guide read Players in Wuhua Mixin can see different cultural relic characters, and players in the game will act and adventure with them. Of course, novice players don't know how to play when they first contact them, so the following is also the introduction of novice playing methods of the game, so players can learn about it

Players in Wuhua Mixin can see different cultural relics role , players will act with them and adventure Of course, novice players are not sure how to play the game when they first contact it, so the following is also the introduction of novice playing methods of the game, so that players can learn about it.

 How to play Wuhuami for new novices

Introduction to Wuhuami New Novice Play

1、 Mainline task

1. In the early stage, you can get free character brush chapters, customs clearance 2-10 chapters to unlock Winter Valley competition, etc.

2. After that, you can improve the player level. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the hidden challenges of the main level.

2、 Lineup recommendation

1. Control team: Thousand Miles Map+Chime Bell of Marquis Yi of Zeng+Deer Horn Standing Crane+T-shaped Silk Painting+Lotus Pond Milk Duck Map+Sky Blue Bottle

2. The strength of this lineup is relatively high, but players need to draw cards to acquire characters and cultivate them.

3. Single core team: four dragons and four phoenixes+sky blue bottle+hibiscus furnace+thousand miles of rivers and mountains map+seven rock dance dance+tea production painting

4. Use the four dragons and four phoenixes to passively bear enemy damage, while the damage of the small table increases gradually.

3、 Pioneering skills

1. Players can make the first charge to obtain the character of Seven Rock Dance, which is of high intensity.

2. After that, the role level of tasks such as the main line of clearance and replica will be improved.

The above is the introduction of the new novice playing method of Wuhua Mi. Players enjoy a lot of fun in this game. At the beginning of the game, players can think according to the ideas given. As long as they can reasonably follow the ideas given, the initial stage of the game can be easily carried out.