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Kade Intelligent won two awards in the security industry again!

2020-09-25 16:06:15 Kade intelligence Hits: 34323
  【 Brand column of security exhibition network 】On September 16, 2020, the China Security Industry Award Ceremony and the Third China Security Big Data Development Summit Forum, sponsored by the Security Exhibition Network, co sponsored by Qinghai Public Security Technology Prevention Association, and supported by the security associations of all provinces and cities across the country, were grandly held in Qinghai Xining R&F Wanda Realm Hotel. Zhou Jun, General Manager of Kade Intelligent, attended the award ceremony, and gathered with leaders and experts of provincial and municipal security associations, as well as representatives of outstanding enterprises from the national security industry to talk about the development of the industry and participate in the industry ceremony.

After a strict selection process, Kade Intelligent stood out from many outstanding enterprises and won the "2019 Innovation Brand" Award again; General Manager Zhou Jun won the title of "2019 China's new security guard *". The winning of the two awards is a reaffirmation and recognition of the strength of Kade's smart brand and its position in the industry.
Figure 4 Zhou Jun, General Manager of Kade Intelligent
As an outstanding brand service provider in the field of intelligence, Kade Intelligent takes the Internet+big data as a development opportunity Internet of Things , artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies and innovative management concepts, actively build a one-stop integrated solution for smart campus, smart government enterprises, and smart parks, provide smart campus, smart government enterprises, and smart parks with character data portraits, achieve data empowerment, and strive for the development of the security industry.

General Manager Zhou Jun, as a Kade intelligent person, has led Kade intelligent team to complete many large-scale projects of "safe campus" since the company was founded, realizing the market strategic layout of "based in the west, *", covering the whole country, and serving tens of millions of customers; He has made many contributions to the integration, creation and establishment of the education informatization industry ecological chain.

Kade Intelligent has worked hard in the security field for more than ten years, and has won important awards in the security field for many times. In the future, Kade Intelligent will continue to strive for perfection and innovation, and enter a new era of intelligence together with China's security industry.

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