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Tribal Conflict: The Tower Starts from scratch Video Commentary 11: Teaching of the Pure Balloon School for Novice

Author: Jiuyou Source: Jiuyou Release time: November 26, 2015 14:29:00 Mobile subscription

Author of original post: Gao Ta

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Hello everyone, I'm Gao Ta! Welcome to the eleventh episode of [High Tower from scratch novice teaching video]: novice pure balloon school teaching.

Video content introduction:

Before I knew it, I had gone from one book, two books and three books to six books. Along the way, I was developing and upgrading books while recording videos to communicate with novice players, with deep feelings.

This video includes three tribal war videos of six balloon streams, the first one is the live broadcast of tribal war from the first perspective, and the other two are the playback of tribal war.

Balloon troop allocation:

24 balloons, reinforcement balloons (high-class and low-grade balloons are available), and the rest of the soldiers use bows and arrows to finish off the rescue.

Magic 2. Proper treatment can save at least 1 spell.

Key points:

1. One arrow tower/mage tower corresponds to 4-5 balloons;

2. First, use a balloon to explore the way to prevent large balloons from being killed by aerial mines;

3. Air defense rocket More balloons will be placed in the direction of the air defense rocket. Advanced balloons are preferred to attack air defense rockets;

4. There are three situations in which healing spells are released - large balloons encounter mage towers, large balloons encounter aerial mines, and anti-aircraft rockets are too powerful, requiring treatment and endurance;

5. Two or three balloons can be reserved for ending to prevent insufficient time.


This play method is fast and stable, and is suitable for all six books and five books (five books have three balloons less than six books, and there is no treatment, which is more difficult to operate). No matter whether you have senior reinforcements from Gao Ben's teammates or not, you can compete with Ben Samsung.

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