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Tribal Conflict captures the cutest scenery of the village - player works

Author: GM Source: Jiuyou Release time: 2017-04-17 13:23:00 Mobile subscription

I've seen all the beautiful ladies and sisters in their golden age

You have seen such cute and cute female soldiers


A wave of welfare is coming

In this warm spring season

What could be happier than seeing a cute little public game


Photo Author: KEimy

▲ On the difference of sight focus between wearing more and wearing less.


▲ When an angel gets a bottle image Magic Liquid medicine


▲ Angel: "Don't listen to me! Always love to go Mortar Go over there! "

witch : "What can I do despair Ah... "


▲ How to make wild boar Run faster? It's better to change the rage potion into a bow and arrow MM.


▲ I heard that this is a popular hairstyle in the village? Immediately make an appointment with the same model.


▲ The leader said that the dragon baby should not be left alone.


Photo author: KIE-CHI

▲ The climate is changeable in spring, so leaders should take care of themselves~


▲ Express the Queen for ten thousand times, and the dazzling purple hair will always be the unique scenery in the village.


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