mobile game > Super evolution story 2 > Introduction

  • Super Evolutionary Tale 2 How to Fight World Disasters

    World Disaster is a very difficult mode of play in this game, but although it is difficult, we still need to rise to the challenge, and this is also a must play mode, because the rewards of this mode are very generous, so the super evolution story 2 World Disaster [Details]

  • Evaluation and sharing of super evolution story 2

    As an orthodox sequel of a generation, Super Evolution Story 2 has many players wondering whether it is fun or not and whether it can enter the pit. For this reason, today we have brought you the evaluation and sharing of hyperevolution story 2, which will be based on the feedback during the internal test and the current version [Details]

  • Where to get the public beta gift code of Super Evolution Story 2

    Super Evolutionary Tale 2 has been officially launched recently. Many kids want to know where the beta gift package code of Super Evolutionary Tale 2 is. This card game often has a lot of rich game gift package codes when it is launched, which can provide some training for everyone to open up new games and quickly develop characters [Details]

  • Introduction to Super Evolution Story 2

    This game has been officially finalized, and it will be officially released on December 22. Many players have just contacted this sequel, but they still don't know how to play in the early stage. Here we have prepared the introduction of super evolution story 2. Players who plan to enter the pit can take a look at this issue first [Details]

  • Introduction to Super Evolutionary Tale 2: Game Page

    Super Evolutionary Tale 2 has quite a lot of interesting content. When you first enter the game, you may feel at a loss for the buttons in the functional areas of the world and territory. Therefore, this time we will introduce the game interface to help the beginners and explorers who are ready to play quickly [Details]

  • Introduction to Super Evolutionary Tale 2: Mystery Creatures

    The cultivation of mystery creatures is one of the most important play methods in the game (really important, I'm not joking!). It is located in the nest of riddles, on the upper left of the territory. Click the Mystery Nest to enter the cultivation homepage, where the explorer can [Details]

  • Introduction to Super Evolutionary Tale 2: Dark Forest

    The dark forest is one of the important ways to obtain resources in the game, and also has the function of improving the abilities of monsters. The Dark Forest is located at the lower left corner of the territory. Click to enter the Dark Forest. In the dark forest, there are many branches [Details]

  • Introduction to Super Evolutionary Tale 2: Arena

    The arena is a place to fight with other explorers, where you can challenge other explorers and also need to deal with the challenges of other explorers. The arena is located on the right side of the Explorer's territory and is a building similar to the playground. Click Fighting Skill [Details]

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Super evolution story 2

 Super evolution story 2
Type: Card
Android: Internal test without deleting files
You're right. But Super Evolutionary Tale 2 is a new change independently developed by NTFusion [Details]

You're right. But Super Evolutionary Tale 2 is a new abnormal evolution mobile game independently developed by NTFusion. The game takes place in a fantasy world called "Super Evolutionary Continent". Here, you are accidentally eligible to participate in the "Super 2 Call Plan". You will guide the power of evolution and play a mysterious role called "Explorer", In the less free journey of the red dot, I saw the strange and slightly abnormal evolution, and formed my own monster team to evolve together to defeat the powerful enemy and prevent the world from being reset - at the same time, I gradually discovered the truth of "world evolution".

Developer: Shenzhen Thunder Information Technology Co., Ltd







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