Primordial god
Primordial god
In the continent where the seven elements meet - "Tivat", everyone can become a god. You drifted from outside the world and came to the earth. In this vast world, you can travel freely, make friends, find the seven gods who control the earth's elements, until you reunite with the separated blood relatives, and witness the precipitation of all journeys at the end. The sustainer is dying, and the creator has not yet arrived. In the face of uncontrollable circumstances, human beings always sigh about their own powerlessness... But at the steepest turning point in life, if there is a mortal's desire to reach the extreme, the vision of the gods will be projected down. When the lost Gemini reunites in the dust, and all the answers of the world appear in the "Eye of God" - Traveler, where will you go? Original God is a new open world adventure RPG developed by Miha You. You will explore a fantasy world called Tivat in the game. In this vast world, you can travel all over the seven countries, meet companions with different personalities and unique abilities, fight against strong enemies with them, and embark on the road of finding blood relatives; You can also roam around without a destination, immerse yourself in the vibrant world, and let curiosity drive you to explore the mysteries of every corner
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mobile game > Primordial god > Introduction > Comprehensive > Yuanshen Fengdan World Task Our goal is in another channel

Yuanshen Fengdan World Task Our goal is in another channel

Author: Internet Source: 17173 Time: 2024-06-17 21:45:37
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Today's Fengdan World Task - Our goal is in another channel

Trigger location:

It is transmitted to the leftmost transmission point of Fengdan Kinetic Energy Engineering Science Research Institute to the small wharf beside the anchor point of the wave boat on the shore (at the red circle)

 【<a id='link_pop' class='keyword-tag' href=' '>Original God</a>] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

Task reward:

Raw stone * 30 Great Hero Experience * 2 Mora * 32500 Glow Stars * 3

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

Task process:

1. Go to the small dock beside the wave boat and talk to Agui to get the task

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

2. Drive a boat to a remote island to destroy the people of Qiuqiu and save Balang

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

3. Return to the dock and return to Agui

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

4. Go to the underwater maintenance pipeline near Merlot Petersburg as instructed (4 places in total)

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

The first pipe can be rotated once above and twice below (pay attention to cleaning the winding mechanism on the side first)

The upper part of the second pipe rotates once and the lower part rotates three times Wrench It can stop the pipeline from leaking any more (absorb the jellyfish skill on the edge and blow two red tumors open at the same time to unlock the wrench below)

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

Turn the wrench at the third position once

Fourth need install Handwheel, first we absorb Heterochromatic hunting knife ray skill , adjust the angle and cut with the skate skill Aquatic plants Twisted handwheel, get the handwheel, and we can return to the leakage place to install the handwheel and rotate it twice

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

5. Return to Barron

 [Original God] Fengdan World Task | Our goal is in another channel

[Edit: Jiuyou

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  • Pea gca4bx From Jiuyou APP 2023-11-26 08:35

    International service game bag: Friends, here is the package of Yuanshen International Service! genshin, Start! You need an accelerator to play international service. The delay of biubiu accelerator is very low. The key is that it is free! Search the biubiu accelerator in Jiuyou and you can download it

  • SEPHER-I From Jiuyou APP 2024-08-17 01:23

    Level 60 old players are in a bad situation. The 4.8 version of the story needs to be optimized. It is also a problem whether the 5.0 version can really solve the problems of player welfare and holy relics as it says. Let's wait for 5.0 to see. From previous experience alone: Music: Mr. Chen Yizhi's works before he left were excellent, and there were also many classical classical music styles in the subsequent new composers, which were also good (no matter when musicians just wrote music, they had more to consider in planning) Screen: It is quite good in online games, and the scene is very beautiful. The characters have always been in large proportions. Many old characters have bright spots. No matter the appearance of the human settings (such as Gan Yu, Walnut, etc.), the Nata characters are less attractive than before. (Painters only need to paint according to requirements, and plan...) Plot: There are highlights, but many details are also controversial, especially the recent new plot chapter 3 has caused huge controversy, which also makes many good characters that were originally loved by players affected by bad characters. The 5.0 version of Nata does not know whether the plot can be reversed and not completely live Gameplay; 1 It's very difficult to explore the role and team by yourself, but fortunately, there are many out of game strategies and help (name and praise the Shadow Moon Boss) 2 Holy relics Tiankeng (it is not easy to obtain good embryos, and it is also easy to distort entries after obtaining them), 5. 0 has been optimized to a certain extent, but it is still uncertain to what extent it can be optimized 3 draw cards will be crooked, 180 draw cards can stabilize a character, 210 or so weapons (previously, after 5.0, 140 or so), 60 raw stones will be drawn at a time, and 60 raw stones will be drawn every day for daily tasks. Activity rewards can be drawn from about 30 to about 40 for a version. The more activities, the more rewards, and the better times may be more than 50 or even more (anniversary celebrations are often the most popular times) 4 The role expansion makes the gap between the new role and the old role even bigger. One version is much worse. Generally, the new role must be stronger than the old role (The original spirit has expanded for 4 years, sometimes it is also a necessity, but the old role is often more popular. How can we change this?) 5. The permanent play method above is not as interesting as the activity, and the permanent abyss and drama poetry will easily create intensity anxiety. It is suggested that players who play in a calm and calm manner should avoid these two, because there are many new monsters that are difficult to plan and are often scolded by players. Welfare; In general, the last 3 is not a lot. The anniversary of the 5.0 version is celebrated, so many benefits can be provided. In other times, players who do not spend money need to save the original stones and keep an eye on the drawing suggestions to avoid being trapped. Try to get it by combining your favorite characters (if you like it permanently, you can also choose it in version 5.0) Pit entry suggestion: not very recommended, but it can be considered when the 5.0 version is open, but it is recommended to carefully check the video of the big guy's pit entry suggestion, and all the above is what you want to say. If you just want to listen to music and see the scenery, but the map is very large, and some are restricted to enter the level, so it is not easy to take some roads. It is recommended to follow the guide. Hmm Due to the doubts of the recent planning, scores will be deducted. For the dissatisfaction of previous players, scores will be deducted from 9 to 7

  • Pea obacou From Jiuyou APP 2024-08-13 00:23

    It's really funny. It's the most interesting game I have ever played. I love it directly. The content and plot are very rich. The characters are bright and very good-looking. I think I will play Yuanshen in my future life. The characters in it are really beautiful, and the scenery is also very beautiful. I really love it

  • Geli hamburger From Jiuyou APP 2024-08-26 11:35

    I used to be a soldier kitchen, but I really can't play the role of a soldier after 4.8. Once I was scolded online for playing the role of a soldier. Now my favorite character is scolded as such on the Internet. I'm really sad. Anyone who says something good about the original god to his classmates will say that I am a student. Later, I set up a model of the ugly and dead person of the perfumer. The ordinary attack of stretching legs really disgusted me. At this point, the official even pretended to be dead. The original god is really the only game I have ever seen that can produce so many ugly things in a row and still pretend to be dead. If the reputation of Nata cannot be reversed, the game will be basically abandoned. It really feels like Viagra has changed.

  • Kiana From Jiuyou APP 2024-07-20 00:37

    The more you do, the worse you get. The earlier you delete, the better you get. Since the story of Daowife, the quality has plummeted, and the nT story has been moved out again and again. Unexpectedly, there were so many people to lick it. This is a Kun Ba. Don't lick the yuan batch. (The above is the evaluation of Xu Mi's plot, with 860 active days. 2023.2.25) As for now, although there is no shock and surprise when I first arrived in Monterey, I do see that I have tried to do better. I still maintain my opinion of 2.25 for 23 years, but I don't deny other people who think Xu Mi's plot is good. Everyone has their own opinion. I apologize for my above remarks and accept criticism.

  • Pea rddb5v From Jiuyou APP 2024-08-14 21:58

    My composition: For 12 years, computer players mainly play mainstream and high reputation games - now playing: LOL, Yuanshen, Collapsing Xingqiu Railway, and Absolute Zero. Half way back: the seventh epic of Asian clothing, MCmod survival play, Reynas. Played the retreat: famine, Genesis chariot, yin-yang division, ff14, balloon tower defense 6. (Only show multiplayer games) About the original god: at the end of the current version 4.8, the semi strong fraternity xp basketball player (all characters, xp/strong characters), who started with 10 of his own sub kai players, died when he entered the pit, and has not lost a single player since the Humus Sword. In the whole character, xp prefers girls, and likes Ke Qing best; Abstract: This evaluation is purely subjective and emotional, and does not talk nonsense, and does not like detours. Magical people/cross dressing people/guards/yin and yang people/irascible people ignore the line and shield it. I decide that such people have the final right to interpret the standard. Summary: 8/10 (full score: 10 points, 8 points) A phenomenal domestic game, which has great influence, has an incentive and reference function for other games in the market (especially those of the same type and not online), and also looks like a mountain in front of them. The playing method is online single player+small social networking mode, with massive costs invested in art and music. At the same time, the company's technical strength has taken a broad view of the world's two-dimensional theme games, which are fault-tolerant. While the circle is huge, it has many rhythms and involves a wide range of people, and the community war continues. Yuanshen is a game that I like very much, enjoy its appearance and keep improving. At present, it is as famous as Minecraft and LOL or even higher in my mind, but this does not mean that it has no shortcomings. What I expect to see is that the communication between players and manufacturers is rational, friendly and pragmatic, rather than endless collision between positions and non nutritive war of words. Plot: 9/10 Mengde is slow and hot, with a novice village design. The content is flat, clear and simple. Mengde City is like a small home, delicate and warm. At the beginning, various designs just started in the initial stage of the company, with weak capacity but high quality content. Liyue began to raise her tone, and she showed a lot of local feelings in terms of architecture, characters and culture. The story of Tao Wife is a little strange, but the shaping of memory points and the performance level of transition animation have obviously reached a new level. The art is also a collective effort, and the productivity has begun to improve, which is generally unsatisfactory. The plot of Xu Mi is coherent and comfortable. The introduction of immersion and setting in the transition phase is fascinating and has significantly improved. I think the quality of Huashen's birthday and the climax of the counter attack against great sages has reached a new high. The huge map marks the maturity of technology, but there are also many and rare disputes, and too much content "can't eat". The main line of Fengdan is set in a new way, with a high starting tone and a perfect ending. The addition of new settings is basically consistent with the previous foreshadowing. The quality of the climax is an unexpected new high. The new underwater exploration and big map design also refined the content while reducing the burden, which is very good in this regard. My favorite plot outside the main line: the legend of the night palace 2, the legend of Navilet, the legend of Elhassen, the invitation of Kawei, the invitation of Luyeyuan to hide, the Guanghua Rongcai Festival, the travel notes of the far sea poetry in summer, the grand ceremony and the wisdom industry, and the great secret of the Qingxia Paradise. Play: 7/10 The development of big world games is extremely difficult, but once successful, the return is huge. Compared with other games of the same theme, horizontal comparison has significantly opened the gap, but the potential of the big world is not so great, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. The play method packaged under the delicate shell is slightly weak, with limited freedom and insufficient play method (for example, limiting most characters' ability to release in the air, cutting off the carved clear double e dragon, lacking the male figure of the benchmark Laurie, lacking the play method of transaction type, etc.). Attitude/welfare: 7/10 There are few benefits. Bugs are good for players to kill decisively, but bad for players to procrastinate; Some of the documents are drowsy, and some of them are inappropriately worded. It's really not surprising that some players scold the operator who comes out from time to time to be a monster. (That Villette didn't repair or declare that it was a bug just after he came out, and it didn't have to be cleaned.) However, the company is integrated. Fortunately, the actual pain points have been decreasing, the problems fed back by players have been solved in a timely manner, and the continuous optimization has been acceptable. Art: 9/10 The modeling is super strong, the vertical drawing is not bad, and the clothes of the autonomous characters are quite recognizable. Some of them poke me xp, and the map scene is also very pleasing (especially under the water of Feng Dan). However, there are too few NPC models and the body expression is stiff during the performance, which makes people play. I hope the production team can update it in the future (Craig's kind is very good). Music: ∞/10 Far beyond expectations, impeccable. Recommended intention to enter the pit: 7/10 Even if you will quit in the end, I suggest you play. There is a saying called "Why don't you scold me if you do poorly?" I use the formula of this sentence to say: Why don't you praise me if you do well? When will the quality of Primordial God not be worthy of such praise? My comments are more or less, and its success does not need my comment to emphasize. In addition, it is not recommended that people with insufficient surfing experience look at the content of unofficial communities and rely on their own experience to get answers. Finally, in this environment, there is something strange and black, and it's needless to say that yygq. If you want to use the power of the string, you can only show your horse's feet, otherwise you can only read it again. Finally, people will always recognize who is playing the game and who is in PVP. It's the same sentence. In the final analysis, playing games is not the community. Normal people in the community should communicate normally. If they are satisfied, they should praise. If they have complaints, they should leave. The first attack is strange.

  • numberone55 From Jiuyou APP 2024-09-03 23:29

    Isn't this game made by Sun Xiaochuan? I haven't played it. It's been downloaded and played for 4 hours. You told me that my account has been hung up and I'm afraid of it. Who can tell me which platform the original god can play on? There is a direct account

  • Red Giant Star Meat Hill 6 From Jiuyou APP 2024-08-25 08:57

    The early stage is very good, but the later stage is getting worse and worse. There are few sources of raw stones in the back. The story is long and smelly, and can't be skipped. The gold yield is also low. Every time, it is crooked. There are only five gold coins at level 54. It's really hard to play in the back. The story party, when I didn't say it, is actually excellent in terms of fighting, but it's still a hot sentence. There are too many stories, and it's hard to paint the holy relics in the later stage, The novice depends on the big guy to carry the brush. It's hard

  • Dingmo jingle From Jiuyou APP 2024-08-23 20:06

    It was originally because Mr. Yun entered the pit, but now I can't get out of it. I play games, and some games will be uninstalled after playing for a day or two. However, Yuanshen is a game that I continue to play until now, and I have played it for the longest time

  • Crescent Meteorite 6 From Jiuyou APP 2024-08-03 12:11

    Man machine, the main line of Xumi is smelly and long, smelly and long, what do you think? Ah, do you have a mentality? No wonder they have to go back and play for more than an hour and give you 60 raw stones


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Primordial god

 Primordial god
Type: leisure time
Android: operate
In the continent where the seven elements meet - "Tivat", everyone can become a god. You float out of the world [Details]

In the continent where the seven elements meet - "Tivat", everyone can become a god. You drifted from outside the world and came to the earth. In this vast world, you can travel freely, make friends, find the seven gods who control the earth's elements, until you reunite with the separated blood relatives, and witness the precipitation of all journeys at the end. The sustainer is dying, and the creator has not yet arrived. In the face of uncontrollable circumstances, human beings always sigh about their own powerlessness... But at the steepest turning point in life, if there is a mortal's desire to reach the extreme, the vision of the gods will be projected down. When the lost Gemini reunites in the dust, and all the answers of the world appear in the "Eye of God" - Traveler, where will you go? Original God is a new open world adventure RPG developed by Miha You. You will explore a fantasy world called Tivat in the game. In this vast world, you can travel all over the seven countries, meet companions with different personalities and unique abilities, fight against strong enemies with them, and embark on the road of finding blood relatives; You can also roam around without a destination, immerse yourself in the vibrant world, and let curiosity drive you to explore the mysteries of every corner

Developer: miHoYo














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