Security Award Ceremony, Security Industry Conference, Big Data Summit Forum, China Security Industry Award Ceremony and the Third Security Big Data Development Summit Forum
 Smart city network - professional security network, security products, security equipment, security equipment, video surveillance, access control intercom, anti-theft alarm, public broadcasting, cameras, hard disk recorder network platform    | The 10th Top Ten List   | Review: The Ninth Top Ten Awards
  • Zhu Yunjun, Deputy Director of Qinghai Provincial Public Security Department

  • Yang Guangsheng, former Executive Deputy Director of Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department, delivered a speech

  • Liu Min, Chairman of Jilin Social Public Security Products Industry Association, delivers a speech

  • Ju Honghai, Chairman of Qinghai Public Security Technology Prevention Association, delivers a speech

  • Zhang Chunyu, General Manager of Smart City Network, delivers a speech

China Security Industry Award Ceremony and the Third China Security Big Data Development Summit Forum were successfully held

On September 16, 2020, the China Security Industry Award Ceremony and the Third China Security Big Data Development Summit Forum hosted by Smart City Network, co sponsored by Qinghai Public Security Technology Prevention Association and supported by 23 provincial and municipal security associations were held in Xining, Qinghai. Leaders from relevant departments of public security departments and bureaus in Qinghai and some provinces and cities across the country, presidents, secretaries general of 24 provincial and municipal security associations, and representatives of award-winning enterprises across the country attended the conference. [Details]

The media continued to pay attention to the award ceremony of China's security industry and the third security big data development summit forum

The China Security Industry Award Ceremony and the Third Security Big Data Development Summit Forum not only attracted wide attention in the security industry, but also received continuous attention from the media from all walks of life! China News Network Qinghai, Xining TV Station, Qinghai News Network, Qinghai Public Security, Qinghai Public Security Science and Technology and other mainstream media reported successively; Peer media such as Huicong Internet of Things,, Internet of Things World Network, and big bit forwarding; Portal websites such as Sina, Today's Toutiao and Baijia have reprinted them! [Details]

Forum Express
Host: Mou Xiaosheng
Former Director of the Third Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security
Liu Xiaojuan
Deputy Director of Information Center of Science and Information Corps of Qinghai Provincial Public Security Department
Liu Lu
Security Solution Director of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
dazzlingly bright
AI technical expert of China Telecom Beijing Research Institute
Senior Engineer of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd
Zhao Hong
Deputy General Manager of Xiamen Dineck Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

main Title: AI+Big Data Helps New Infrastructure Development
China's Top Ten Security Brands
The first batch of top ten brands
The second batch of top ten brands
The third batch of top ten brands

Award of the Year for People in China Security
Awards for Top 100 Chinese Security Engineers
Signing ceremony
Smart City Network and Nanjing Security Association pricing software

Group photo

Wonderful group pictures

Follow the report
  media coverage  
  Association report  
Qinghai Security Association   Xinjiang Security Association   Guizhou Security Association   Fujian Security Association
Zhejiang Security Association   Hubei Security Association   Jilin Security Association   Liaoning Security Association
Anhui Security Association   Jiangxi Security Association   Hunan Security Association   Gansu Security Association  
Shaanxi Security Association   Guangdong Security Association   Inner Mongolia Security Association   Hainan Smart City Security Association
Chongqing Security Association   Chengdu Security Association   Nanjing Security Association   Suzhou Security Association
Nantong Security Association   Zhengzhou Security Association   Hangzhou Security Association   Jinan Security Association
Dongguan Security Association            
  Celebration information  
Sizheng Shares won three awards
2020 China Security Industry Award Ceremony Concludes, Lilin Holds Two Big Awards
Blue Card Technology won the title of China's top ten security brands
Shenzhen "Yiju Tong" won the "Top Ten Security Alarm Brands in China"
Chaoqing won the title of "2020 China's Top 100 Security Engineers" and "China's Security Person of the Year"
Leading enterprises of security gathered in Xining Hongzhi Technology and won the title of "Top Ten Security Brands in China"
Warmly congratulate Qingxin Internet on winning the title of "2019 China's Top Ten Security Brands"
Infineon Systems Won the "Top 100 Engineering (Integration) Supplier of China's Security"
Hoen Security won the honor of "China's top ten security brands" again
Yuntianhan Technology won the title of "Biometrics - the 10th Top Ten Brands of China's Security"
Kade Intelligent won two awards in the security industry again!
Blue Star won the award of "China's Top Ten Security Brands"
Entropy Technology won the double award of "the 10th Top Ten Brands of China's Security"
Guangzhou Ailifu Electronics won the honor of "China's top ten security brands" again
Road and Bridge Information won three awards in the security industry by winning the top ten security brands in China
Yihe Intelligence: 2020 China Security Industry Award Ceremony
Duolun Technology was awarded the title of "The Fourth Top 100 Security Engineering (Integration) Business in China"
Daming Technology won the honor of the 4th China Top 100 Security Engineering (Integration) Firm in 2020
Xinjiang Yilinshi won the title of "2020 the fourth high-quality project (integration) in China's security areas"
Shenzhen Dikai Technology won the award of "China's top ten security brands"
Huang Weihua, the director and deputy general manager of Huanyutong, was honored as the "Third Annual Person of China Security"
Warmly congratulate Guannan Technology on winning many honors in China's security industry
Wuhan Siaite won the honorary title of "China's Top 100 Security Engineering (Integration) Business"
Jinke Transportation was awarded "2020 China's Top 100 Security Engineers" and "China's Security Person of the Year"
Hubei Taiyue Satellite once again won the 4th China Top 100 Security Engineering Integrator
Tongyi Optoelectronics won the honor of "China Security Innovation Brand"
Xinke'an Group was awarded the "Fourth High Quality Engineering (Integration) Supplier in China's Security Area"
Congratulations to Kekeou, who won the "10th Top Ten Brands of China's Security"
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