"Dramatic N Power": 2024 ChinaJoy Short Drama Innovation Forum Joins Hands with Entertainment Capital to Explore the New Blue of the Industry
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"Dramatic N Power": 2024 ChinaJoy Short Drama Innovation Forum Joins Hands with Entertainment Capital to Explore the New Blue of the Industry

Release date: 2024-06-19 16:25:00 Source: 9K9K mobile game website

As the size of China's short play market is expected to exceed 50 billion in 2024 and will soar to over 100 billion by 2027, the short play market is becoming an irresistible superstar in the content field. Under this prosperous scene, how to find new growth points and breakthrough paths in the competitive environment has become the focus of attention inside and outside the industry. Therefore, as a partner of ChinaJoy Short Drama Innovation Forum, Entertainment Capital, a well-known new media in the domestic entertainment industry, will jointly hold a high-end dialogue to explore the future development boundary of short drama in the summer of 2024, leading a new chapter of "drastic changes to the N power".

ChinaJoy Short Drama Innovation Forum: Unlock a new era of digital mutual entertainment

As one of the most influential official activities of ChinaJoy in the same period, the Short Drama Innovation Forum not only brought together authoritative figures and industry elites in many fields such as short drama, games, video platforms, science and technology, but also was an in-depth exchange feast on multiple topics such as content refinement, technological innovation, AI integration, overseas expansion, film and tourism linkage. On July 25, 2024, this grand event focusing on the theme of "drastic changes in the N power" will be opened in Pudong Hall 2+3 on the third floor of Kerry Hotel in Pudong, Shanghai. It is divided into two parts, namely, "interpretation of the ecology and trend of short plays" and "innovation from 'content ecology' to 'business model'". It is expected to attract 120 industry leaders to participate in the grand event. The forum will rely on ChinaJoy's cross-border influence to break the traditional boundaries and explore the infinite possibility of the integration of short drama and digital entertainment industry.

Interpretation of the ecology and trend of short plays

The short play market is experiencing rapid growth. It meets the needs of the public for instant entertainment with its flexible viewing mode and rich and diverse content, and is especially favored by low - and middle-income groups. The recent introduction of new reporting regulations marks the strengthening of content quality and compliance by regulators, and promotes the industry to develop in a formal, healthy and sustainable direction. In this context, the short drama has become a trend of refinement. The production team pursues the high-quality script, shooting and later stage, and improves the market competitiveness with precise positioning and emotional resonance. At the same time, the trend of "interaction between film and tourism" is obvious. Through cross media cooperation, innovative narrative and profit models can achieve win-win results. The integration of technology, especially AI technology, not only improves the creation efficiency and personalized experience of short plays, but also opens a new chapter of immersive experience, indicating that short plays have great potential in content and form innovation.

Innovation from "content ecology" to "business model"

The commercial value of short plays is also in rapid iteration. Jumping from the traditional viewing mode, short plays are actively exploring multi-dimensional profit models such as brand cooperation and derivative product development. The rise of interactive narrative and community participation has made the audience no longer a passive receiver, but a co creator of stories. The application of new technologies will further broaden the business boundary of short dramas, open up new fields such as virtual reality experience and online interactive theater, and inject strong impetus into the economic growth of the industry.

Jointly Draw the Future Blueprint of Short Drama

This cooperation is not only a deep integration of resources and influence of the two platforms, but also a forward-looking layout for the future development of the short drama industry. Through in-depth discussion on the new narrative mode of short play combining with games and AI technology, explore the strategy and practice of short play content going to sea, and analyze the cutting-edge trends such as film and tourism integration, ChinaJoy Short Drama Innovation Forum and Entertainment Capital will jointly bring a feast of ideas for the industry, and provide a high-end platform for short drama creators, investors and platform parties to understand the future and grasp the opportunities.

Entertainment Capital

Since its inception in 2014, Entertainment Capital has developed into a vertical new media matrix under the Interfacing Finance Association (hosted by the head of Shanghai Newspaper Group), with its profound insight into the entertainment and Internet industries, and has news licenses and the status of director of several heavyweight industry organizations. Relying on the powerful influence network of more than one million users, Entertainment Capital has continued to output high-quality content in the past decade to help enterprises make strategic decisions and promote the healthy development of the industry. This cooperation with ChinaJoy Short Drama Innovation Forum will undoubtedly inject more professional insights and capital perspectives into the short drama industry and promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial ecology.

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