guide read How to make infinite broth in Jungle Hell? In the game, we can get unlimited food by making unlimited meat soup. Today, Jiuyou brings you green hell infinite meat soup. Let's have a look. Green Hell Infinite Broth Practice Sharing In the game, we can do nothing through the filter

How to make infinite broth in Jungle Hell? In the game, we can get unlimited food by making unlimited broth. Today Jiuyou Let's share the practice of infinite broth of Green Hell. Let's have a look.

 How to make infinite broth in Jungle Hell? Infinite Broth Practice Sharing

Green Hell Infinite Broth Practice Sharing

In the game, we can make unlimited broth through the filter to solve food and clothing problems.

When the lower pool is full, pour the broth into the upper pool after using it up. After sleeping and raining, the broth will be infinite.

You don't want to wait until you pour dirty water directly.

If we are afraid of spilling the broth, we can open the backpack and drag it on the ground.