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 Task No. 0

Task No. 0

Camouflage and Hunting, NetEase's Asymmetrical Innovation Masterpiece
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Introduction to Task Zero Game

Introduction to Task No. 0

The panic chase is performed by you! "Task Zero" is an asymmetric innovative masterpiece of NetEase with camouflage and hunting as its core. The game combines sneak play with asymmetric play to create a new open black competitive play. Film level art performance and high-precision picture quality create a delicate and interlaced light and shadow and a scene full of texture. Players will be exposed to the overhead world, playing the role of talented agents, and participating in the game and confrontation between the two camps of sneakers and pursuers. The thrilling and thrilling sneak in and chase away, the unprecedented black opening experience Come to Mission Zero to feel all this!
edition: Updated: 2024-03-28 Permission description  |  Privacy Policy

How to select mission zero camp Recommended by mission zero strong camp

Task No. 0 serves as Netease New confrontation Mobile Games , there are two different camps for players to choose from. Some novice players want to know how to choose the No. 0 mission camp? In this issue, we will take a look at the situation of different camps in the zero task game and how to choose a camp. If you are very interested in this topic, please read the article carefully.

 How to select mission zero camp Recommended by mission zero strong camp

In the game, factions are divided into Sirius and Mobius The Sirius camp is called the teacher of justice. Their daily main action is to sneak into Mobius camp and cause damage. Sirius' main task is to protect the safety of people all over the world. Because all people in the Sirius camp believe that the Mobius camp is brewing a huge conspiracy, we hope that people all over the world can know the true face of the Mobius camp.

 How to select mission zero camp Recommended by mission zero strong camp

Mobius is a very mysterious organization. They have super high science and technology , holding all kinds of information of the whole world. As long as various major events occur in the game, Mobius will appear. Mobius hated Sirius for interfering with him.

 How to select mission zero camp Recommended by mission zero strong camp

If players choose Sirius in the game, they need to sneak into Mobius camp to obtain core intelligence. Players who choose Mobius camp need to capture Sirius camp members who have sneaked into the base to prevent secrets from leaking.

 How to select mission zero camp Recommended by mission zero strong camp

The main ability of the Sirius camp in the game is to use props to skillfully escape, while Mobius is strong and can use various technologies to capture Sirius.

 How to select mission zero camp Recommended by mission zero strong camp

We have introduced the selection method of mission zero camp. No matter which camp players choose in the game, they can experience the ultimate game experience. It's like a cat and mouse game. Sirius is a mouse, while Mobi is a cat, so it is not clear who will win in the end!

Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

Mission Zero is a game Netease A major focus of recent promotion. The game is excellent in game play and graphics. Many players see Internal test Extremely satisfied with the video. The most discussed question about this game recently is Map Question. The introduction of mission map No. 0 is naturally what many players need most at the moment. Because only when you are proficient in the map can you gain an advantage in the battle and improve the winning rate of the game.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

The map we introduce today is the Oasis Tower. This is also the map with the highest player rating. This map, like its name, is a tower shaped building. The building is divided into two floors. The space of both floors is very large. Let's start with the introduction of 1F. 1L first has a press conference and swimming pools on both sides of the entrance. On the left is the press conference, and on the right is the swimming pool. The main function of the press conference is to let us fish in troubled waters. When it comes to escape, it can also play a delaying role.

swim Swimming pool So it is. Further on, we can see a building. This building is not very important, but there are archives on both sides of the building. This is what the infiltrator needs to confirm crux Area. The suite is directly in front of the building. There is a pipe on both sides of the suite. We need to remember the location of the pipes so that escape It can be used when. 1L has three deciphering points, which are in front of the suite, the rest area behind the swimming pool and the circular area behind the press conference. As for the more specific location, it is small and random. At present, whether it is a suite or a press conference, it is a very good place to start.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

If you want to be safe, you can find the people who serve in these two regions and change their clothes to disguise. On the contrary, if we are the tracing party, we can also focus on these two aspects. The swimming pool area is unfavorable because there are fewer NPCs here. It is easy to find out if there is any abnormal behavior. Therefore, players need to dodge the pursuers as soon as possible and switch areas immediately. It is better to change the NPC identity in a deserted place, which will be safer.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

There are not many buildings on the second floor. First, the middle area is the lobby. If the player wants to go up from the first floor, there are three other channels besides the normal stairs, all of which are pipes. First of all, there are direct access points of pipelines on the left and right sides of the front. These two pipes are in front of the guest rooms on the first floor. The left tube reaches the front left, and the right tube reaches the front right. The third pipe comes from the kitchen downstairs. When we entered the kitchen, we could see a pipe.

This pipeline leads to the entrance of the archives on the second floor. Infiltrators can use this pipeline to quickly reach the archives on the second floor. There are two DEs on the left and right sides of the 2F middle area decrypt Point. These two rebirth points are the areas where more pursuers appear. If there are infiltrators trying to decipher, please try to stay calm. It will be good for you to pretend to be an NPC in the future.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

In addition to some of the more fixed buildings above, the Oasis Tower has some less fixed areas, such as the password junction of the infiltrator. They are randomly distributed on this map. If you are lucky, you may even be next to the decryption point. In addition, there are 7 Sirius Evacuation point. On this map, only the pursuers can see the specific locations of the seven evacuation points.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

Generally speaking, there are only four rebirth points in the map of Oasis Tower, namely press conference, suite, swimming pool and helicopter parking apron Players need to quickly find out where they are after birth, and then confirm the password handover point and evacuation place. After confirmation, they can start their own actions. Try to discuss with your teammates when taking action. After all, this is a team game, and it is difficult for one person to win.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

These are the introduction of mission map No. 0 strategy Oasis Tower map is the most popular map because it has a high space for confrontation between both sides. Even if one side seems to be at a disadvantage, it will not be able to decide who wins or loses until the end of the game.

How to improve the decoding speed of mission zero

In this model sports In the game, players can choose different camps to join the game. At the same time, the deciphering task Sirius It is very important for young friends. The following small editor will tell you about the decoding speed of Task No. 0. How to improve? Here are the corresponding skills. Many new friends may not know much about this aspect. The editor also collected some relevant information. If you are interested, come and have a look.

 How to improve the decoding speed of mission zero

So there are four members of Sirius. All you need to do is get the password. As long as three passwords are successfully obtained, you can guess the password yourself, which can quickly save unnecessary time. Waste also makes the decoding speed higher.

 How to improve the decoding speed of mission zero

At the same time, when everyone has obtained three passwords, they can go to the place where they submitted the password together without waiting for the fourth password. Of course, it would be better if they knew the fourth password now.

When the player is close to the position where the password is entered, the corresponding interaction key will appear, allowing the player to enter the desired numerical results. You can choose the number 1-9 as your fourth password.

 How to improve the decoding speed of mission zero

It should be noted that although this method can greatly improve the speed of players' deciphering, it also requires luck, because once the location is exposed for a long time, it will be in danger, so don't wait until every time you try, you must know every time. One wrong input will reveal your location.

 How to improve the decoding speed of mission zero

As for how to improve the decoding speed of mission zero, the end of the compilation is here. If you like this, you want to experience it first Mobile Games Don't hesitate, especially the Sirius partners in the camp. Remember to communicate when the time comes.

What is the effect of task 0 can? - Detailed explanation of the effect of task 0 can

In the 2v4 sneak into the zero task of the game, the partners often need to use various props to gain advantages, of which the can can is a crux Do you know the specific use of the prop? There must still be many little partners who are not clear about its function. Next, I will introduce all the functions of the can in detail to help you make better use of this sharp tool to win.

 What is the role of task 0 can? - Detailed explanation of the role of task 0 can

What is the function of No. 0 task can

First of all, the pop can is a kind of containment prop, which can be used to contain and dazzle enemies. When the player throws the can correctly, the enemy can be stunned for 1.2 seconds, creating an attack opportunity for himself and his teammates.

 What is the role of task 0 can? - Detailed explanation of the role of task 0 can

Secondly, the use of pop can requires skills and strategy Players need to choose to use the can at the right time, throw it to the enemy and attack within the dizzy time to win the battle.

Conclusion: As an important prop in Task Zero, the can can hold back and dazzle the enemy. Players need to use it flexibly in the game and choose the right time to use it to win the battle.

How to Use the Zero Mission Balloon Introduction

As the physical quality and individual strength of the infiltrator are weaker than the guardian, the production team has designed a variety of props for the infiltrator players to escape capture in this game! Maybe a careful friend found out balloon This new item, how to use mission zero balloon? Which item is suitable for role What about? Next, we will show you how to use balloons in detail.

 How to Use the Zero Mission Balloon Introduction

Because each character can only select one item in each game, and the items cannot be repeated, the allocation of items is whether the penetrator can win crux If the allocation of props is unreasonable, it is easy to be defeated by the guardians one by one.

 How to Use the Zero Mission Balloon Introduction

How to use the new balloon props? Just like other props, kids only need to click the props at the lower right corner of the interface Button You can use balloon props. The effect of the balloon is that it can lift the player into the air for a period of time after shaking forward for a second. When they are lifted into the air, their move The speed will be greatly reduced, so the first thing to note is that never release the balloon when the guardian touches the face, because not only can we not run far, but also when we swing forward to cast a spell, we will be attacked by the guardian, thus interrupting our release.

 How to Use the Zero Mission Balloon Introduction

Therefore, balloons are generally used to help players go up and down stairs. In some places, players can use balloons to reach the second floor directly, thus saving travel time in the middle. At the same time, when the balloon lands, it will also blind the guardian to a certain extent, so saving people is also a good choice.

 How to Use the Zero Mission Balloon Introduction

Here, it is suggested that hackers carry balloons on the way to speed up their decoding. rescue Boxing The champion can also carry a balloon from the sky to help teammates and block the knife.

 How to Use the Zero Mission Balloon Introduction

The above is the use of balloons Task No. 0. In general, the balloon is a powerful prop. As long as we pay more attention to the timing of its release, we can avoid the risks brought by the balloon. It is strongly recommended that players choose this item in this version.

Screenshot of mission zero game

 Screenshot of Task No. 0
 Screenshot of Task 0
 Screenshot 1 of Task No. 0
 Screenshot 2 of Task No. 0
 Screenshot 3 of Task No. 0
 Screenshot 4 of Task No. 0

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Task # 0 Where is the daily task? Introduction to daily task # 0

Since the announcement of mission zero, many players have been paying attention to it. Because before the game Internal test , so what players are discussing at this stage is basically information about internal testing. So, where is the daily task of Task Zero? In this game, players can receive various tasks with different difficulty. Players need to choose the tasks that are suitable for them according to their own strength.

 Task # 0 Where is the daily task? Introduction to daily task # 0

Daily tasks can be directly seen in the player's main interface. We can see the task options on the left side of the main interface. After entering the task, players can see the daily task options. This task is refreshed every day. After completing all daily tasks, players will also have additional task rewards, which should not be missed.

 Task # 0 Where is the daily task? Introduction to daily task # 0

In addition to daily tasks, there are weekly tasks and achievement tasks in the game. Let's first introduce the weekly tasks. As the name implies, these tasks are the tasks that players need to complete every week. These tasks are not difficult, but they are a bit cumbersome. Players can also obtain additional weekly task rewards after completing all weekly tasks.

 Task # 0 Where is the daily task? Introduction to daily task # 0

Finally, the achievement task is introduced. The difficulty of these tasks is very low in the early stage. Players can complete some tasks after playing several games. In the future, the task will become more and more difficult, but at the same time, the rewards that players can obtain will also increase. At this time, players should not worry, they need to complete these more complicated tasks slowly.

 Task # 0 Where is the daily task? Introduction to daily task # 0

These are the instructions about where the daily tasks of Task Zero are. After the formal test of the game, players must remember that the daily tasks need to be done. Although there are not many resources, it is still considerable when a little makes a lot.

Where are the random tasks of task zero Introduction to random tasks of task zero

You should also know that in this fun sports In the game, players will play different roles because of their identities. They can also choose to use various props to help themselves in the game. Players will also get the clues they want through interaction with npcs. Here's where the random task No. 0 is. It's a special type of task that will be triggered at different times and places in the game. Here's some relevant information.

 Where are the random tasks of task zero Introduction to random tasks of task zero

Usually, they will be triggered at specific locations and under specific conditions in the game, including talking to specific NPC, exploring specific areas, completing specific tasks, etc. To trigger random tasks, players need to explore and try in the game.

 Where are the random tasks of task zero Introduction to random tasks of task zero

In addition, its content and goals vary from task to task. They involve collecting specific items, defeating specific enemies, and solving puzzles. They are also difficult and challenging.

Players will get rich rewards after completing random tasks, including experience value, money, equipment props, etc. In addition, completing random tasks may also unlock achievements or open hidden content in the game.

 Where are the random tasks of task zero Introduction to random tasks of task zero

If you fail to trigger a random task at a certain location and under certain conditions, you can try it many times or try again after waiting for a period of time. Sometimes it takes luck to trigger a random task.

 Where are the random tasks of task zero Introduction to random tasks of task zero

For this game, players can have a variety of interactive behaviors in it, which will naturally unlock many interesting clues and tasks, but this is random, so it is necessary for everyone to take the initiative to explore. After seeing the introduction of the random task of Task Zero, you should also have a new understanding of it.

Task Zero Hunter Teaching Introduction to Task Zero Pursuer

Task zero is Netease Its new 2v4 irregular confrontation sports The game is divided into two pursuers and four stalkers. The so-called pursuers are also hunters. Here we will share the teaching of mission zero hunters, and tell you what to do in the game as hunters, and what practical tips you have. I hope it can help you.

 Task Zero Hunter Teaching Introduction to Task Zero Pursuer


Chaser/Hunter/ Mobius Wait, there are 2 pursuers against 4 stalkers in each game. The pursuer has obvious advantages in strength, action ability and combat effectiveness, but the number is less than that of the stalker. In the game, there are five dynamic password cracking points, which are usually on a NPC. Each cracking point will get a dynamic password after the diver has broken it. What the pursuer needs to do is to protect the dynamic password and eliminate the players who are divers.

The goal of the stalker side is to decode and submit a 4-digit dynamic password and then evacuate the mission point. Therefore, the pursuer should prevent the sneaker from submitting four passwords within 15 minutes, or eliminate three of them to win the victory. If he fails to prevent the password submission and two people evacuate, he will be judged as a failure.

 Task Zero Hunter Teaching Introduction to Task Zero Pursuer

The pursuer gains:

Through the novice tutorial and completing a match, you can get a novice gift bag and get the pursuer "Moff". This is a kind of hidden pursuer, who can sniff the clothing type of the attacker, and can also disguise himself as anyone. As long as you do not launch an attack, you will not be detected by the stealer's detection and eagle eyes. Other pursuers can buy silver star coins from the shop through each match. Each pursuer has different characteristics.

 Task Zero Hunter Teaching Introduction to Task Zero Pursuer

Fighting mode:

The pursuer has personal advantages, and can cause damage to the stealer through melee fighting and skills. The pursuer needs to identify the stealer's disguise by observing and cooperating with another teammate, and follow the tips on the small map to find the stealer by breaking the dynamic password at an appropriate time, or attack with the teammate to knock down the stealer with their own melee and skills. In addition to walking, the pursuers running such move Way, but not squatting, different role And some interesting provocations action In addition, the pursuer cannot back attack or raise NPC in the field.

 Task Zero Hunter Teaching Introduction to Task Zero Pursuer

Close combat, attack, that is, the general attack of the pursuer, is a conventional attack method, hitting 40 points of damage once. There are some differences between different pursuers in their melee fighting range and forward and backward swing. For example, Pangda's melee fight can hit the ground for 1 second each time, and Ayan's melee fight can cause knockback, and the attack backswing is shorter than other characters. If there is a stalker within the attack range, the attack will cause damage. If there is no such short time, you cannot fight again in melee, so you must be "fast and accurate" before each shot.

In addition, in order to avoid the pursuers trying and making mistakes to find the disguised divers at the same time, the time required for energy storage and the maximum number of times are set for the close combat of the divers. The maximum number of times for energy storage is 3, and the time for energy storage is 3 seconds.

 Task Zero Hunter Teaching Introduction to Task Zero Pursuer

Skill is a special ability of each pursuer. It can be divided into active skill and passive skill. Most pursuers have one passive and two active skill, except for some characters. For example, Long Xiaotian has one passive and three active skills. After switching to Tyrannosaurus rex, another skill is added. After active skills are used, they enter the CD and need to wait for a period of time before using them. If some active skills are hit, part of the CD can be returned, which mainly depends on the characteristics of individual character skills.

Skin, the pursuer also has skin, which is bought in the shop with Venus coins or smoked with supply cards. Change the skin when preparing for battle. The skin of the pursuer is mainly the difference in appearance and special effects, which will not affect the character value and skill effect. However, there is usually a saying of "feel", which varies from person to person.

 Task Zero Hunter Teaching Introduction to Task Zero Pursuer

The above is related to the teaching of Task Zero Hunter. In this game, the pursuer is actually the one who prefers to "defend", and needs to prevent the other party from breaking the password or evacuating. The pursuers on both sides of the same level are actually a bit more difficult, but they have strong personal combat power, and many people like them. Interested partners can also try it!

How big is the zero task? Introduction to the memory size of the zero task

Many players must have played hide and seek and catch when they were young, so they can now experience the game on their mobile phones. This work integrates hide and seek and catch, making both parties feel nervous stimulate How big is Task Zero? What is its specific memory size? There must be a lot of players who want to experience it, so you can learn about it through this article. The following specific introduction can help you.

 How big is the zero task? Introduction to the memory size of the zero task

[Task No. 0] Appointment/download of the latest version

》》》》》#Task No. 0#《《《《《

This game is not particularly large in memory, just like most of the current games Mobile Games Almost. As long as the running memory reaches more than 2G and the remaining space of the phone is more than 6G, you can download and experience it. However, it is still in the testing stage, and the official is still trying to correct some minor problems. When the optimization is completed, it will be Jiuyou It's online, and the players you like can go there to make an appointment now.

 How big is the zero task? Introduction to the memory size of the zero task

It mainly uses asymmetric playing methods sports Mode, mainly divided into two teams, and the number of the two teams is also different. There are six players in a game, including Mobius There are two members in the team, Sirius There are four.

 How big is the zero task? Introduction to the memory size of the zero task

If the number of people is small, find out the hidden Sirius in a group of NPCs and knock it down. Knock down more than three people to win the game.

 How big is the zero task? Introduction to the memory size of the zero task

Sirius has four players in total, and they need to find five key characters and decode them within the specified range. Only when all the key characters are decoded can they get the key. Open the terminal, leave here, and escape more than two websites to win the game.

 How big is the zero task? Introduction to the memory size of the zero task

This game is very interesting to play, so many players have already made an appointment. It is suggested that interested players can also go to Jiuyou to make an appointment first, so we can share the answers about the number zero task here. In fact, it is basically that mobile phones coming out in recent years can experience it.

Where is the Zero Task Cracking Plug in? Introduction to Zero Task Cracking

Task zero is a High picture quality Of Multiplayer competition The game focuses on teamwork skills. In the game, many new players are not familiar with the game, and they want to know where the zero task cracking plug-in is? Many decoding tasks cannot be carried out by oneself. It doesn't matter. The way to decode the game is actually very simple. As long as you are careful and observe carefully, you can find clues about the password and get the real answer.

 Where is the Zero Task Cracking Plug in? Introduction to Zero Task Cracking

First, after the kids enter the game, they need to find three groups of passwords. It doesn't matter if they can't find the props to crack the password at this time, as long as they defeat the enemies behind them. After you get three passwords, you can go to the password location to submit the password and interact with each other.

 Where is the Zero Task Cracking Plug in? Introduction to Zero Task Cracking

Share below Sirius This is a strategy that many players have not yet passed. To crack the password, you need to get four clues about the password. The password is also four digits. Although there are multiple password positions, the difficulty does not increase.

 Where is the Zero Task Cracking Plug in? Introduction to Zero Task Cracking

However, many players wonder why some people can only find three password clues and then know the fourth one. In fact, the fourth one is calculated. It is very simple to infer it directly from the previous three clues.

 Where is the Zero Task Cracking Plug in? Introduction to Zero Task Cracking

If the partners can't calculate the password themselves, they can also choose to find all four clues. Maybe some partners will want to try the real password by exhaustive method, which is not feasible, because if the password fails too many times, players will be entangled by NPC and send the current location to the pursuers, which is very dangerous.

 Where is the Zero Task Cracking Plug in? Introduction to Zero Task Cracking

In the process of decoding, small partners should be extra careful. Although there may be no pursuers around, the pursuers in some places will set traps in advance. Therefore, even if the current environment is very safe, everyone should be extra careful not to lose all their previous efforts. As for where the zero task cracking plug-in is, you can learn how to decode by yourself. Similar levels behind are all solved in the same way.

Introduction to No. 0 Task

Do many kids want to know the strategy of No. 0 mission? After all, as an innovative asymmetric sports In terms of the game, many kids still don't know how to play it, so there must be some skills or methods that can be used at the beginning of the game, which can make the game more smooth for everyone. So let's hurry to see the details of the game.

 Introduction to No. 0 Task

1、 Camp Introduction

First of all, we need to understand the two camps in the game. Because this is a game of chasing and fleeing, it is divided into two groups, named“ Mobius ”, the other party is the sneaking party, named“ Sirius ”。 The main task of the pursuer is to meet the needs of the building crux You need to track where you are guarding to see if there are any intruders, so as to stop and pursue the invasion of the opponent; As a sneaking party, you can get the electronic key from the mission target, crack the password, and submit the final thing to the terminal by pretending to be NPC.

The outcome of the game depends on whether more than half of the members of the sneaking party have successfully escaped. Whether pursuing the camp or sneaking into the camp role There are eight roles to choose from. If you look at the classification, there are aggressive roles, covert roles, and strategy The last is the detection type, but the number of people in the war is different. There are only two people in the pursuit side and four people in the sneak side.

 Introduction to No. 0 Task

2、 How to start

Four points need to be evacuated in the game. In fact, the intersection is more important than concealment. Many cute newcomers start to disguise NPC at the moment they see the hunter's appearance. But in fact, Mobius can often accurately target Sirius in the crowd because the NPC's position and behavior logic in the game are set, So if you don't pay attention to it a little, it will leak out the flaws, especially Mengxin. So it's not easy to hide. So a more efficient way is to drive directly. Four people drive at the same time, but only two are chasing. Obviously, there are two points that can be directly obtained.

 Introduction to No. 0 Task

If the partners are unlucky to be chased and have no props to use, but have equipment skills, what they need to do at this time is not to escape by themselves, because escape is not practical at this time, so at this time they should make their sacrifice meaningful, that is to say, try to delay as much as possible, This can help teammates gain more time, so that their side can win more. In addition, the game has two lives. It doesn't matter if you are caught for the first time, but there is a second chance. Therefore, it is more important to restrain the pursuing side than to escape.

 Introduction to No. 0 Task

After counting points, if there is no pursuer chasing you, you can't go directly Hang up Instead, we need to deal with the first NPC, which can effectively avoid the pursuit of the opponent, and then we need to go to the surrounding places to find disposable props, especially in the garbage bin, so that even if there is a risk of being pursued, there is still a great possibility of escape by using props.

At 55% or so, there will be a second NPC to obstruct itself. At this time, if there is no pursuer, it is better to dispose of the body directly, and then go to the window and wait for a while. If someone pursuers, it is better to turn over the window directly.

 Introduction to No. 0 Task

3、 Learn to use props

The props are effective in the game escape Tools. Proper use of these props can bring you great advantages, so it is necessary to understand some props. Face changing props. If you get them, you can use them directly. They are not very useful and take up space. Scan the props. This props can be directly used to scan NPC, and then get her clothes. It is better to use it on the administrator. His clothes are Map It is very common and easy to use. Smoke bomb It can release the smoke, and then generate many avatars to confuse the opponent, which is most suitable for escaping.

 Introduction to No. 0 Task

This is the first part of the introduction to the play strategy of Task 0. This article mainly introduces some basic play methods, and also explains some techniques that can be used. Of course, in addition, the props mentioned at the end are also very important. If you can understand this article well, then I believe that as a newcomer, you can play the game well.

Where is mission zero fog mode? Introduction to mission zero fog mode

Task 0 This game ended some time ago Internal test However, because the game is very interesting, even after the test, a large number of players are discussing various problems of the game. Where is mission zero fog mode? This question is being asked by many players. In fact, Mist is not a certain mode in the game, but a brand new name officially given to this test.

 Where is mission zero fog mode? Introduction to mission zero fog mode

[Task No. 0] Appointment/download of the latest version

》》》》》#Task No. 0#《《《《《

This test is called Mist Test. At present, the test has started on January 7. The game itself can register itself in this test. This test lasts for 15 days. If players want to continue Public survey You can click the link above to make an appointment first, so that the next test information will be issued directly to the players who make an appointment.

 Where is mission zero fog mode? Introduction to mission zero fog mode

Task 0 is a game based on sports The main game. Players can choose any of the camps of the pursuer or the sneaker. The main purpose of the intruder is to bring out the information of the scene. The pursuit party needs to ensure that the intelligence code is not leaked, and also needs to find the person who infiltrates.

 Where is mission zero fog mode? Introduction to mission zero fog mode

Every scene of this game Map They are not small. There are a large number of NPCs in the map. Players who sneak in need to make good use of these NPCs role We can switch our identities from these NPCs at any time, so that we can ensure that we will not be found by the players who are chasing us.

 Where is mission zero fog mode? Introduction to mission zero fog mode

The pursuing party is the one who needs to distinguish the sneaking members from the numerous characters. If you find it difficult to find, you can also wait for the password place Waiting for the other party to pick it up.

 Where is mission zero fog mode? Introduction to mission zero fog mode

The above is a detailed description of the fog mode of mission zero. Players must be a little unfamiliar when they first contact this game. However, after several attempts, we can learn what's more interesting about the game.

Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

Task 0 This game is Netease A major focus of recent publicity, this game is very good both in playing method and picture. Before many players see it Internal test I was very satisfied with the video of. Recently, the most discussed about this game is Map Problems. The introduction of mission map No. 0 is also what many players need most. Because only when you are proficient in the map can you gain an advantage in the match first, which will increase the victory rate of the game.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

The map we introduce today is the Oasis Tower. This is also the map with the highest evaluation from players. This map, like its name, is a tower shaped building. The building is divided into two floors. The space on both floors is very large. Let's start with 1F. First of all, there are press conferences and Swimming pool The press conference is on the left, and the swimming pool is on the right. The main function of the press conference is to let us fish in troubled waters. When the time comes, it can also play a delaying role.

The same goes for swimming pools. Next, we can see a building, which is not very important, but on both sides of the building is the archives, which is the key area for the intruder to confirm. In front of the building is the suite. There is a pipe on each side of the suite. We need to remember the location of the pipe so that we can use it when we escape. There are three deciphering points for 1L, namely the front of the suite, the rest area behind the swimming pool and the circular area behind the press conference. As for the more specific orientation, it belongs to small area random. At present, both the suite and the press conference are good places at the beginning.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

If you want to be more secure, you can find people in service in these two areas and change their clothes for camouflage. On the contrary, if we are the pursuit party, we can also carry out key searches in these two areas. The reason why the swimming pool area is unfavorable is that there are fewer NPCs here action , so it is easy to find. Therefore, players need to avoid the pursuers as soon as possible, and also need to switch areas immediately. It is better to change their NPC identity in a place where no one is. This will be safer.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

There are not many buildings on the second floor. First, the middle area is the hall. If players want to come up from the first floor, there are three other channels besides the normal stairs, all of which are pipes. First of all, there are direct access points of pipelines on the left and right sides of the front. These two pipes are just in front of the 1F guest room. The left pipe reaches the front left, and the right pipe reaches the front right. The third pipe is from the kitchen downstairs. When we enter the kitchen, we can see a pipe.

The place that this pipeline leads to is the entrance of the 2F archives room. The sneaking party can use this pipeline to quickly get to the archives room on the second floor. There are also two DE cracking points on the left and right sides of the middle area of 2F. These two birth points are the areas where the pursuers appear more frequently. If there is an intruder here to decipher, please try to stay calm. It will be good for you to pretend to be an NPC.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

In addition to the above more fixed buildings, the Oasis Tower also has some less fixed areas, such as the password intersection of the sneaking party. In this map, it is randomly distributed. If you are lucky, it may even be near the decoding point. In addition to these, there are seven other places Sirius Evacuation point of. In this map, only the pursuers can see the specific locations of the seven evacuation points.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

Generally speaking, there are only four birth points on the map of Oasis Tower, namely press conference, suite, swimming pool and parking apron After birth, players need to quickly figure out where they are, and then confirm the intersection and evacuation position of the password. After full confirmation, they can start their own actions. When they act, they should try to discuss with their teammates as much as possible. After all, this is a team game, and it is difficult to win alone.

 Introduction to Task Map Zero Detailed Introduction to Task Map Zero

These are the introduction strategies of mission map No. 0. The reason why Oasis Tower is the most popular map is that it has a high playing space for both sides of the confrontation. Even if one party has a disadvantage, it is impossible to judge who wins and who loses until the game is over.

Where is the talent of mission zero? How to choose the talent of mission zero

In Task Zero, if you want to play comfortably, you need to get some talents. However, many people haven't found the position of the game talent for a long time, so they are asking where the talent of Task Zero is? Now that you have asked, we must help you to solve the problem. In the following section, we will tell you the position of talent, and teach you to point talent. Friends who want to know where the talent is and how to point talent will come and have a look.

 Where is the talent of mission zero? How to choose the talent of mission zero

The first thing to show you is the location of talent. To find talent in the game, you need to go to the main interface first, and then click the character option below to enter the character page.

 Where is the talent of mission zero? How to choose the talent of mission zero

After arriving at the persona page, you can select a persona, and then click the persona to come to the corresponding role On the personal page, you can see the talent system, and then click it to come to the talent page.

 Where is the talent of mission zero? How to choose the talent of mission zero

When you come to this page, you can start to point talent. Here you need to show you the specific points of talent. At this time, you must pay attention to the lineup you play Sirius For the lineup, it needs to be a little cautious, crack expert and treasure chest.

 Where is the talent of mission zero? How to choose the talent of mission zero

These three talents can accelerate the speed of password cracking and identity detection, and can also obtain the cracking cache plug-in. In addition, they can also get a chance to replace props. These three effects are very useful. However, if you choose Mobiwusu's lineup, you need to choose these three talents, which can increase the exposure time of the enemy, draw the range of the enemy, and block the position of the enemy. These three effects are very helpful for Mobiwusu's lineup.

 Where is the talent of mission zero? How to choose the talent of mission zero

The above is the full introduction of where and how to select the talent of Task Zero. After reading the introduction in the article, you also know the selection ideas of talents from different camps. After you know how to select talents, you can choose talents according to the talent selection scheme given in the article.

Task No. 0

Task 0 is a 2V4 game. The picture quality of this game is very realistic. Both the background and characters are very exquisite. Even the background and materials are very exquisite. With the blessing of light, it can match some recreational machines It's comparable.

Game features:

1. In Task 0, players are divided into two different camps, namely Mobius and Sirius The latter is the attacking side.

2. It can also be said that it is the intruder. What players need to do is hide their identity, get the password from NPC, and then run away.

3. Mobius is the defender. What he needs to do is to find and defeat Sirius' enemies in the crowd to prevent them from stealing their own passwords.

Game highlights:

1. In mission zero, the so-called camouflage is the so-called infiltration. An intruder can knock down an NPC to the ground.

2. Then put on his clothes, turn him into an NPC, and the guards will action To judge whether he is true.

3. In addition, there is a new skill system in Task 2023 of No. 0, that is, every member of Mobius role They all have their own unique skills.

Game evaluation:

1. Each character on Sirius side has its own unique talent, so it will have its own unique skills.

2. It is precisely because of this that this game can break the restrictions of 1V4 and become a new model of 2V4. Interested students can download and try it.

3. Task 0 is a high-tech game, and architecture is also a high-tech game.

Task 0 recommendation of the same kind

 Zombie Zero
Zombie Zero
make an appointment
 Zombie Zero
Zombie Zero
make an appointment
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World Zero
make an appointment
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Size zero
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Event # 0
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