Characteristic system Tactical collocation

mobile game > NBA Hero > Game News > The new service of "Heroes of American Basketball Team" in Zone 12 opened at 11:00 on April 18!

The new service of "Heroes of American Basketball Team" in Zone 12 opened at 11:00 on April 18!

Author: GM Source: Jiuyou Release time: 2024-04-18 10:23:03
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NBA The regular season has come to an end, the play offs are being contested fiercely, and the playoffs are getting closer. What teams can break through the tough playoffs, and what teams will lose? Let's look forward to it!

And with the regular season in full swing, Genuine to grant authorization Card Games《 NBA Hero 》Zone 12 is coming! As a team manager, you will be able to build your team in an all-round way from player selection, tactical layout, stadium construction and other aspects, build the league first, and set foot on your own legend The way! At 11:00 on April 18, see you!

Players enter the exchange code "NBA12" to receive the service opening gift package!

As a game that highly restores the NBA competition system in reality, the NBA Hero, which has hundreds of authorized players, allows you to form your dream lineup at will.

NBA Heroes perfectly restores the new NBA game system, and even the new mid season cup game mode of the NBA this season can be perfectly experienced in NBA Heroes!

In addition to the completely real match system and super many authorized players

There are more surprises waiting for you to explore in Basketball Heroes!

Now let Qiu Mei show you around!

Super cool player card

The card style of "Heroes of American Basketball" is even more cool. When you draw a platinum card, the corresponding card animation special effects will let you immerse yourself! At the same time, the newly added platinum quality cards also make managers feel proud and privileged!

One click to form a dream lineup

The lineup of "Heroes of American Basketball Team" is more free, and you can put all your ideal players into the lineup. The basic lineup of 10 people undoubtedly gives you the space to choose more players you like.

Whether it's the international player column of Doncic, Jokic, Alphabet, or Zhankudu's dream combination, it can be realized in NBA Heroes!

The player's ability is more realistic

The player attributes of NBA Heroes will no longer be limited to the traditional dimensions of two points, three points and rebounds. Increase height, physical strength, superstar moments, player style and other attributes, and more truly restore the player's performance on the court. More exclusive routes can help you better cultivate your own soldiers!

Cool customized homepage

In addition, you can also customize the home page of different teams according to your favorite team! Every time you enter the game, the feeling of the home team is full!

In the future, it will also support customized homepage players, so that your dream star can join your favorite team, which is no longer a dream!

Challenge the journey and relive the classic moment

The journey mode of NBA Heroes revisits the classic moments of NBA. Whether it's the Warrior Dynasty or the Lakers Dynasty in the "OK" period, you can enjoy the journey and blend into the peak moments of superstars at zero distance!

While completing the journey, managers can also grow with your team. Through training, your team's level and player's level can be greatly improved. Let the players grow with you in the journey!

Original appearance time allocation and tactical style

Slide to view tactical style and physical strength distribution

As a comprehensive team operator, the choice of team lineup; The distribution of playing time between main players and substitutes; Tactics and match You are responsible for making the style!

More authentic competition system

"Heroes of the NBA" is highly consistent with the real competition system, and the new season China Cup will also be presented perfectly! And all kinds of high-level data after the game are more detailed! More perfect data analysis will help you win every battle in the season!

More exciting live broadcast of the event

Super exciting live broadcast of the game brings you to the scene

Basketball Heroes has been comprehensively upgraded in the event presentation. The new event live broadcast system makes you more immersive and experience the endless passion brought by the event! Detailed pre match and post match data allows you to more accurately analyze the strong and weak links of the team, helping you improve quickly!

In the subsequent version, we will also add the function of the game live broadcast room, where players can communicate heartily and share the infinite passion and fun brought by basketball!

The stadium is extremely rich in operation cultivate system

In addition to the arrangement of players on the field, the team building off the field is also important! The original stadium system created by Basketball Heroes will operate the team from multiple dimensions, such as stadium construction, advertising, investment attraction, fan stores, and so on, to create maximum profits for your team!

Every bit off the court is also inseparable from the team's strength. You can get exclusive currency income through signing sponsors, and this currency can also exchange various resources in the game, as well as gold and silver card players in the exclusive mall! Experience the fun of simulated operation, and everything is waiting for you to explore!

Splendid activities and endless gifts

With the opening of the new service, there are many wonderful activities waiting for you to experience! Let's take a look at the wonderful activities of NBA Heroes 2.0 for you!


The service opening gift package is waiting for you!

four 11:00, 18th , used by NBA Heroes Zone 12 We will officially meet with all managers! Players in Zone 11 can enter service opening gift package code“ NBA12 ”, You are waiting for the super value gift!


Achieving the novice goal Platinum is optional and waiting for you

The novice player can trigger the novice target task by logging into the game 14 days ago. The first to the seventh day is the first phase, and the eighth to the fourteenth day is the second phase. During the activity period, you can not only receive the welfare gift package every day, but also have the super value resource gift package waiting for you to buy!

(The activity reward is subject to the actual display in the game)

At the same time, you can also get novice activity by completing daily tasks. If you accumulate novice activity, you can get super value rewards, Kinkavan Banyama Jinkabankelo Wait for you to win! Up to 90-94 platinum cards can be selected by yourself. New players are not ready to reach the novice goal, so they can win platinum cards by themselves!


Sucking novice gold card bag surprises repeatedly

During the novice target task, players can find the novice card bag in the novice task cut page to recruit and draw. If you draw 40 cards, you will get 80-84 gold cards, and if you draw 100 cards, you will get 85-89 gold cards! You outstanding managers have not hurried to recruit their favorite players to strengthen your lineup!

(The activity reward is subject to the actual display in the game)

Each player is limited to draw 1000 times for novice card packs. After the first phase of novice goal is officially completed, the cumulative draw times and minimum guarantee times of novice card packs will be reset on the eighth day. Managers need to pay attention!


Novice gift bag A large number of platinum players are eager to join

On the first 7 days for beginners, a number of special gift packages were launched for a limited time, and platinum players such as Jay Brown, James, Curry, etc. were eager to join your team!

You can click the upper right corner“ Novice ”Button, enter the novice series activity interface, and find“ Novice Gift Bag ”Cut the page to buy these premium gift packs! Details of available gift packages are as follows:

(The activity reward is subject to the actual display in the game)

Gift Bag for World War I Fame: 30 yuan Available: star bag * 1+gold coins * 30000+talent coins * 300

Gift Bag for Novice Gold Card: 98 yuan Available: novice gold card optional * 1+gold coin * 98000+talent coin * 980

Novice Platinum Optional Card Gift Bag: 168 yuan Available: Platinum card for beginners * 1 +Gold coin * 168000+talent coin * 1680

90-94 Platinum Card Optional Gift Bag: 328 yuan Available: 90-94 platinum card optional card * 1 +Gold coin * 328000+talent coin * 3280

Zhanku Self selected Card Gift Bag: 648 yuan Available: Zhanku optional card * 1 +Gold coin * 648000+talent coin * 6480


1. The novice golden card optional card contains golden card Adebayor, golden card Thompson and golden card Westbrook. Players can choose one of them to obtain

2. The novice platinum card includes such platinum cards as Jay Brown, Halliburton, Anthony Edwards, and so on. Players can choose one of them when they open it!

3. The 90-94 platinum card contains all the platinum cards with 90-94 ability values. Players can choose one of them to obtain

4. The Janku optional card contains Platinum Castiff Curry and Platinum Calebron James. Players can choose one of them to get

5. This gift package can only be purchased within 7 days for novices. Please pay attention to buying it in time to avoid missing the opportunity!


Win the league championship and send a golden package

Activity time:

four 22 April to 28 April

Activity area service:

Only Hero Zone 12

Activity content:

During the first full week of the activity period (from April 22 to April 28), players who win the championship in league play can get extra Jinying bag * 1

Note: The activity rewards will be distributed within three working days


Who can compete in the battle list

Activity time:

four 14:00, April 18th to April 24th

Activity area service:

Only Hero Zone 12

Activity content:

Christmas war drums are beating, who can reach the top!

end 14:00, April 24 , the players who reach the top 3 will receive corresponding rewards

Battle list the first % of players (minimum combat power must reach 550) can obtain 94-97 platinum gold card optional bag * 1+diamond * 5000

Battle list proxime accessit % of players (minimum combat power must reach 500) can obtain 90-94 platinum gold card optional bag * 1+diamond * 3000

Battle list third % of players (the minimum combat power must reach 470) can obtain superstar bag * 1+diamond * 1000

(If there are parallels, you can get rewards!)


1. Count the maximum combat power of all players and rank the top 3!

2. The activity rewards will be distributed within three working days

3. If the player's combat power does not meet the minimum requirements for listing, no reward will be given


The way to challenge the peak leads to breakthrough coins

Activity time:

four From 18th to 24th April

Activity area service:

Only Hero Zone 12

Activity content:

During the activity period, if the number of stars on the way to challenge the peak reaches 1200, you can get Gold card recruitment voucher * 400 + Breakthrough coin * 80


The rewards of this activity will be distributed within three working days


Monthly card limited time purchase and enjoy super value rebate

Activity time:

four From 18th to 24th April

Activity area service:

Only Hero Zone 12

Activity content:

Activity content:

Cumulative purchase during the activity Premium monthly card+classic monthly card You can additionally obtain: Jinying Package * 1+Ace Recruitment Voucher * 500

purchase Platinum monthly card You can additionally obtain: trump ticket * 1000


1. Each player can only participate in this activity once, and no bonus will be given to those who buy more than once

2. The activity rewards will be distributed within 3 working days after the end of this activity


Shengxing Zhankudong enjoys super value rebate

Activity time:

four 23:59, April 18th to April 24th

Activity area service:

Only Hero Zone 12

Activity content:

During the activity Platinum Calebron James Platinum Kastefan Curry as well as Platinum Kaluka Doncic Increase to the specified number of stars to get corresponding rewards!

When LeBron James reaches 1 star, he can get the trump card recruitment voucher * 2000+star pack * 1

When LeBron James reaches 2 stars, you can get platinum LeBron James * 1

Stephen Curry reaches 1 star to get the trump card recruitment voucher * 2000+star bag * 1

When Stephen Curry reaches 2 stars, you can obtain platinum Stephen Curry * 1

Luca Doncic can get the trump card recruitment voucher * 2000+star bag * 1 after reaching 1 star

When Luca Doncic reaches 2 stars, you can get platinum Luca Doncic * 1


1. The rewards of this activity will be distributed by mail within 3 working days after the end of the activity, please pay attention to check in time.


Collect gold cards to summon superstars

Activity time:

four 23:59, April 18th to April 24th

Activity area service:

Only Hero Zone 12

Activity content:

During the activity, collect the specified number of gold cards to receive the super value gift!

collect twenty You can obtain: gold card recruitment voucher * 200 with different gold cards

collect thirty-five You can obtain: Gold card recruitment voucher * 300+gold coins * 80000

collect fifty You can obtain: star bag * 1 with different gold cards

collect sixty-five You can obtain: superstar bag * 1 with different gold cards

collect eighty You can obtain: Super Big Bag * 1 with different gold cards


1. This reward can be accumulated

2. The reward of this activity will be issued within 3 working days after the end of the activity

More wonderful activities are waiting for you to experience after the new service is opened, 11:00, April 18 , see you later!

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(Article 44)
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All comments

  • Purple grudge worm hole From Jiuyou APP 2024-06-11 13:43

    It's OK

  • Pea cpp0df From Jiuyou APP 2024-05-26 16:42

    very nice

  • Jiuyou player 115090637048 From Jiuyou APP 2024-04-22 01:11

    Too much

  • Twist Right Agility 8 From Jiuyou APP 2024-04-21 21:26

    Very fun

  • Elegance and aircraft From Jiuyou APP 2024-03-31 09:04

    This game is really too dangerous. There is no water splash when one 648 goes down

  • Dahe Saigao From Jiuyou APP 2024-03-30 22:48

    To be honest, this game is too difficult to play: 1. All kinds of cards are drawn, which is expensive. 2. Log in to give you a gift pack of 80 points for ordinary card drawing, which is enough for you to draw four times. Luckily, you have a 65-69 silver card. 3. Push a picture, a chapter of thieves, 50 levels! Rewards and thieves are few. The rewards and achievement rewards you get are only enough to draw some silver cards to complete the task. 4. Go in and choose a team. Generally, you can get an 80+gold card, and then you can get an 84 wen class. The rest of you want a gold card. Top up the youth. Every one has a hundred gold cards with a hammer.

  • Ice Tooth Right Thunder Hammer 7 From Jiuyou APP 2024-03-17 14:41

    Have fun

  • Scatter the night and match the sword From Jiuyou APP 2024-03-06 01:07

    Who knows how many bricks and stones are needed after the treasure hunt

  • Naga Returns the Lich King 10 From Jiuyou APP 2024-03-02 20:46

    Strong picture sense

  • Pear Flower Lady From Jiuyou APP 2024-02-21 05:10

    It's a very good basketball game. There are all kinds of basketball stars in it. You can satisfy your curiosity here. It's very good. You can make Yao Ming and Curry teammates

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NBA Hero

 NBA Hero
Type: leisure time
Android: About to test
NBA Hero is an official interactive platform for NBA games, based on real NBA game data [Details]

NBA Hero is an official interactive platform for NBA games. It is a comprehensive card game based on real NBA game data, themed on NBA stars, and integrating star collection and lineup confrontation. Players can form their own fantasy star lineup to conduct real-time confrontation with other players, thus becoming an excellent professional NBA professional manager.

Developer: Shanghai Quni Network Technology Co., Ltd







  • 06-20 11:00

    New service hero zone 16

  • 05-16 11:00

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