9K9KSky Light Encounter Zone

Encounter the Four leaf Grass Headwear

Source: 9K9K mobile game website Author: s Release time: March 14, 2023 16:16:24

How to get a four leaf clover headdress? What should we pay attention to when obtaining four leaf grass headwear? Here is a small series of tricks for you to learn about the four leaf clover headwear. Let's have a look.

Obtaining method of four leaf grass headdress

1. The four leaf grass headdress is an activity item of the 2023 Flower Rest Festival. It will be sold in the form of gift bags in the game store from March 16 to March 30 after being updated. It will be a limited time collection activity. You need to complete the task before you have the chance to obtain it;

2. If you need to spend money, it may be 6 yuan or 18 yuan for a small amount of candles. You can check the specific price in the game after updating;

3. This year's Flower Rest Festival has added tulip cloak, picnic basket, picnic pants, butterfly fountain and other props. Players are advised not to miss them.

 Encounter the Four leaf Grass Headwear
  • Type: adventure puzzle solving
  • Score: 5
  • Size: 1331MB
  • Platform:
label: simulation home Chinese style Netease