guide read How to complete the achievement of finding a chameleon in a big city 2024-05-11 18:57:27 Source: 19 Games Author: 19 GameNet Cat

How to complete the achievement of finding a chameleon in a big city

2024-05-11 18:57:27

Source: 19 Games

Author: 19 GameNet

   Kitty There are a lot of achievements in big cities, and you need to complete the task if you want to achieve these achievements. The following small series provides players with strategies to find chameleon achievements.

Little cats in big cities find chameleon achievements and get tips

Achievement: Find the chameleon

Specific steps:

1. We went to the position below the picture, where we talked with the chameleon.

2. After the dialogue, we need to find the chameleon seven times to complete the task. The first time we found it in the toilet.

3. Then go to the position below the picture, and you will find the second time at the stairway of the slide.

4. Find the third time on the wall drain at this location.

5. This time we found it in the toy shop where we visited the toys.

6. Go to the position below the picture and find it at the gardener's tap water valve.

7. The sixth time was on the wall The Conduit Find out.

8. Find the position of this operator for the last time. After finding all the positions, you can complete this task.