guide read F Zero Racing is a racing game. Its highly restored racing driving experience and exciting racing mode attract a large number of players. However, there are all kinds of challenges and difficulties, which make players need to constantly improve their driving skills and tactical awareness. F What's the Zero Racing Game

F Zero racing It's a racing car compete in speed The game, with its highly restored racing driving experience and intense and exciting racing mode, has attracted a large number of players. However, there are all kinds of challenges and difficulties, which make players need to constantly improve their driving skills and tactical awareness.

F What is the difficulty of the zero style racing game

A: There are 4 kinds of difficulties in F Zero racing game, BEGINNER, STANDARD, EXPERT and MASTER;

Among them, the MASTER difficulty is the hidden difficulty. When the other difficulties of a track are cleared, the MASTER difficulty will appear.

 Introduction to the difficulty of the game "F Zero Racing"

Introduction to difficulty difference

1. BEGINNER difficulty

I don't need to say that everyone knows what's going on. Players can easily get through as long as they don't make too many mistakes. However, it is still necessary to use continuous fire spraying (continuous hit A), so that the car can turn more easily without losing its balance, which is the most basic skill. It is easy to pass without using BOOST.

2. STANDARD difficulty

This difficulty is also relatively simple. You can easily get through with BOOST without any advanced skills.

3. EXPERT difficulty

This difficulty requires you to have certain skills, that is, high-speed slalom skills. In addition, you should not be too far away from the curve when turning, or you will be overtaken.

You can also use this to surpass the leading car. It won't be too difficult to use BOOST, but you can't make mistakes, otherwise it will be more difficult.

 Introduction to the difficulty of the game "F Zero Racing"

4. MASTER difficulty

It's the highest level of difficulty, and it's not ordinary. The computer car will also use BOOST, and the computer car will collide with the player's car, so everyone should keep the energy of the car. If the energy is too low, the maximum speed of the car will be reduced.

If the energy is used up, the car will explode. At this time, players need to use all the skills they used before. For example, high-speed slalom skills, reasonable use of springboard and continuous fire spraying during turning, etc. Familiarity with the track and reasonable use of BOOTS are also the key to success.

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