guide read In the hybrid version of Plant vs. Zombie, the sunshine mushroom pitcher makes a strong debut. This plant not only strengthens the defense ability of the sun mushroom, but also endows it with the attack function. With the growth of body size, the attack power and sunlight output increase simultaneously. Next, we will introduce this all-around sunshine mushroom pitcher in detail. ...

In the hybrid version of Plant vs. Zombie, the sunshine mushroom pitcher makes a strong debut. This plant not only strengthens the defense ability of the sun mushroom, but also endows it with the attack function. With the growth of body size, the attack power and sunlight output increase simultaneously. Next, we will introduce this all-around sunshine mushroom pitcher in detail.

 What's the use of the sunshine mushroom pitcher in Plant vs. Zombie Hybrid?

What's the use of pvz hybrid version of sunshine mushroom pitcher

Features: 25 sunshine every 25 seconds, grow up after 120 seconds: 50 sunshine every 25 seconds after growing up.

Toughness: 300

Power: 40/1.5s, 80/1.5s after growing up

Range: whole line in front

Cost: 100 Sunshine

Cooling speed: fast

Sunshine Cool pitchers can throw Sunshine Cool to attack.

In the eyes of other plants, it is strange that Fengguan has already had the example of watermelon pitchers throwing watermelons, but it is the first time that we have seen mushroom pitchers. "That's just a plastic imitation..." said the Sunshine Mushroom shooter, who also bought his shot from the cabbage shooter.

 What's the use of the sunshine mushroom pitcher in Plant vs. Zombie Hybrid?