guide read The fighting Tianma and the white bird in the original god are two very popular characters. Tianma is a strong output character, and the white bird is an excellent auxiliary character. This article will introduce the skills, equipment, talents and other strategies of these two characters in detail, and provide you with some practical combination skills

The fighting Tianma and the white bird in the original god are two very popular role Among them, Tianma is a strong output character, while Whitebird is an excellent auxiliary character. This article will introduce the skills, equipment, talents and other strategies of these two characters in detail, and provide you with some practical combination skills and playing suggestions. If you want to play these two roles better in The Original God, the next reading will be very useful for you!

 How to play with the white bird? Recommended role skill matching

Recommended match of fighting Tianma and white bird skills

Heart to heart secret skill

Infinite Weng (try some of them)

Within 15 seconds after the team enters the arena, all characters in the team will recover 3 points of element energy per second. When the character's element energy is 100%, the cooling time of the character's element burst will be reduced by 0.6 seconds per second.

Shengsheng Rotation (also increases the energy of the big move, which can be used together with the last buff)

Within 15 seconds after the team enters the arena, the element particles that can recover 20 points of element energy will be generated after the character's element warfare skill hits. This effect can trigger at most once every 5 seconds.

Tianhu Jian

Within 15 seconds after the team enters the arena, after the character's element warfare skills hit the enemy, the damage caused by all the characters' element warfare skills in the team will increase by 12.5%. The effect lasts for 8 seconds, and can be triggered at most once every 0.5 seconds, and can be stacked up to 4 times; When stacked 4 times, the damage caused by all character elements in the team increases by 50%.

Fruit thinning at the end of the leaf (applicable to damage caused by losing life)

Within 15 seconds after the team enters the arena, when the character's HP recovers, it will drop thunder to at most 5 nearby enemies, causing damage to the element of thunder; The current character loses 0.5% HP per second. Thunder can only be released once every 3 seconds in this way.

Two Sins Kill the True Eye

Within 15 seconds after the team enters the arena, the character will gain the effect of "crime dispels the real eye" after performing a universal attack. After stacking for three times, the existing effect will be removed, and the real eye beam will be emitted to cause real damage to the enemies on the path.


Within 15 seconds after the team enters the arena, the attack speed of all characters in the team is increased by 50%, and the ability to resist interruptions is greatly improved. After a character's ordinary attack hits, the character's health is restored by 8%. The HP recovery effect can trigger at most - times every 4 seconds.

Thousands of words

Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, all characters in the team will gain 30% cooling reduction, and the damage caused by element explosion will be increased by 50%.

A hundred people are burning upper

Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, the efficiency of heat accumulation has been greatly improved.

Phantom eye

The element proficiency of all characters in the team will be increased by 150 points within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena.

 How to play with the white bird? Recommended role skill matching

Common secret skill

Inflammatory drive

Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, all characters in the team will gain 60% fire element damage bonus.


Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, all characters in the team will gain 60% ice element damage bonus.

Light of rice

Within 25 seconds after Woo enters the arena, all characters in Woo will gain 60% Lei Elemental Damage bonus.

God hedge and rock seat

Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, all characters in the team will gain 60% rock element damage bonus.

Ode to the torrential rain

Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, all characters in the team will gain 60% water element damage bonus.

Sickle wind

Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, all characters in the team will gain 60% wind element damage bonus.

Shoes Brochure

Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, the physical damage caused by all characters in the team will be increased by 60%.

Unique words longevity

The attack power of all characters in the team will be increased by 60% within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena.

Truly cut eyes

Within 25 seconds after the team enters the arena, the critical hit damage of all characters in the team is increased by 60%.

The above is the specific content of the game of "Original God", and I hope this article can help you,