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Predatory strategy

Author: Jiuyou Xiaogua Source: Jiuyou Release time: 2015-05-15 16:42:00 Mobile subscription

1、 Loser Loses Resources

Loser Liu's reason is that barbarian Archer Goblin is the attack combination of the main arms. The characteristics of low cost and quick creation of troops make Loser Liu very popular.

Pure Loser:

(1) Arms: Barbarian+Archer;

(2) Tactics: mainly attack the periphery, barbarians top the tower, and archers output behind;

Mixed Loser Flow:

(1) Arms: Giant+ Bomberman +Archer+Barbarian;

(2) Tactics: First put a few giant towers, let the bombers tear down the walls, then barbarians+archers;

Advantages of Loser Flow:

(1) The time for making arms is short: the time for making other genres=the time for you to eat and watch TV, while the time for making losers only takes up one yawn;

(2) Low water consumption of arms: based on 100 archers and 100 barbarians, 50000 holy water will be consumed in total, and 100000 holy water or Gold coin It is not a problem to earn 50000 holy water in one tube and one million yuan a day.

II wild boar flow strategy

The wild boar can jump over the wall with flowing energy. It has fast propulsion speed and high attack power with liquid medicine. The biggest natural enemies of wild boar flow are springs and big bombs. Try to avoid some obvious traps.

There are three main reasons why wild boars are so powerful:

Ignoring the terrain of the city wall (facilitating quick access to the core defense area and ignoring the traditional guidance);

move Fast speed (avoid insufficient time and reduce the time of injury);

The manufacturing cost is relatively reasonable (Blackwater and time costs are acceptable, and there is no strong requirement for stars and Double Wangs);

But how to make good use of wild boars? Listen to me slowly.

Troops configuration of wild boar:

Taking 8 books and 200 units as an example, my personal recommendation is: 30 wild boars (150 units), 12 barbarians (12 units), 8 mages (32 units), and the remaining 6 units of archer potions need not be all for treatment. Wild boars are the main force at the attack end. I think it is better to bring more after my experiment and the recommendation of everyone.

Beard is mainly responsible for seducing the alliance and pulling the two queens to the corner to serve as a meat shield when strangling with mages.

The six archers are based on the experience taught by others. It is a personal preference that they can mend their swords and clean their edges.

The choice of Alliance soldiers is also diverse: they can be wild boars, wizards or witches, or flying dragons.

These specific arms configurations have their own strengths. I still say that there is no perfect arms configuration, only the most suitable arms configuration for you.

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