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incoming letter
On the problem of insufficient water pressure
From: *** Letter time: May 1, 2024

Hello! I am an owner of Yanjing Huafu Community in Mengcheng County, Bozhou City. My family lives on the third floor, which is a municipal water supply. The water pressure in my home is seriously insufficient every night during the peak water use period, and the gas water heater cannot be used normally. At about 12 o'clock at night, water is often cut off, which makes life extremely inconvenient. Hope to coordinate and solve this matter!

Reply unit: Mengcheng County Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau of Bozhou City Reply time: May 17, 2024

Hello! Our bureau attaches great importance to the problems you have reflected, timely discusses and studies and arranges the waterworks to handle them. Now we reply as follows: After verification, Yanjing Huafu Community in Mengcheng County is a commercial and residential community, and the internal water supply facilities are self built by the development company. After receiving your question, Mengcheng County Urban Management Bureau immediately arranged the staff of the waterworks to visit. It was found that during the development and construction of the community, the designed water supply was secondary pressurized from the 6th floor, and the municipal direct water supply was available below the 5th floor. The water pressure of the direct water supply was low during the peak period. The waterworks has included this community in the 2024 old community reconstruction plan, and will use secondary pressurization to solve the problem of low water pressure of direct water supply. At present, the design drawings have been completed and are working according to the process. It is expected to complete the transformation by the end of October.