guide read There are many planets in the deadly company. Players need to go to these places to pick up garbage. However, they will encounter various extreme weather on the way, which requires players to make emergency plans. So what are the extreme weather conditions in deadly companies? Let's follow the small editor to learn about it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone

There are many planets in the deadly company. Players need to go to these places to pick up garbage. However, they will encounter various extreme weather on the way, which requires players to make emergency plans. What extreme weather does the deadly company have? Let's follow the small editor to learn about it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

What are the extreme weather conditions for deadly companies

A: Rain, lightning storm, fog, flood, solar eclipse

1. Rain: The surface of the planet will sink. If players stay in this place for too long, they will die. They need to run out before they sink completely.

 What are the extreme weather conditions for deadly companies

2. Lightning storm: At this time, there will be extreme thunderstorm weather on the planet. When carrying conductive objects, players may be struck by lightning outdoors, and will die directly if struck by lightning.

3. Fog: The planet will be filled with fog, affecting the player's line of sight. At this time, it is very likely to be attacked by monsters.

 What are the extreme weather conditions for deadly companies

4. Flooding: The planet will be flooded with the process of the game, affecting the area that can be explored on the player's map.

 What are the extreme weather conditions for deadly companies

5. Eclipse: Players will refresh monsters once the spaceship is launched. It is more difficult than the extreme weather in the past in the solar eclipse environment.


What are the extreme weather conditions in the deadly company? Maybe you have a clear understanding after reading it. There are five types of bad weather, namely, rain, lightning storm, fog, flood, and solar eclipse. Don't panic in these weather conditions. Follow the above strategies provided by my editor, and you will certainly be able to help.

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