, promote high-quality development of rural circulation. Deeply promote the construction of the county business system, and steadily operate more than 6500 village level integrated delivery and logistics service stations. Deepen the high-quality development of rural e-commerce, and promote the construction of county e-commerce live broadcast bases.

In terms of rural construction, last year, our province learned from the experience of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project", the provincial party committee and government issued the idea of implementing the "One Thousand Villages Leading and Ten Thousand Villages Upgrading" project, held a high-level on-site meeting for systematic deployment, and planned to build about 1000 boutique demonstration villages and about 10000 provincial central villages by 2027. The Implementation Opinions put forward that the project of "1000 villages leading and 10000 villages upgrading" should be implemented in depth. With the goal of basically having modern living conditions in rural areas, the rural areas should be constructed in a classified and leisurely manner, and expanded from points to lines and connections to create a livable and beautiful village that reflects the Anhui style and charm. First, strengthen the construction of boutique demonstration villages and central villages. We will continue to select about 200 new boutique demonstration villages. We will continue to focus on the construction of provincial central villages and build about 800 new ones. Comprehensively evaluate the completed provincial central villages to consolidate and improve the construction effect. Second, we will thoroughly implement actions to improve rural human settlements. 270000 rural household toilets were upgraded, the harmless treatment rate of rural domestic garbage reached 83%, and the treatment rate of rural domestic sewage reached 35%. The third is to promote the improvement of rural infrastructure. We accelerated efforts to promote the water diversion project for the people in northern Anhui. The rural tap water penetration rate exceeded 97%, 3000 kilometers of new and reconstructed rural roads were built, and 4000 dilapidated rural houses were renovated. Fourth, improve the rural public service system. We will continue to promote the dynamic construction of boarding schools and small-scale rural schools, improve the conditions for running ordinary high schools, and launch the expansion project of high-quality resources for basic education in northern Anhui. Strengthen the service capacity building of rural medical and health institutions, and implement the "One Village One College Student Village Doctor Promotion Plan". The coverage rate of village level elderly care service stations has increased to more than 45%.

In terms of rural governance, the Implementation Opinions put forward that we should adhere to the distinct guidance of the grass-roots level, improve the rural governance system under the leadership of the Party organization, which combines autonomy, rule of law and rule of virtue, so as to make the countryside both dynamic and stable. First, we will promote Party building and rural revitalization. We will strengthen the responsibility of county level Party committees to promote rural development, deepen the construction of credit villages led by Party building, comprehensively deepen special training on rural revitalization, and deepen the reform of township management system. The second is to prosper and develop rural culture. We will implement the cultural project to benefit the people, complete more than 15000 "delivering plays to thousands of villages", successfully hold the Anhui celebration of the Chinese farmers' harvest festival, the Chinese farmers' singing festival, and support mass cultural and sports activities such as the "Four Seasons Village Evening", the "United States Village" basketball game, and the square dance league. Third, we will continue to promote the transformation of customs in rural areas. We will promote the points system models of "Love Supermarket" and "Zhenfeng Supermarket", promote practices such as Xinfeng Hall and Baogong Family Feast, give play to the role of "one appointment and four meetings", and continue to promote comprehensive treatment of prominent problems such as high bride price, large-scale operations, and scattered burials. Fourth, build a safe countryside. Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, cultivate and promote mediation brands such as "Liuchi Lane", "a cup of tea", "make a step back", and strive to resolve all kinds of conflicts and disputes at the grass-roots level and in the bud.

  5. To promote the overall revitalization of rural areas, we need to rely on technology and reform. What arrangements have been made in the Implementation Opinions?

In terms of agricultural scientific and technological innovation, the Implementation Opinions proposed to integrate innovation resources, build a more powerful and effective agricultural scientific and technological innovation system, promote agricultural basic research, applied research and technological innovation as a whole, improve the level of agricultural scientific and technological innovation ability, strengthen the docking of science and technology with industry, and accelerate the formation of new agricultural productivity. First, accelerate agricultural science and technology research and application. Cultivate a number of agricultural science and technology innovation platforms, implement key agricultural core technology research projects, strengthen the construction of provincial modern agricultural industrial technology system, and strengthen the construction of basic level agricultural technology promotion system conditions. Second, we will thoroughly implement the seed industry revitalization action. Cultivate and expand advantageous seed industry enterprises, basically build the provincial agricultural germplasm resources central bank and the livestock and poultry genetic resources gene bank in central China, and promote the joint tackling of wheat, rice, corn and other crops as well as beef cattle, pigs, poultry and other livestock and poultry varieties. The third is to promote agricultural machinery and equipment to make up for shortcomings. We will improve the mechanization level of planting economic crops, livestock and poultry aquaculture, and traditional Chinese medicine planting in hilly and mountainous areas, support the construction of seedling raising centers, drying centers, and comprehensive agricultural service centers, and strive to reach 60% of rice seedlings planted (thrown) by machines, and 86% of the comprehensive mechanization level of crop cultivation and harvesting. Fourth, vigorously develop smart agriculture. 100 new digital agricultural factories (farms, pastures, fishing grounds) were built, the "5+8" pilot project of digital rural smart agriculture and agricultural industry Internet construction was deepened, and the application of AI, big data, Internet of Things and other new generation information technologies in agricultural and rural areas was promoted.

In terms of deepening rural reform, the Implementation Opinions put forward that we should firmly stick to the main line of dealing with the relationship between farmers and land, firmly stick to the bottom line of the "four musts", fully respect the wishes of farmers, and accelerate the implementation of reforms in important areas and key links. First, steadily promote the extension of the pilot project for another 30 years after the expiration of the second round of land contracting. Complete the extension pilot task of 27 counties (cities, districts) due in 2024, and select one township for each county (city, district) due in 2025 to carry out the pilot simultaneously. Second, improve the modern agricultural management system. There are 320000 family farms, 115000 farmer cooperatives, 39000 agricultural production trusteeship service entities, and 2000 agricultural industrialization consortiums. Third, improve the rural property rights system. The implementation of the new rural collective economy "ten million" project to improve the action, the province's operating income of more than 500000 yuan accounted for 30% of the villages.

   6. For agricultural and rural work, the key is to increase farmers' income. What measures will be taken this year to further promote farmers' income growth?

In 2023, the employment situation of migrant workers in the province will be generally stable, agricultural production and operation activities will be orderly, livelihood security will continue to improve, and farmers' income will generally maintain a rapid growth. The per capita disposable income of rural permanent residents in the province will be 21144 yuan, ranking 13th in the country, with a growth rate of 8%, ranking 9th in the country. The income ratio of urban and rural residents will be 2.24, down 0.07 from the same period last year. However, it should also be noted that the income of farmers in our province is still lower than the national average, and there are many difficulties and challenges to consolidate the momentum of increasing farmers' income. The Implementation Opinions highlighted the measures to increase farmers' income, and proposed to do everything possible to broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and become rich, and the per capita disposable income of rural permanent residents increased by 7.5%.

In terms of wage income, it is proposed to carry out 200000 person times of vocational skills training for migrant workers, implement the enterprise aid and relief policy, do a good job in supporting the employment of older migrant workers, actively promote work for relief, and promote the full employment of rural labor force.

In terms of operating income, it is proposed to do a good job in the value-added of "grain head and food tail", "livestock head and meat tail" and "agriculture head and industry tail", accelerate the construction of green food industry cluster in northern Anhui, support the development of courtyard economy in poverty alleviation areas, and implement the three-year action plan for high-quality development of home stay.

In terms of property income, it is proposed to deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system and increase the proportion of villages carrying out the "three changes" reform to 90%.

In terms of transfer income, it is proposed to establish information sharing and organized labor export mechanism with Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, cultivate and strengthen the labor brand, and improve the treatment level of basic endowment insurance.

   7. The leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for rural revitalization. What arrangements have been made in the Implementation Opinions?

The Implementation Opinions proposed to strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, comprehensively implement the responsibility system for rural revitalization, and rally all forces to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. First, improve the system and mechanism for the Party to lead rural work. Compacting the responsibility of five level secretaries for rural revitalization, especially the county party secretary should be a good "front-line commander". Strengthen the construction of the rural work system of the Party committee, and strengthen the responsibility of promoting rural revitalization as a whole. We will implement the "four grassroots" system, carry out the "four services", and focus on doing a number of practical things that the masses can feel and reach. Second, improve the diversified investment mechanism for rural revitalization. Adhere to the principle of taking agriculture and rural areas as the priority guarantee area of the general public budget, ensure that the input is consistent with the objectives and tasks of rural revitalization, and the proportion of land transfer income used for agriculture and rural areas is not less than 9.8%. Encourage financial institutions to increase support for food security, beef cattle revitalization, the "10 million project" and other key areas. Third, expand the rural talent team. We will increase the training of rural local talents, continue to carry out the selection of rural revitalization talents, and implement the "Touyan" project to cultivate rural industry revitalization leaders. Explore and carry out the work of "township compilation and village use", and attract more talents to participate in the construction of livable, employable and beautiful villages.

   8. How to implement the Implementation Opinions in the next step?

It is of great responsibility and arduous task to do a good job in this year's work concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Next, we should focus on implementing the objectives, tasks, policies and measures specified in the Implementation Opinions to ensure effective implementation.

   First, break down key tasks. The Implementation Opinions defined 61 key tasks, which were broken down item by item to relevant provincial units and cities and counties in accordance with the principle of combining different departments and levels of responsibility, so as to promote the implementation of policies and work with responsibility.

   Second, extensive publicity and guidance. Through the network, radio, television, newspapers and other media, multi-channel and multi form publicity and interpretation of the document spirit, create a strong atmosphere to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

   Third, strengthen work scheduling. Improve the scheduling mechanism of key work tasks, and the rural work leading group of the provincial party committee regularly organizes and carries out scheduling analysis to ensure that key work tasks are carried out in order.

   Fourth, strengthen performance appraisal. Take the various tasks deployed in the Implementation Opinions as an important part of the performance appraisal of the relevant provincial departments and cities and counties in implementing the rural revitalization strategy to ensure the successful completion of the annual objectives of various tasks.

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