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Tribal Conflict Legendary Card Phoenix Intensity Introduction

Author: Internet Source: Eagle Eye Published on: 2022-10-26 11:54:40 Mobile subscription

tribe conflict legend Have you seen the strength introduction of Kafenghuang? The strength of the legendary card Phoenix deserves your attention. The legendary card Phoenix is a new card recently issued. If you are really not clear about this, you can read this article Jiuyou Introduction, you can know after reading it.

Tribal conflict Legend Card Phoenix Strength Introduction

1. The rarity of Phoenix is legendary. The value can refer to the figure below flight Company. It can cause melee and non range attacks on the enemy. If killed in battle, it will explode in the flames and attack the surrounding Architecture Cause certain damage to the unit;

The phoenix released when playing cards will leave a phoenix egg in place after the death of the battle. If it is not destroyed in time, it will grow into a new generation of phoenix.

 Tribal Conflict Legendary Card Phoenix Intensity Introduction

3. This is also the first unit in the game that has the ability to resurrect. The incubation time of Phoenix Egg is 4s. If it can be well protected and used, it will have a good effect in actual combat;

4. According to the actual combat situation, the eggs near the river are more likely to hatch new phoenix, while the eggs near the Princess Tower are more likely to be destroyed. We should pay attention to the falling point.

 Tribal Conflict Legendary Card Phoenix Intensity Introduction

The above is all about the introduction of the tribal conflict legend card Phoenix Strength. I believe you will know after reading it. The game is still worth your attention.

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