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Novice Guide

Author: Jiuyou Xiaogua Source: Jiuyou Release time: 2015-05-15 17:05:00 Mobile subscription

Common game terms:

Five books: Base camp level=level5

Three circumference: Level+base camp level+number of trophies

Water: Holy water

Blackwater dark heavy oil

MM: Archer

Beard/yellow hair: barbarian

Thief/Goblin: Goblin

the fat: giant

To: Grab resources

AFK: I haven't played games for a while

Basic game resources:

Gold coin Basic resources, which can be used to build and upgrade Architecture , building city walls, studying Magic Etc. It is mainly obtained through gold mines and plundering other players.

Holy water: Basic resources can be used to build and upgrade buildings, train and upgrade troops, etc. It is mainly obtained through holy water collector and looting other players.

Dark heavy oil: Advanced resources. You can collect 6 books later, which can be used to upgrade and build the King, Queen and Black Marines. It is mainly obtained by drilling dark heavy oil and looting other players.

Gems: It is mainly obtained by recharging, achievement rewards and cleaning up the sundries on the camp. It can be used to quickly complete construction and upgrade, purchase builders, and directly purchase gold coins, holy water and dark heavy oil.

(Tip: Try not to spend gems at the beginning of the game (except for the tutorial part). For players who are unwilling to spend RMB, gems are very precious and hard to earn, so never spend them because of greed. Wait if you can!)

Q&A for beginners——

Q: Which buildings should novices upgrade and build first?

A: Priority should be given to upgrading defense facilities (especially mortars), coffers and reservoirs (holy water bottles). The second is to build and upgrade the city wall, build and upgrade barracks and training camps. Once again, upgrade and strengthen your arms in the research institute! Note: Don't rush to upgrade the gold mine and holy water collector. The novice's defense is weak, and only his share is robbed! It's better to grab more resources from others.

In addition, don't rush to upgrade the base camp. Please upgrade the base camp after all the buildings have been upgraded (commonly known as "full defense"), the walls have been painted and the research of the research institute has been completed.

Q: How do novices match arms?

A: Novice aims at rapid upgrading in the early stage, and has a high demand for resources. Goblin move The speed is fast and the efficiency of seizing resources is high. It is suggested that Goblin be the main force in the early stage of the army. You can even just build Goblin.

Q: How to arrange the novice camp?

Answer: In fact, the layout of the six books was meaningless because of the small number of city walls and weak defense (high-level players will be pushed flat when they come), so just remember to put the mortars in the center (try to protect more resources).

Q: I want to buy builders. How can I get gems?

Answer: COC is Online games , do not expect to change the gem through modifiers. Only through the game honestly Domestic purchase , or get a small amount of gems by completing achievements and clearing up camp debris. Therefore, once again, in the early stage of the game, it is better to spend more time waiting for the completion of construction and upgrade than to waste even one gem. If you don't spend money in the early stage, you can save enough gems to buy a third builder around level 26 (about a week).

In addition, it can also be purchased on Taobao. The price is much cheaper than domestic purchase, but there is a risk. Since Taobao may be purchased with a black card, the account may be closed. Players should consider it at their own discretion.

Q: The mobile phone has been flushed and the game has been uninstalled. again install Is the data still there?

A: No, because the game data is saved in the server (after the game is reinstalled, the first time you open it, the system will prompt you whether to bind the data, please read carefully and click again).

Q: Can I start again? How to create a new trumpet?

A: The COC archive is bound to the game center ID. Therefore, if you want to start the game from scratch, you must create a new game center account, log in with the new game center account on another device, enter the novice boot, enter the name (theoretically, it should also be possible before entering), and then you can enter the progress as long as you log in to the account. (You can switch. There will be a prompt. Press OK to switch accounts.).

Q: Should array layout protect cups or resources?

A: Many novices will blindly raise the trophy to a high level in the early stage, but the number of trophies is not meaningful for players before the six books. A novice will put himself in danger if he raises the number of trophies too high. Because the game match search is based on the number of trophies. If your number of trophies is too high, those who rank higher than you, but whose trophies are equivalent to yours, will be able to find you. It will be a tragedy if your camp is flattened! If the trophy is already high (for example, the number of level 20 trophies is 600 or 700), please drop the trophy! (How to lower the cup: go out to attack others, only release one soldier, and then end the battle.) So it doesn't matter to throw the base camp outside the city wall in the early stage. The early resources are much more important than the cup! Give priority to protecting resources!

Q: How to calculate the number of stars when plundering and being plundered?

A: One star will be obtained after destroying the base camp. Destroy 50% of the opponent's buildings to get 1 star. Get the last star after destroying 100% of the opponent's buildings. (For example, you destroyed 85% of the other party's buildings, but did not destroy the base camp. There is only one star in the overall rating.)

Q: How to calculate the proportion of resources that can be plundered?

Answer: Gold mine/holy water collector: 50% of the inventory. Treasury/holy water bottle: 25% of the inventory. Base camp: 100% of the inventory.

In addition, the difference between the two sides' strongholds will also affect the amount of looted resources. For example, if you are 2 levels higher than the other side, you can only get 50% of the total resources after the above calculation, and if you are 3 levels higher than the other side, you can only get 25%. So again, don't rush to upgrade your base camp.

Q: What is the shield time after the camp is attacked?

A: Once the base camp is destroyed, you can get a 12 hour shield. If the camp is destroyed by more than 40%, you can also get a 12 hour shield. More than 90% of the camps were destroyed and received 16 hour shields. Note: During the opening of the shield, others cannot attack you, but you cannot attack others, otherwise the shield will become invalid immediately.

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